weekly susiejb 52 /2014 Support

Two great shots Susie (y) torn between the two :thinking: possibly swayed towards the first, like the way the sunburst and droplet is being dragged into the swirl, good pp :)
I decided I would do a re-shoot...mainly to try and achieve something that I haven't done before, so I decided on my 'Time' one. Previously I hid a big smudge of ink by placing the pen over it, so I have done one now with the ink showing and I have cloned it out. I won't post it on the main thread as i didn't concentrate particularly on the overall image...I just wanted to try the cloning and put it on here as a record of my progress.

Flickr have changed the way you upload photos so this may take a few tries to get it right :confused: only took about ten attempts :)

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It looks like you've made a pretty good job of your cloning experiment Susie - I can't tell where the ink was. I prefer the composition and lighting on this one over the original too. :clap:
Here is my contribution for LINKED I will try and give a little more detail about my pic.

I decided today to do the dancing men, the main thing at first was to cut them out...I created some strange looking people o_O the next hazard was trying to get the men to stand up and not fall over just as I took the shot...I tried a number of ways ...in a line, lying flat, but then decided on the circle...I wasn't too keen on the shadows cast by my light as I kept losing the nice inky blackness, so I set up a piece of glass on some black card to get the reflection and put the camera on my tripod. I don't have PS and it was just black and white so I took it into Pic Monkey and added the colour, added a black frame to fill the edges out a bit and darkened the contrast a little to blend it in with the frame....

Please feel free to give an honest critique...I am here to learn....and also to enjoy the challenge at the same time. I know my comments can seem a little 'light', obviously I'm not qualified to make technical critique but I do like to acknowledge the hard work everyone puts in, and hopefully offer some relevant comments.

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I like it Susie. The colours are lovely and putting them in a circle was inspired because it means they are all part of the same link if you see what I mean. The reflection is good too and somehow finishes the image off.
loving the shades of blue in there - set off well by the black, needs the reflection (y)

Needs to go a little bit CW for me... but if tahts all there is to pick up on, you;ve done well. :)
Ha! like it ... nice to see you made a circle and nice genuine reflection.
Time: I'm not sure I get the concept here. Composition doesn't quite work for me and I don't like the lighting. Sorry. But as a self-confessed pen freak, I love the Sheaffer Targa. What's the design called?

Swirl: spot on. Really like the edited version with the sunburst.

Linked: very nicely done. I really like colour and the refection. Good craft skills with the paper cut out, by the way!
Please feel free to give an honest critique...I am here to learn....and also to enjoy the challenge at the same time. I know my comments can seem a little 'light', obviously I'm not qualified to make technical critique but I do like to acknowledge the hard work everyone puts in, and hopefully offer some relevant comments.

Susie, if I could steal a quote and add it to my own posts, this would be it, very well written (y) Occasionally, I struggle to express what I think in writing :oops: :$ Its times like this when I think I should have paid more attention in English and less in Metal Work :)

Linked- Good, well though out idea Susie (y), as mentioned by Elaine, being in a circle is a never ending link :) Reflection works well, good colours (y) like Graham said, possibly a little bit of cw rotation and I did wonder if a tighter crop may have worked :thinking: :)
Linked - fits the theme, clean composition works well for me.

I rather like your dancing men Susie the reflections are nice (y)

I like it Susie. The colours are lovely and putting them in a circle was inspired because it means they are all part of the same link if you see what I mean. The reflection is good too and somehow finishes the image off.

Thank you ladies :) for looking and taking the time to comment ...... much appreciated.
loving the shades of blue in there - set off well by the black, needs the reflection (y)

Needs to go a little bit CW for me... but if tahts all there is to pick up on, you;ve done well. :)

Thanks Graham.....the colours are actually a 'water' overlay but I find that on a black background you lose the water bit and just get a lovely colour. It was actually harder to do than I imagined but I'm glad I stuck at it.
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Time: I'm not sure I get the concept here. Composition doesn't quite work for me and I don't like the lighting. Sorry. But as a self-confessed pen freak, I love the Sheaffer Targa. What's the design called?

