weekly XenosElaine's 52s Thread - Support added

Swirl - another vote for the scarf. Unusual take on the theme and I like the folds.

Linked - not sure I get the link between the chain and the bottles.
Guessing Peter was referring to the black velvet... :)

Looks a real tricky one to light, shiny bits, curved bits, highlights, etc. Think you've done a good job here - and being able to critique your own work means you should have a much shorter route to getting what you want.

Light on the gold *ahem* chain is very good, touch hard to read the writing on the tall bottle but it all ties together well.

Well, I was in two minds as to whether Peter meant the material base the bottles were on or the base metal of the chain, but the opportunity for the joke was too good to pass up :) Thanks for the comments Graham.
I quite like the lighting on the chain Elaine (y) Think the chain and the small bottle go well together (y), not too sure on the tall bottle or the folds in the bg though :thinking: :)
Thanks for looking and commenting Phil :)
Swirl - another vote for the scarf. Unusual take on the theme and I like the folds.

Linked - not sure I get the link between the chain and the bottles.
Thanks for looking and commenting Mercurius. I suppose that I should have given my rationale for the bottles shot when I first posted it. My thinking was that the two bottles were linked to start with because they contained the same fragrance. The chain links were to physically link them together and also a more esoteric link in that they might all be worn together (and thus linked) for a special occasion. The black satin fabric - in my mind anyway - added (or was linked!) to the general luxury/special night out feel of the items I used.
Thanks DK. I wasn't happy with cropping the top of the monitor but the problem was that the room's too small for me to stand any further back and if I'd got the top of the monitor in at that angle I would have lost all but a sliver of the keyboard, which I was even more unhappy about, so I decided to use the grey toolbar on the screen as the diagonal. I did try it square on, but it just looked too flat to me. Maybe the wrong decision :oops: :$
Nooooooo that's the best reason for sure, sounds like you thought about the shot a lot and tried other angles, so the best you could get - Perfect (y)
The cropped corner of the screen in the first one is the only thing that spoils it for me, the chain in your second one looks a little out of focus, although this could be the multilinks.
Thanks to everyone who has had a look and commented.
Week 13 - Step(s)
Two different angles on the same view. I'm not sure why, but I prefer the second one. I took these tonight, but might try again in the morning and see what difference natural light makes.


Prefer the 2nd Elaine, for me, the angle creates more interest (y) it certainly suits the conversion to B&W :)
The second is ace. Nice angles!!
Thanks David :)

Prefer the 2nd Elaine, for me, the angle creates more interest (y) it certainly suits the conversion to B&W :)
Thanks Phil. The mono conversion was more of a necessity than pre-planned because the artificial light does the bottle green carpet and off white walls of the stairwell no favours at all :eek: . I've had a second try at it this morning now that the lights have gone off, but there isn't enough natural daylight on the mid-level staircase to get a decent looking shot.
Second one (y)

[Off Topic ... I think there's a thread somewhere announcing the theme ... anyone got a link?]
I knew there were a lot of steps in my local park, so I went for a wander around there this morning and I managed to take nearly 200 shots :eek: I've whittled them down to my 7 favourites, but I definitely need some help to decide which to put on the main thread :confused:

Step Up


Step Around


Step Carefully

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Some parts of the hall in the park date back to Tudor times, so 2 versions of Step Back In Time -


Finally, I had a flash of inspiration as I was walking past the ponds. These 2 are completely opportunistic and I know they aren't particularly good technically-speaking, but I liked the idea :p

Goose Step


Goose Step Two Step

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Gosh a lot of steps there Elaine, I like step around the best the curves and the lovely willow tree gives it a spring like feel, the goose step two step has to come a close 2nd :clap::clap:
Thanks Judi. I've just noticed that there's a little corner of the brick wall I was leaning on in the middle of the bottom of the curvy shot, which I meant to clone out. Must remember to do it if I put that one on the main thread. :oops: :$
haha had to laugh at the goose step... I liked the step around pic but the B&W original steps really catch the imagination...

Glad I made you smile Colin :) Thanks for looking and commenting.
HI Elaine

Monitor shot for me....clear ,bright with no distractions in the background :) don't even mind the clipped corner but it would be better with it in .

The product shot is almost there but not quite for me at least....slightly uneven lighting on the black material ,the writing on the rear bottle is marred by the purpley line /reflection running down the length of the bottle & the front section of the chain is a little soft .
On the plus side you've spotted your own dislikes about the image so with a reshoot card you can make it perfect (y)
Ahhh lots of steps, some nice shots there like the Goose step and shame the other Goose didn't play ball and lift its leg in unison. Theres only 1 choice though and thats the 2nd staircase shot, great lighting and fantastic angles. (y)
Thanks to everyone who has had a look and commented. It seems my geese have given you all a bit of a laugh :) I've really enjoyed doing this theme and looking at some of the other submissions. It seems that I'm not the only one who has got outside for it and that's made a pleasant change from all the usual product shots - I dare say the sunny weekend has had something to do with that too ;)
I prefer the second shots in both the sets. the diagonal lines across the frame in the first really add depth and make it look 3D, the mono conversion works well too. the composition in the second is spot on with the steps leading your eye across the frame. well done.
I prefer the second shots in both the sets. the diagonal lines across the frame in the first really add depth and make it look 3D, the mono conversion works well too. the composition in the second is spot on with the steps leading your eye across the frame. well done.
Thanks Adam :)
Cheers DK. I've only put 3 on the main thread and I promise (I think!) that I won't put any more up this week. :whistle:
Blimey... how many steps?? (y)

second of the first ones for me, great angles and nice high contrast B&W.

the second goose step I love, nice low POV, looks a bit soft as you say, and they are the tinyiest fraction of a second away from being in time... which would have been great!
Ha ha Graham, I did say that there are lots of steps in my local park and I only posted a few of the ones I actually shot.

Thanks for the comments about the stairwell and geese. That's the trouble with birds of both varieties - we never do what you want us to do :p
Cheers Andy!
Those two ducks geese ... priceless.

Thanks ... :clap: