weekly Greengo's 52 in 2014 - BALANCE now added

Both shots have bits missing the crops are too tight and the lettering dosnt work on the tryptich, i prefer the egg timer shot if I had to choose
Egg timer for me too, a good fun image Colin (y) clipped ear's a shame and as you say, dof might be a bit shallow, I had to struggle to make out the eggs in the pan :)
I'd chose the egg timer as well. I think it could do with a touch more exposure and slightly reframing due to the clipping on the right. For me the DoF works though.
Hi Colin, sorry if I’ve not been here before now.

Sense, what a cute little chap. The focus is just off slightly and the background is a little distracting. I would also maybe crop the gap in the post off and a bit off the bottom.

I like the second shot of your daughter though, the shadows in the background really add to it.

Ending, got to be the piggy timer for me. The hearts a just cropped a little too tightly and not sure on the text!
Hi Colin

Piggy image for me as well ( though I do like those little red dishes ! ) , fun image , good use of DOF as we can still make out the egg's :) Crit....clipped ear has been mentioned , maybe a sheet of card held above the piggy would have blocked those light spots out & allowed you increase the exposure to get slightly more light on him ?
I like the DoF and the take on the theme, but I would get rid of the blue tinge to the hand, which to me suggests rather more negative stuff like heart attacks or hypothermia instead of something positive.
On theme shot, but I can't help but think the thumb is at an odd angle :thinking:

:thinking: yes, I thought that too :confused:

On theme Colin (y), but not a lover of the blue bg and tint
..... heart attacks or hypothermia ......
Haaahaaaaa Sorry Colin, that made me laugh :D

On theme and the smiling face works for me. Looks OOF and very blue.

Couldn't agree more... a small slide on the WB would improve no end, as the context of the image is good :)
Not sure about this, nice idea but very strange colour cast and the red things in the background draw my eye away from the main subject
Thanks for all your comments guys... (Likes given ;))
Well I have been rather busy this weekend using my camera for my daughters 21st birthday celebrations and I couldnt for the life of me find anything to do with time although I could have taken a pic of her card to show the "Time" she has been on this earth but dont think it would have fitted. Instead we have a wee clock which is simplistic. Sometimes less is more so I tried to look at it differently, as if I were a small child. C&C always welcome...

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Nice to see a different perspective on these things - very kitsch and retro - I can remember my Granny having something very similar :)

I prefer the first one, although it could do with a bit of a lighten and contrast boost
First one for me. Think it could do with a bit of a tweak to exposure and colours as it looks a bit muddy to me.
Hi, I like the first one too, I prefer to see the whole clock with this particular composition.
To be nit-picky, it's a shame there's a scratch on the surface at the front. I only said it because I noticed it.
I prefer the first one although a boost of exposure would really help especially towards the top of the image. I noticed the scratch as well. A quick pp would remove this.
I prefer the first one but would like a more diffused light, the shadows are too prominent and detract. Interesting clock, it would look so out of place in my house though (wooden beams, wood burner, dark furniture, etc.).
To be honest Colin, if you have a better photo from the weekend that (even vaguely) fits the theme, I say you'd be better off using that.

Think I'm the only one with a preference for the second here though, wouldn;t have cropped the shadow of the front ball though. #2 is brighter, clearer and the crop shows more of the details rather than being a picture of a clock.

Regards the exposure... do you know much about histograms?? the graph showing where the bright and dark tones are in the image... Most editing programs have them, as well as on the info screen of some (most?) cameras.

Attched >>>>>linky<<<<< your shot with histograms, left is +1.5 stops exposure, right original..... the red circled area is where the bright tones should be, (white BG, highlights etc) this shows that you need more light, or exposure (time, aperture or even ISO).

(The reason the left histogram has gaps is the jpeg doesn;t have enough info to show the brightened tones, if this was done from an original file, it would be better, but is even better to fix in-camera).

HTH and doesn;t come across to "teach granny to suck eggs". (y)
I prefer the 2nd shot, the composition appeals more to me. It does need a little more exposure but your edited version seems to lose some of the moodiness of the original.
Hi Colin

your edit of Time is heading in the right direction in terms of exposure though I prefer the closer shot which is nicely symetrical( my OCD likes symetrical! ) grahams quick guide to histograms is great ...I really should use them more ! Try using some silver covered card to bounce some light in to the back of the image to even it out a little more maybe ?
Hi Colin

your edit of Time is heading in the right direction in terms of exposure though I prefer the closer shot which is nicely symetrical( my OCD likes symetrical! ) grahams quick guide to histograms is great ...I really should use them more ! Try using some silver covered card to bounce some light in to the back of the image to even it out a little more maybe ?
