weekly Fazer’s 2012 52 - Dun and Dusted

Straight - #1 for me. Like the useof tracks, would have used them myself but I have a fear of being plowed down by a train. Its those videos they use to show you in school!

Letter - on theme and dont you get alot of post???

Contrast - are you sure that isnt a sign on a zebra?? Powerful message and powerful contrasts

Mineral - like the salt picture, well done. Not sure if I like it cleaned up or not. Not fussed. I think #1 is good as its about the salt and not the bg.

Dark - as Marsha says similar idea to hers. Was just thinking that as I read it. Good take on the theme, the lights against the dark bg work well.
Thankyou Marsha for your compliments and agree with the extra grain of salt needed. Must take more time on these small details if a similar idea comes up.
Thankyou Alex, most of the post ends up in the recycling bin but I'm sure they collect it to deliver again and again and ........ :LOL:
like the balloon shot what was it like in colour? I take it it didn't work as well as the b and w certainly says dark .
Dark, good work John. The small image posted on here doesn't do it it justice, I took a look on your flickr and its cracking when viewed larger on black. Iain
I assume the B&W conversion was used to accentuate the dark theme but part of me knows how colourful these and like Allan wonder what the original was like.
Thankyou Allen, Iain and Peter.
As requested, the original in colour. Submitted the B&W version as I believe the conversion and crop provides more impact. Not a lot wrong with the colour version, but i'll see what others think.

IMG_4339 by Fazer, on Flickr
Have to agree with the above comment now I have seen the colour version
bonds in seconds! very good :clap: but, you're a grandad? :LOL:
Hi John

color version of Dark for me , lovely warm tones & shows how dark it was...if you see what I mean ? Well exposed & sharp where it should be :clap:

Time....neat , well though out & placed , only minor niggle is the feet missings....great use of DOF ...like it (y)

Why not take part in our annual TP Day coming up soon 9th September,as part of your 52, Where you take a photo on that day and post it on the forum, then all the Photos are made into a slideshow, Click the logo for more details, it's lots of fun to be a part of it(y)
Hi John

Letter - Nice idea, agree with you about the lighting, but the setup I like

Contrast - Shame the sign is clipped, liking the swirly black and White, a strong message they portray

Mineral - I like the first shot, again as said on others, I prefer your salt shot to my one I have not even posted up :D

Dark - Now that I like, would like to see the colour shot too, but thinking the B&W helps emphasize the dark??

<EDIT> see colour shot now... prefer B&W by far !!!

Time - Nice One (y)
Sorry it's brief - I'm lagging behind again! :(

Mineral - Great idea (I took a similar shot for a different project), I feel that the word detracts though, I think it's obvious what it is.
Dark - I think I would prefer it a little less dark, but it most definitely is on theme.
Time - Fun shot, very whimsical, though the theme isn't obvious (to me at least).
Thankyou Lynne and Marsha. The black lump is a foot, and his other is held in a vice as this was the only way to keep it in the position I needed. Point taken though.

Thanks Dave and noted

Again thanks for looking in and commenting DK

Vicky, I'm sorry if Time is not obvious but the glue bonds in seconds as Summer already said. Thanks for taking the time to view my efforts
Body Week 34, still going strong and learning.
The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea) is a carnivorous plant that catches and digests insects and arachnids. The trap is triggered by tiny hairs on the inner surfaces of the plant and closes within seconds. Once the goodness of the animal has been digested the trap opens for it to fall out or be blown away by the wind.
The photograph shows the body of a fly whose juices have been digested and ready to be discarded.

Week 34_1 Body by Fazer, on Flickr
Like the flytrap for body and the time shot. (y)

I thought at first as I scrolled down quickly that the time shot was the body shot, if you see what I mean. It would certainly do for the body theme!
I like the idea but not sure about the execution maybe a bit closer crop :thinking:
Thankyou Bob. Should have reversed the weeks as the Time shot would have been great for Body.

Cheers Allan and Michael. Personally I think the original shot shows its a plant. A slightly different shot cropped is fine if viewers can recognise a flytrap plant. But here is your wish granted:LOL:

Week 34_2 Body by Fazer, on Flickr
Last edited:
Hi, Frazer, missed a few:

Dark, liking the B&W. Good exposure. Although dark, :D, the upper right balloon distracts a tad.

Time, took me a while to see the connection but well done. Nice and sharp and I like that he has a slight smile on his face. Would like to see all of him.

Body, always wanted a venus fly trap. " the body of a fly whose juices have been digested" :puke: Nice macro opportunity there...perhaphs photographing along the V of the trap...if you know what I mean :thinking:

that's a very healthy looking flytrap - my son has one and it is currently in flower, but still very small with only 5 or 6 stems :clap: PS I prefer the cropped version
Another vote for the cropped version John (y)
I don't know if its just me but the cropped one seems more vibrant in the greens which I like :thinking:
Bang on theme, particularly liked the gruesome backstory too :LOL:

I like Andy's suggestion of different views on the plant, I think there's a fair bit of photography potential in the plant. Iain
Time - great picture of the toy, lighting and focus is great. Like the tie in with the theme. Really liking the time shots I have seen, all different.

Body - another good capture. Focus and colour is great.
Thankyou Andy, Iain and Alex. Comments most welcome about different views of this plant

that's a very healthy looking flytrap - my son has one and it is currently in flower, but still very small with only 5 or 6 stems :clap: PS I prefer the cropped version

Thanks Summer, guess the crop gets the vote. :clap: I tend to cut the flower stems off as they serve no real purpose in attracting food, and deprive the plant of energy to produce the leaves. A Google for Venus Flytrap gives loads of info on keeping them healthy.
Cheers Peter. Wonder what this week will bring? Love searching through the toy box :LOL:
Hi John, bit of a gruesome shot that, but fits the theme nicely! I was about to say it needs cropping but you'd already done it. Although as Iain says the cropped shot appears more vibrant.

I think this is one plant everyone recognises, I'm sure we've all teased one with a pen at some point in our childhood!
Hi John

Catching up a bit.

Mineral - good idea and well lit. Think original is best because, as you say, the letters area bit random and the smaller grains suit this approach. As soon as it is tidied, one starts to crit the layout etc.

Dark - spot on theme. Like the darker balloons that do not have the gas burning, as a contrast. Mono works better

Time - Good capture of faded colour in the toy but would like to see feet. Also the bottle has a kind of superimposed feel to it , maybe because of the lighting. Altho there is a link to the theme, the words are not the main part and therefor i found it hard to grasp - unlike mineral where the word is clearly the subject.

Body - like the crop much better as the body is more the subject of the pic. Nice colours.
Thankyou for your time to view and comment. Have fallen behind a bit due to family problems. Please excuse my lack of activity on your threads but will catch up asap.
So here is the next theme on the list. Looks like a mad catch up in the next week or so.

Liquid or a pathetic attempt at liquid engineering :crying:

Week 35 Liquid by Fazer, on Flickr
Hi John

Liquid Engineering....that was my 1st choice as well :LOL: & OI! pathetic it is NOT !

Not sure how you lit it but the white bottle looks well exposed as does the oil & I like how you almost managed to replicate the original Castrol ad with the trail running down the bottle . I suspect some light was needed from the right to avoid the shadow behind the container but I know nothing about lighting:shrug: I'd maybe have cropped a bit from the bottom & cleaning the handle up would've helped :LOL:

Hope your family stuff is sorted mister (y)