weekly Fazer’s 2012 52 - Dun and Dusted

Hi John, sorry I've not visited in a while, too many threads and not enough time:bonk:

Symmetrical, is a great shot, well done.

Moody, I get moody from the sky but it does lack a little interest for me, sorry.

Joy, great find on that sign! I am another fan of the sandwich board shot, I wouldn't mind the free wifi too(y)

Small, number one for me for the salt & pepper pots against the sauce bottles, but number two has the cleaner white background.

Well done for keeping up.
Missed a few :thinking:

Authority #1 works well with the protester walking towards to police line.

Symmetry, liking this one. Unusual angle and well thought out.

Moody, edit works for me. Nice detail in the sky. What are the lines above the lower left horizon?

Joy...you had me at the pub :D

Small, not your best but on theme.

Thankyou for popping in Marsha and Andy. I never seem to catch up on visiting and commenting on other 52s threads.
Mixed reactions to Moody and I know it is a boring photo, but wanted to show the sky as the main element rather than take the eye away to other elements.
The lines are power cables crossing the field Andy.
Got the idea ok, one letter and loads of junk, but need to work on lighting a bit more. 2nd flash and reflector lent out. May try again next week if time permits.

Week 29 Letter by Fazer, on Flickr
Last edited:
Like #1 for straight, the other a bit too drab for my liking ... rail lines was my choice for this theme :)
Letter, I think you have done really well on this one, I was struggling to see a way to use this type of letter and I think you have cracked it :clap:
Straight is good and number 2 does work in my opinion

Letter would maybe do without the crop at the bottom but good thinking
Well caught up John (y)
#1 for straight works the best IMHO, #2 is a bit too contrasty for my taste but its good to try these things. What do you think of it? Do you like it? Did you have a particular outcome in mind?
I do like the leading lines of the track, maybe a step either left or right to put it off centre would work? :thinking:

Letter, good thinking on quite a literal take but it does work well. It is quite typical of mail nowadays and your image tells a story which I am sure most will relate to. I don't mind the brighter area near the bottom but maybe a simple crop would help until you get your lighting equipment back. Iain
Hi John

'Pologies for being slack in the comments dept :crying: Catch up time...here goes.....

Moody.....cracking skyscape , prefer the cropped version .Great detail in the sky , foreground for me needs to be a bit lighter .....you have edit ticked so had a 1 min play....shout if you want it taking down & hope I haven't offended you :crying:

Joy....yeah , I struggled with the difference twixt Joy & happiness :( I'm liking your 2nd image of the 2 boards ...free wifi is joy indeed , like the bold splash of color & the DOF...well spotted :clap:

Small.....love the shot with the rule....well though out , great lighting & nice n sharp , love it :clap:

Straight.....oooh , liking those.....original version -actually both versions as they're the same image ( doh !) right on theme , great POV :clap: Quite like the grittier version , possibly a tad too ott , just a smidge though...wonder if sepia would work as well ?

Letter....literal take but soo on theme ...my screen must be pants cos I can't really see a bright spot :thinking: Good work mister (y)
I like the gritty B&W straight, just can't see the train as much as the colour...and that is a train heading towards you :nuts:

Letter, literal is good. Was flash used?

Hi John

'Pologies for being slack in the comments dept :crying: Catch up time...here goes.....

Moody.....cracking skyscape , prefer the cropped version .Great detail in the sky , foreground for me needs to be a bit lighter .....you have edit ticked so had a 1 min play....shout if you want it taking down & hope I haven't offended you :crying:

No problem Lynne. I took on board previous comments and lightened picture but still tried to emphasise the sky for moody. Your version still works, thankyou.

Thankyou to all for taking the time to add comments.
Just to answer a few questions;

Straight - The train was going away from me and had just passed the light. The second picture is twofold. First I wanted to make the lines stand out from the surrounding area, thus concentrating on the straight element. Second, idea was to make this look like an old grainy film processed photo. Hoping to use this technique on some buildings and landscape.

Letter - Marsha is right. The lighting was flash just beneath the level of the lowest letter and slightly left. Was about 2 foot from door and aimed to bounce off ceiling. Also had 2 polystyreme tiles to act as reflector but not large enough to take out all shadows. Will have the rest of my lighting gear next week and will try again.
Phew, just made this weeks theme in time.
This is part of a van used by the local council to promote safety. I like the contrast between the black and white of the vehicle, then the contrast with the message in red. These are the actual colours, not converted or colour popped.