Swirl: spot on. Really like the edited version with the sunburst.

Linked: very nicely done. I really like colour and the refection. Good craft skills with the paper cut out, by the way!

Hiya....the idea behind time was recording 'special moments in time' in my journal ..... I was pleased that I managed to get my treasured pen in the shot :) it's the Targa slimline feather.....my OH bought it for me almost 30 years ago, it came out in 1986!!

Thank you for the other comments ....the dancing men seemed such a simple idea.....but it turned into a marathon.
Susie, if I could steal a quote and add it to my own posts, this would be it, very well written (y) Occasionally, I struggle to express what I think in writing :oops: :$ Its times like this when I think I should have paid more attention in English and less in Metal Work :)

Linked- Good, well though out idea Susie (y), as mentioned by Elaine, being in a circle is a never ending link :) Reflection works well, good colours (y) like Graham said, possibly a little bit of cw rotation and I did wonder if a tighter crop may have worked :thinking: :)

Hi Phil....well, writing is my other hobby :) but I always find your comments interesting and fun too, so there's nowt to complain about there.

Thanks for the comments on linked .... I 'm trying to tackle something a bit different each week, it was originally a tighter crop....but I expanded it a bit ..... it's difficult to know where to stop sometimes isn't it :confused:
Nice idea. I like the fact the paper people are in a circle. I think the reflection work particularly well on this. I may have been tempted to have cropped a little closer.
Nice idea. I like the fact the paper people are in a circle. I think the reflection work particularly well on this. I may have been tempted to have cropped a little closer.

Hi Peter....thank you for the comments, much appreciated .... it was a bit easier to get them to stand up in a circle than in a line .... maybe I should have left it as a closer crop....not sure :confused:
Linked: Hi Susie....yup, great minds do think alike :)

My initial idea was to do a circular pattern too, but I dimissed that thinking it would be to difficult to keep a clean uncluttered composition whilst also having reflections - I therefore appreciate how well you've done here to achieve this shot.

You've pulled this one off for sure. Well done Susie :clap:
Hi Susie, like this well thought out. Nice colours and great reflection. You did a good job with the black frame as you'd never know if you hadn't mentioned it. I'd perhaps be tempted to tighten the crop at the bottom. (y)
HI Susie

I like your Linked image....you've put plenty of work in to it & it's paid off (y) partic like the addition of the reflection ,with some of the legs being in different positions it almost looks like they are dancing :D

The only little niggle for me , which I wasn't sure abut mentioning given the hard work you've put in to this shot , is the focus.....it appears to be on the men at the back of the circle rather than those nearest the camera.....deliberate ?
Hi Susie, it works for me just a slight rotation would help but the colour, reflection and the figures are great
Linked - reflections are good the colours are good like the fact you out them in a circle

Thanks for looking Craig....much appreciate the comments.

Hi Susie, like this well thought out. Nice colours and great reflection. You did a good job with the black frame as you'd never know if you hadn't mentioned it. I'd perhaps be tempted to tighten the crop at the bottom. (y)

Thanks Michael for taking a look....I do like to get very black blacks if I can....it hides a multitude of sins :)
HI Susie

I like your Linked image....you've put plenty of work in to it & it's paid off (y) partic like the addition of the reflection ,with some of the legs being in different positions it almost looks like they are dancing :D

The only little niggle for me , which I wasn't sure abut mentioning given the hard work you've put in to this shot , is the focus.....it appears to be on the men at the back of the circle rather than those nearest the camera.....deliberate ?

Thanks Lynne....I did actually try to cut the men out to look as if they were dancing but they just kept looking extremely bow legged so I gave up on that one :D

Yes of course the focus was deliberate....she says with fingers crossed :) not sure about that one....it was intended to be on the front ones !