weekly Phil-D's TP52 - 2014 week 52 Support added (archive shot)

I like the compostion as is....for me the more lines the merrier. In reply to the above comments Im thinking that maybe some doding and burning around the main suject line can help to focus viewer attention :thinking:
Hi Phil

were you challenging yourself to see how many line you could get in one shot :eek:

You've done well not to blow the sky , maybe needs a slight boost in contrast to give it bit more edge ?
Nice one Phil, I like the railings leading in from the left like that, great clear road, shame the hills roll to the left it makes my eyes roll down, but nothing you could do about that :D

Good 1st week :)

Its funny you should mention the hills, behind the house on the sky line there's a big pylon. I cropped it down to the top of the railing at the far end of the bridge to get rid of it and the rolling hills.

It didn't look right, so decided to clone out the pylon and the cables that ran across the sky and leave it original size :D
I like the compostion as is....for me the more lines the merrier. In reply to the above comments Im thinking that maybe some doding and burning around the main suject line can help to focus viewer attention :thinking:

Hi Phil

were you challenging yourself to see how many line you could get in one shot :eek:

You've done well not to blow the sky , maybe needs a slight boost in contrast to give it bit more edge ?

Thanks Jason and Lynne for the comments and ideas :)

Lynne, I was trying to get more lines in one shot than your replies in the TP52 2014 threads........but I failed :D
Its funny you should mention the hills, behind the house on the sky line there's a big pylon. I cropped it down to the top of the railing at the far end of the bridge to get rid of it and the rolling hills.

It didn't look right, so decided to clone out the pylon and the cables that ran across the sky and leave it original size :D......
Ah Haaaaaa - Nicely done then :)
Really like this lots of lines leading the eye off to the distance - nice B&W conversion too (y)
Like the depth in this shot, shame about the crappy sky , but good old British weather will do that
Like the depth in this shot, shame about the crappy sky , but good old British weather will do that

Thanks Liz, the sky I could live with, it's what the image doesn't show, the wind was bitter

Plenty of lines, so perfectly on theme, for me though, the b+w conversion isn't doing much for me.

Thanks Michael, I've been torn a few times as to whether I should have gone with the colour image, was undecided about the rusty railings :thinking:

This is the jpeg sooc

Linear lines jpeg
by Phil D 245, on Flick
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So many lines :)

I probably prefer the B&W version

I just wonder if a tighter crop keeping the left hand side might work better.
Odd - I like this. Good DoF and lighting
Linear/Line - A far number of lines in this one. Feels a little flat although at this time of year it can be quite difficult to get the ideal lighting. The bridge seems familiar. Where is it?
Love the rusty colour. Works much better than the black and white version.
I really want to concentrate on the footpath and railings and crop it into a triangle from top left to bottom right and get rid of the fields and road. The line of the curb and the left railing make a good boundary.
Can you even crop in triangles in CS6???
The colour certainly works better, the rusty colour adds to it.

I think I prefer the black and white better

So many lines :)

I probably prefer the B&W version

I just wonder if a tighter crop keeping the left hand side might work better.

Love the rusty colour. Works much better than the black and white version.
I really want to concentrate on the footpath and railings and crop it into a triangle from top left to bottom right and get rid of the fields and road. The line of the curb and the left railing make a good boundary.
Can you even crop in triangles in CS6???

Thanks for the comments, I'm still on the fence as to colour or b&w :D

Odd - I like this. Good DoF and lighting
Linear/Line - A far number of lines in this one. Feels a little flat although at this time of year it can be quite difficult to get the ideal lighting. The bridge seems familiar. Where is it?

Thanks Peter, its Scammonden Bridge over the M62 :)
lots of lines in all directions though I do find the way the land drops away on the right a little disconcerting.
I like the lead in lines of the path. I think I would have been tempted to use the end of the path on the left as the focal point and not include the right hand side of the road?
B/W good for this topic.
Good composition,the road apparently leaning as it goes up the hill doesn't really bother me personally, like others have said there are lots of lines to look at here and I found this a really interesting image to look at longer than I would most.
I prefer the b&w version.
lots of lines in all directions though I do find the way the land drops away on the right a little disconcerting.
I like the lead in lines of the path. I think I would have been tempted to use the end of the path on the left as the focal point and not include the right hand side of the road?
B/W good for this topic.

Thanks Anita, I tried a few crops but couldn't deicide, so didn't crop it at all :D

Good composition,the road apparently leaning as it goes up the hill doesn't really bother me personally, like others have said there are lots of lines to look at here and I found this a really interesting image to look at longer than I would most.
I prefer the b&w version.

Thanks Chris :)
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Never would have thought of that.

Well composed and nice work with the toffee.

Good clean photograph. I'd just lie the BG to be a tad whiter.

High Phil - Like your 'Lines' - ideal candidate for the mono conversion

Just noticed the 'Play'. Good spot of lateral thinking. Like the lighting but particularly like the execution of the background - i.e. the lack of it.

Thanks Mike :)
Never would have thought of that.

Well composed and nice work with the toffee.

Good clean photograph. I'd just lie the BG to be a tad whiter.


Thanks Andy, if I'm being honest, I struggle with lighting. I took this under a couple of spot lights, sunk into cupboards above a work surface. They have the yellow/orange type bulbs and put a tint on the white card. :)

Mmmmmmmm that looks so good I could eat one of them right now :)

Cheers DK, don't worry, it didn't go to waste :D

Different take on the theme i like it.......... i am feeling very hungry now.

Thanks Mandy, :) Are you actually old enough to remember the slogan from the ad? :D
What an excellent idea for the theme .... it took me a second or two to remember the ad .... I really like the way you have kept the caramel intact ... did you manage that on the first attempt!
The plain background is perfect.

Thanks Susie :), yes, I just went round the chocolate with a sharp knife, then just eased it apart, possibly more luck than management.

I did buy two, but only in case I got it wrong the first time :whistle: :D

good start well done:)

Thanks Judi :)
Hi Phil

Lines, yup, you've got lots in there, I particularly like how you've got them coming out of the corners (y) I do think it suits the B&W better, but it is a little flat. Not sure what software you use but I would push the contrast, clarity, blacks and whites to give it more punch.
Play, yum, always a winner posting photos of chocolate for me. Yes the background is a bit patchy, I find increasing the exposure compensation can help blow the whites a tad brighter :)
Play. Mars Bars always remind of losing my first filling; never eaten one since. A simple picture, nicely executed. I expect it was quite difficult to cut the bar without severing the toffee and as a result the cut area is a bit crumby and for me detracts from the image as that's all I see (but only because I'm a little OCD perhaps).
Brilliantly done. Nice clean background and good composition. Good idea with the caramel, it could be a commercial shot for Mars!
Odd - I like this nice DoF
Line - As said before lots of lines. B&W works better as the colour one looks a bit flat although on a brighter day the rusty railing could look really good. I do feel it falls away to the right though.
Play - Well I've just eaten the Mars I bought earlier :mad: ;) Pretty much as I had envisioned this shot (y)
yay - whats's not to like about this Phil.... except you nicking my idea before I even got to the shops!

a straight cut through would not have had nearly the same appeal as what you've managed here... I might like a slightly wider DOF (smaller aperture, f8 or f11 maybe here) to have a touch more in focus. You have good detail though.
Thanks for the comments and advice, all taken on board :)

Keep on coming back to this for another look. Like it a lot..... Were does the road go?

Thanks Paul :) its Scammonden Bridge, B6114, Saddleworth Rd where it crosses the M62

As mi father use to say " only good thing t'come out'a lancashire wa road back t' yorkshire" :D