Week 30 Contrast by Fazer, on Flickr
Desperately playing catch up, so sorry it's brief!

Straight - Love the second PP, I think it works perfectly.
Letter - Lovely idea and actually I think the lighting is fine, but I think your angle is ever so slightly off - not enough angle to be angled, but not straight on either. It's subtle though, I might be hallucinating!
Contrast - I like the colours, can totally see why you went for it. The crop looks a little off though, part of the "poster" is lost which I think detracts from the overall shot.
Hi John

Straight - #1 for me. On theme and good capture - presumably the train was going away from you? #2 looks a little too gritty for my taste.

Contrast - on theme - I agree with others about the poster being cut off. i'm not sure whether it would have been better not to have included the poster and just concentrated on the vehicle which has plenty of contrast anyway.
Vicky, Lynne, Michael and Alan your appraisal is very welcome. The contast picture crop was an unfortunate necessity as it shows the local council logo. Last time I did a photo containing the logo the council got a bit bolshy saying permission is needed to reproduce. Did consider cloning out but just went for the crop. All text is complete.

Alan, the train was going away. This vehicle is covered in posters so choice was to show rear only.
And ..... so on to week 31 Mineral
Rock salt is a crystalline mineral, so this is my take on the theme and really enjoyed working on this one. Hope you like.

Week 31 Mineral_1 by Fazer, on Flickr
Thanks Michael and even time to catch up on some posts, good week this one.
Hi, Frazer, contrast was well spotted and exposed. I'd prefer it without the poser, although it does and another dimension to the narrative.

Mineral, how do we know it's salt and not just big sweets :D Good idea and the lighting looks good. You could have removed the very small bits, though :rules:

love your mineral shot :)
Mineral, how do we know it's salt and not just big sweets :D Good idea and the lighting looks good. You could have removed the very small bits, though :rules:


Oh ye of little faith.

Rock Salt by Fazer, on Flickr

Not an entry for the theme, just a quick one with a compact. Removing all the small bits is a good challenge if you wish to try it, and I mean before the shot is taken:LOL:
Contrast - Fits the theme but like others wanted to see the rest of the poster

Mineral - I thing I like the most about this are the random white dots of stray salt. Strange I know but I feel it adds to the image.
Mineral - Another good idea that has been well lit and taken! How long did it take you to set this one up? I don't mind the little bits it could almost look too clean without them!:):)
Thankyou Peter. See post 261 for explanation. Perhaps reshoot and cloning out at some point.
Thankyou Sarah. Set up time was about 20mins, Getting the right lighting and taking the shot ...... far longer.
Hi John

not sure which of your Mineral shots I prefer :thinking: On balance I think the cleaner BG(which really is amazingly black) is the better one .I suspect lighting it was a mare...but you've got it spot on for me (y)
How big are those crystals ? The only little wee tiny niggle for me is the spacing...the T & the L are spot on , my OCD really wants to straighten the S & A....thats why I was wondering how big how crystals are....
Hi John

not sure which of your Mineral shots I prefer :thinking: On balance I think the cleaner BG(which really is amazingly black) is the better one .I suspect lighting it was a mare...but you've got it spot on for me (y)
How big are those crystals ? The only little wee tiny niggle for me is the spacing...the T & the L are spot on , my OCD really wants to straighten the S & A....thats why I was wondering how big how crystals are....

Hi Lynne
Thankyou for looking in and commenting. The crystals are between 1 and 4mm with the dusty bits needing a micrometer to measure. Setting these up was a tweezer job with the total area of black BG 70 x 45mm. I see what you mean about the letter levels and spacing which seem to stand out more in the cleaned up version. Macro extension tubes were used.
Straight, I especially like the PP'd version. Looks wild western!

Letter, great idea, but maybe it could have done with a bit of PP to make it a little more interesting as an image?

Contrast, bang on theme, but I do agree with Vicky about the crop. I'd either have liked to see all of the poster, or none and just the stripes.

Mineral, bang on, and very nicely lit :)
Hi John, I've been busy and missed a few weeks again:bonk:

Contrast is very clever, well seen.

Mineral. I think I prefer the previous version, like Lynne my only crit is an OCD issue, the left part of the A is smaller than the right, it needed an extra grain of salt for me, but that's my OCD:bonk:

Dark, I have to like this as its so similar to mine(y) I just have slightly different flying machines in mine;)