Severn Bore's 52 for 2016

Hi, I do like a good graveyard, certainly looks forgotten I am always a bit cautious about selective colour but this does seem to work
What a great catch up Andrew. Those doors are just my cup of tea. Such brilliant colours and a great find. Makes me want to go to Madeira :)

Those graves certainly look forgotten and are perfect for the theme. No crit from me :clap:
Hi Allan
It depends what you mean by selective colour. I actually pulled back the saturation on the main range of colours in the photo in order to emphasise the "forgotten" look rather than retaining a single colour.
Hi Allan
It depends what you mean by selective colour. I actually pulled back the saturation on the main range of colours in the photo in order to emphasise the "forgotten" look rather than retaining a single colour.
I see, it works well, though I wouldn't make a habit of it
Excellent shot for the theme Andrew - I particularly like that area of brickwork between the headstones.
HI Andrew I quite like the selective colour for Forgotten its a great image for the subject
Very nice Andrew love the light hitting the wall as you go through the archway there are some lovely colours in the stonework
Lovely golden light on that stonework as Mark observes but what a beautifully worked arches - nice detail and textures.
Colourful - Great mural (shame about the bin bag)
Entrance - A very interesting door
Colourful Entrance - another vibrant shot all three of these are so unusual
Size - Great contrast in size between the boats
Forgotten - The colour effect is unusual but I think it works well for the theme
Stone - as others have said I like the light and the colours
Nice and simple Andrew, and the droplets add a little something too.
lovely shot great detail in the petals and I love the colours
A very striking image Andrew - powerfully vibrant colours and nice DoF :clap:
Stone - As others have said, great light there, and a lovely piece of old masonry.
Was it a crop, is there any chance of a bit more to camera left as it feels a bit too tightly cropped (very minor crit).

Simple - Great simple image, nicely sharp and the stamen & pistil are a lovely vibrant colour.
And Yes, the water droplets add something extra to the shot too. (y)
Simple lovely image love the raindrops on the petals, love the muted colours.
Stone - As others have said, great light there, and a lovely piece of old masonry.
Was it a crop, is there any chance of a bit more to camera left as it feels a bit too tightly cropped (very minor crit).

Simple - Great simple image, nicely sharp and the stamen & pistil are a lovely vibrant colour.
And Yes, the water droplets add something extra to the shot too. (y)
Hi Tim,
Re Stone, take your point, but unfortunately I was backed against a wall.:exit:
I agree with Tim completely. Limitations are accepted mind you given you were already backed up against a wall for the stone shot. Well done :)
That's a lovely scenic shot Andrew - nicely taken to retain that cloud detail :)
Ooh, I remember weather like that (well vaguely I suppose ;))

Lots of detail in the sky and I'm a sucker for a landscape panorama :).

Nice quirky take on the theme :clap:
Nice POV on the stonework. Love the water droplets on the Simple flower. Incredible thing s going on in that sky. (y)
I'm massively behind on comments - sorry!
Flora - Nice and sharp! Colours really pop against the black background - nicely done. Perhaps a slight rotation of the flower so we can see into it and less of the back of the petals would work, but that's the only crit I can come up with! Good job! (y)