weekly mercurius's 52 in 2013 - Week 52: Water (and that's a wrap!)

Angle: Great image, looks great in b&w/

Rustic: Lovely image with great details!
Loving the 'angle' shot. Like the way it fills the frame.
'Rustic'- great angle and detail. Lighting makes it look quite spooky. was it taken at day or night?
Hi M

2 cracking shots......

Angle...that's a great find...love the composition , mono works perfectly :clap:

Rustic.....beautiful ..makes me think of Sleepy Hollow ,love the contrast between shadow n light....could see that one framed :clap::clap:
Loving the 'angle' shot. Like the way it fills the frame.
'Rustic'- great angle and detail. Lighting makes it look quite spooky. was it taken at day or night?

It was taken in mid afternoon, but I used the pinhole preset in Silver Efex Pro to get the darkened effect.
Hi M

2 cracking shots......

Angle...that's a great find...love the composition , mono works perfectly :clap:

Rustic.....beautiful ..makes me think of Sleepy Hollow ,love the contrast between shadow n light....could see that one framed :clap::clap:

Thank you for your comments Lynne.
That second shot is much cleaner without the leaves, with a trunk and more leaves framing the shot would work for me too, but with only the bits you had showing this is a great improvement (y)

Have you tried cropping out the wall bottom and making a much wider crop ??
You have my curse, the photo is not level, and the posts are not really tall enough to say Vertical to me. 50% of the image is sky, which is very nice
I really liked your angle shot. Great movement there. The mono works well there too . :)
Hi, your edit of your Kind reshoot is for me. Well composed, but I might have taken a tad more off the bottom.

Vertical, cracking, moody sky and composition works well. Are the posts uneven...looking at the lower right post???

Oooo thats nice :)

I think you need to loose the post on the right to make the front end more symmetrical as it's making my eyes think its on the wonk, really like the lead into the pic, nice sky too :)

Thanks DK. Good point about the right hand post, so I have taken it out.

Hi M :wave:

Vertical.......LOVE it...edited verison is spot on , great proccessing ,draws your eye right in to the image & almost perfect symetry :clap::clap:

Kind.... I actualy kinda like the leaves coming in from the top of the shot..sort of frame the swans & add a bit more context....take a hefty slice of the bottom & yup , works all round for me :)
Really like the vertical shot, fantastic lead in and a nice sky. Edit has worked a treat also.
Vertical is certainly a dramatic shot and the mono conversion works really well. Personally I'd have stood further back and held the camera vertically too.
Vertical is certainly a dramatic shot and the mono conversion works really well. Personally I'd have stood further back and held the camera vertically too.

Thanks for your comment. I tried it in portrait format but it didn't work.
Oh dear I have a lot to catch up on. Really liked value, but would definitely have been better without the distracting twig or whatever. The 3rd Value(s) shot for me; makes the point without too much distracting detail between. Angles is... just gorgeous! Lovely sinuous curve beatifully placed in the shot, no distracting detail. Great stuff!

I'm beginning to think we should ignore the themes, for crit, just regard them as the stimulus for the photographer's imagination. Rustic is on theme in the country sense, but it again is a lovely shot. All those echoing branches, and again nice swirly curves in there leading my eye around. Not sure about the vignette, whether deliberate or accidental, though. Distracting me away from the swirly stuff!
And on THIS page... 3rd take on Kind is really nice, hints on cropping is one of the things I really appreciate from crit here! Lots to like about the Vertical shot too... but I do find it a bit disturbing. Not sure why. Is the focus too determinedly central? Is there too much symmetry? Is it the stripy effect, getting close and closer into the distance? I don't know, and it doesn't make it a worse photo, maybe a better one to provoke such a strong reaction!
Oh dear I have a lot to catch up on. Really liked value, but would definitely have been better without the distracting twig or whatever. The 3rd Value(s) shot for me; makes the point without too much distracting detail between. Angles is... just gorgeous! Lovely sinuous curve beatifully placed in the shot, no distracting detail. Great stuff!

I'm beginning to think we should ignore the themes, for crit, just regard them as the stimulus for the photographer's imagination. Rustic is on theme in the country sense, but it again is a lovely shot. All those echoing branches, and again nice swirly curves in there leading my eye around. Not sure about the vignette, whether deliberate or accidental, though. Distracting me away from the swirly stuff!

ChrisR: many thanks for taking the time to look at and comment on my pics. I realise I am very remiss in not doing nearly enough of this for other people. The vignette was deliberate (I used the pinhole preset in SE Pro 2).
And on THIS page... 3rd take on Kind is really nice, hints on cropping is one of the things I really appreciate from crit here! Lots to like about the Vertical shot too... but I do find it a bit disturbing. Not sure why. Is the focus too determinedly central? Is there too much symmetry? Is it the stripy effect, getting close and closer into the distance? I don't know, and it doesn't make it a worse photo, maybe a better one to provoke such a strong reaction!

I hadn't seen the Vertical shot before as disturbing, but looking at it again, I think you may have a point. I didn't set out with that intention: my aim was to try and make the best of a rather indifferent shot taken in mid-day sun!
Struggled with this week's theme, but here's my take on pattern and not sure that it works really:

Great shadows, I just find the large shadow on the left a bit overpowering but there's nothing you could do about that.

Works really well in b&w.
Have to agree with the above comments regarding the big shadow, needs a bit more space around it maybe
Pattern. I like, I like this one a lot. Strong lines and shadows. I'm not fussed about the block of shadow on the left. One of just the upper right basket would work as well.

Love the contrast, I think b&w looks good on this
I perhaps might have had a go at cloning the large shadow on the left out (is it a fence or something?), but I can see that might have been tricky

Thanks for commenting. It was a street sign. Suppose I could have taken it at another time when shadows were different, but have to take full advantage of the sun on the rare occasions it appears at the moment!
I like it as a concept I think it is an interesting shot and the B&W works too, perhaps it would have been even better if you included the ( gate ? ) on the left that is casting the large shadow? Good one. (y)
I like it as a concept I think it is an interesting shot and the B&W works too, perhaps it would have been even better if you included the ( gate ? ) on the left that is casting the large shadow? Good one. (y)

Thanks. Unfortunately the the big shadow on the left was being cast by a road sign. How I wished I'd got my hacksaw on me!
Tried a couple of ideas which didn't work out, so I'm going with this picture of flowers blowing in the wind.
