Let's see your graffiti and street art shots

Very nice set of street art captures Malc, with a good high contrast mono presentation.

"If you don't mind me saying, as you know I'm predominantly a mono worker and as much as I love good contrasty mono work I do however think these particular presentations would benefit from being in colour"
Very nice set of street art captures Malc, with a good high contrast mono presentation.

"If you don't mind me saying, as you know I'm predominantly a mono worker and as much as I love good contrasty mono work I do however think these particular presentations would benefit from being in colour"
Funny you should say that, George...I was debating for some time about either adding the coloured versions along with these, or indeed just uploading them and not the b&ws. However, I think the colours will appear on here in a few days time...
On my recent trip to London I also spent a couple of hours at the Leake Street Tunnel near Waterloo, The thing I love about this place is that it's constantly changing and evolving. By the time anyone goes there next week, most of what I've photographed will be covered over with fresh works. If ever you're in London at a lose end, it's definitely worth a visit, and easy to find. (I can see some posters have already been there)


















On my recent trip to London I also spent a couple of hours at the Leake Street Tunnel near Waterloo, The thing I love about this place is that it's constantly changing and evolving. By the time anyone goes there next week, most of what I've photographed will be covered over with fresh works. If ever you're in London at a lose end, it's definitely worth a visit, and easy to find. (I can see some posters have already been there)


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"Excellent|" set of street art captures Chris, liking all of these very much.
For some reason unknown to me this snap will not post correctly so I've deleted it.
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I'm sure there's a message there somewhere, but blowed if I can figure it out! It ain't heavy, it's my carrot...(cue The Hollies)
I hear that the weight of diamonds is measured in carrots. ;)
But I can't see any connection with diamonds. Eating carrots is supposed to be good for your eyesight but this one seems to have made the young lady go a little cross-eyed.
I posted these a while back as monos, but they deserve to be seen in colour. These are raws converted to jpeg without any colour enhancement.

_DSF0679 by Malc Bernhard, on Flickr

_DSF0863 by Malc Bernhard, on Flickr

_DSF0872 by Malc Bernhard, on Flickr

Very nice set of street art captures Malc, much preferring them in colour.

"I don't know if you're aware, but certainly on my MacBook only two are posting properly, the other two show as Red Crosses, but once I'd quoted your post all four were showing in the quote but still not on your original post"
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Very nice set of street art captures Malc, much preferring them in colour.

"I don't know if you're aware, but certainly on my MacBook only two are posting properly, the other two show as Red Crosses, but once I'd quoted your post all four were showing in the quote but still not on your original post"
Not sure what has happened - there should only be 3 images...I'll delete and repost...
No, me neither! :D

Hoodie Carrot Tongue by Garry Knight, on Flickr

I'm sure there's a message there somewhere, but blowed if I can figure it out! It ain't heavy, it's my carrot...(cue The Hollies)

I hear that the weight of diamonds is measured in carrots. ;)
But I can't see any connection with diamonds. Eating carrots is supposed to be good for your eyesight but this one seems to have made the young lady go a little cross-eyed.

Interestingly I was listening to the news this morning and it carried a report about Facebook anti-vaccination groups using the carrot or eating carrot emoji in place of the terms 'vaccination' or 'Covid' to avoid the algorithm which picks up and moderates 'anti-vax' propaganda. So I wonder if this street art is connected to such a group/propaganda?
Interestingly I was listening to the news this morning and it carried a report about Facebook anti-vaccination groups using the carrot or eating carrot emoji in place of the terms 'vaccination' or 'Covid' to avoid the algorithm which picks up and moderates 'anti-vax' propaganda. So I wonder if this street art is connected to such a group/propaganda?

Yes, I saw that on the BBC News site. It could be anti-vax propaganda, especially if the girl is poking her tongue out at the 'unbelievers'.
No Longer Available.
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Not Graffiti, but street art...
Stumbled across the colourful one the other day as it's near our office, and then scanned the QR code to see that there are others in the area.

Unfortunately, they're all exactly the same. Had hoped you'd be able to go see different ones.

Ronzo/Hape collab, Camden by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

This one's on the bridge over Camden Lock:

thumbnail_IMG_2649 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

And this one's on the front of Koko:

thumbnail_IMG_2648-2 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr