weekly susiejb 52 /2014 Support

I like this, it's on theme and artfully done. I find myself straining to bring the pen and the book more into the centre of the frame as I think the pen-top doesn't add to the picture at least not in the present position.
I like this, it's on theme and artfully done. I find myself straining to bring the pen and the book more into the centre of the frame as I think the pen-top doesn't add to the picture at least not in the present position.
I really like the feel of this the rich tones set it off nicely, I do agree with Martin on wanting it to be more in the frame though. (y)

Thanks guys, much appreciated :).....I did some without the pen top Martin but I felt they looked slightly 'incomplete', but I have taken on board the comment about the position.
Great set of pics to start your challenge Susie - really like 'Next in Line' and the 'ice cube' shot so far (y)

I'll add a follow to your thread :D
Great job with posiitve susie, caught the detail in the bulb really well, and the light cast onto the inside of the hand is great. Comes over as almost a twist on the illuminated bulb with no connection to it shots.

Time is a great subject for the theme, and is well set up, I think it could be better with softer light I think, so that the shadow is not so harsh behind the pen.
Good PoV for Time and I like the colours. The pen is about 5mm too high for me though :)
Here is my contribution to this weeks theme :

Special Moments in Time


Susie ;) Nice idea, nicely done.

I like the way the pen top -and lighting- draws the eye down to base level, and then there's the squiggly bits (inside book cover presumably) on the left drawing the eye up.

And the irony of the great pop-artist's slightly witless quote printed on a page so decidedly unpopartish.;)
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Great set of pics to start your challenge Susie - really like 'Next in Line' and the 'ice cube' shot so far (y)

I'll add a follow to your thread :D

Hi Marcus...thanks for taking a look....I'm really enjoying the challenge....I'm trying really hard to be creative o_O

Great job with posiitve susie, caught the detail in the bulb really well, and the light cast onto the inside of the hand is great. Comes over as almost a twist on the illuminated bulb with no connection to it shots.

Time is a great subject for the theme, and is well set up, I think it could be better with softer light I think, so that the shadow is not so harsh behind the pen.

Thanks....I was really pleased with the light one....with regard to 'Time' I am trying to look objectively at lighting and improve it so thank you for the comments.....I am taking it all on board.

Hi, nice low perspective and interesting pen/book.
It's a bit orange for me.

Thanks I did try to get a good angle on the book but still be able to read the writing...I do find the colour varies on each computer even just here in the house, so it's difficult to know which one is actually 'true colour' .
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Good PoV for Time and I like the colours. The pen is about 5mm too high for me though :)

Thank you....I wasn't to happy with the position of the pen myself, but unfortunately there is a big blob of ink that dripped from the nib on to the page .... so I had to hide it :(

I am sorry I have somehow missed your thread. I love the composition and the yellowy tones as well, works well for me nice work.

Thanks Mandy for looking....that's very encouraging.

Susie ;) Nice idea, nicely done.

I like the way the pen top -and lighting- draws the eye down to base level, and then there's the squiggly bits (inside book cover presumably) on the left drawing the eye up.
And the irony of the great pop-artist's slightly witless quote printed on a page so decidedly unpopartish.;)

Thanks d00d....I was really pleased that the quote fitted in so well with the theme......I would have liked to attempt to layer it and use the front cover as well as part of the pic but just didn't have the time I would need to mess about with it.
Nice take on the theme and a very nice photo

Thanks Colin for the encouragement...very much appreciate that you took the time to look.

Hi Susie
Time - on theme for me. Only really minor niggles would be that the colour is a bit too orange for my taste, the slight clip of the top line of type by the shadow and the highlight on the barrel. I like the angles and the excellent black b/g

Thank you.....I really wanted to get the barrel of the pen sharp, as it's really nice, but I couldn't seem to get the pen and the writing sharp at the same time !!

I like this. As said the yellow tone works well. A minor niggle would be to remove the reflection on right hand end of the pen.

Sorry Peter somehow I missed acknowledging your comment....I did try to get the shadow as narrow as I could and I just didn't feel confident enough to try and edit it out, but I am making a mental note of all the comments and will hopefully improve as we go along o_O
Tis indeed swirly... lovely colours in there too. Think you've used the processing well to get a great swirl.

I also like it with the bright patch up inthe top right corner. (Rotated 180 degrees).
Hi Susie

Swirl....great color , really bright & cheerful , lovely swirl as well......(y) I'd be inclined to crop to almost square so losing the brighter non swirled lower area & add a smidge to the rhs as it looks like you've just clipped it slightly ..

Sorry , missed your Time image.......I'm quite liking the orangey tones though maybe dial it down a wee smidge.......I really want to move the book a little as well , a smidge to the right just to lose the dead space...or maybe bounce some light in to that area to show the depth of the book...I hope I'm making sense ?
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Hi Susie, swirl is lovely and bright, I rather like the sun spot as well (y) I would maybe clone out the light bit in the top left hand corner though as it's a little distracting.

Hi Marsha....thanks for looking and I'm glad you like it :), I was slightly dubious as I posted it, I'm not too hot at cloning....but I really must make more effort to learn how to do it !

Tis indeed swirly... lovely colours in there too. Think you've used the processing well to get a great swirl.

I also like it with the bright patch up in the top right corner. (Rotated 180 degrees).

Thanks Graham :) ....I kept spinning it round and I just couldn't decide which way up to put it o_O

Swirl - lovely swirly image I love the colour and the processing behind this, but I feel the bright bit to overpowering for my tastes.

Thanks for looking Mandy....it is a bit bright isn't it....I used red food colouring in the water....and made a luverly mess !!

Hi Susie

Swirl....great color , really bright & cheerful , lovely swirl as well......(y) I'd be inclined to crop to almost square so losing the brighter non swirled lower area & add a smidge to the rhs as it looks like you've just clipped it slightly ..

Sorry , missed your Time image.......I'm quite liking the orangey tones though maybe dial it down a wee smidge.......I really want to move the book a little as well , a smidge to the right just to lose the dead space...or maybe bounce some light in to that area to show the depth of the book...I hope I'm making sense ?

Thanks for looking Lynne.....I did do another one which is centered more squarely, I will post it below....in this one I put the sun spot in the centre.
Yes I know what you mean about the book....I may choose that one as my re-shoot....not sure yet....my main gripe is the position of the pen....I have to put it there or attempt to clone out the blob of ink that its hiding...maybe it's time I had a go at it :confused: I'll see how much free time I get this week.
Susie, the first one was good, but the second one is outstanding! The sunburst right in the centre of the swirl really makes a huge difference. :clap:
Hi Susie two excellent shots for the theme
liking the second one better, I like the OTT ness of the image
maybe a little bit of a crop off the sides but thats just being niggly
Hi Susie :)

Time - Really like the book and pen, but feel the crop does not assist in spotting where the word time is, a real nice warm image that with the elements works well for me :)

Swirl - Again love them colours, and agree that a square crop would work well <EDIT> Now seen your 2nd image now that is very nice and creative, nice and bright too (y)
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Susie, the first one was good, but the second one is outstanding! The sunburst right in the centre of the swirl really makes a huge difference. :clap:

Thanks Elaine....I really enjoyed doing them :)

#2 is on theme, but a little OTT on the processing.

#1 is a good take and the abstract detail work well.


Thanks Andy ....I must admit I do like abstract images.

Hi Susie two excellent shots for the theme
liking the second one better, I like the OTT ness of the image
maybe a little bit of a crop off the sides but thats just being niggly

Hi Allan...I like being a bit OTT :) I couldn't resist the bright swirlyness of it.

Time a nice take on the theme works well

Swirl both images are really nice good detail and choice of colours

Thanks for looking Craig...I was undecided on the choice of colour for the food dye but I'm glad I chose red.
Hi Susie :)

Time - Really like the book and pen, but feel the crop does not assist in spotting where the word time is, a real nice warm image that with the elements works well for me :)

Swirl - Again love them colours, and agree that a square crop would work well <EDIT> Now seen your 2nd image now that is very nice and creative, nice and bright too (y)

Hi DK...thank you for looking....yes, the time one could be improved, I will give it a go as a re-shoot, if I get the time! Glad you like the swirl ones :)

Prefer the 1st swirl although I do like the composition of the 2nd its just got a little too much swirl for me. A great idea though and like the colours (y)

Thanks Michael for taking a look....much appreciated :)

I love your time nicely lit and lovely colour (y)

I agree with Elaine brilliant (y)

Thanks Judi...I'm pleased you like them....it was good fun doing them, even if I did splash red food colouring everywhere :eek: