weekly susiejb 52 /2014 Support

Hi Susie, liking the first lemon pic, works well with some nice light catching the bubbles (y)
First lemon definitely. The blue picture looks like a primordial soup, fine if one is into ancient bacteria. :eek:
Another for the first lemon shot, good DOF and lighting on the bubbles. I like the main bubble in the first shot but the lighter areas around it are a bit distracting for me.
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment folks...its good to know that one of the pics has been a success :) and it's soooo encouraging.

First lemon definitely. The blue picture looks like a primordial soup, fine if one is into ancient bacteria. :eek:

Another for the first lemon shot, good DOF and lighting on the bubbles. I like the main bubble in the first shot but the lighter areas around it are a bit distracting for me.

Martin I do like messing with inky messy stuff.... but never quite heard it described like that :)
Kev yes maybe I should have gone for a tighter crop, normally I tend to like those random abstract patterns but I think in this case they have gone too out of focus to be any use.:thinking:

Hi, Bubble #3 for me. Well composed and cracking detail. Pity you could not have got a bit closer to the lower part.

Good show.


Andy I used a Raynox 150 and was tempted to put the 250 but was sort of 'bubbled out' so I called it a day.
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I made this comment earlier in the "no comments" thread by mistake, so moving it to here!

#1 looks really good full screen.
#2 I like better though, I think.
I can't explain why, but it appeals to me more. (And no, it's not related to anything G&T ish - I'm T Total :D )
Bubble - My vote goes to the right hand side lemon photo (vertical crop), unsure whether that's #1 or #2! The lighting and the colours are really nice.
Hi Susie, I'm quite taken with the first (y) Looks a bit like mercury to me :thinking:

I thought it may look good cropped, putting the 'bubble' a little more to the bottom right instead of central :)

Edit- I had to Google marbling inks, looks interesting :D
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I'm with most of the others - first of the lemon shots for me.

Nice light, catching the side of each and every one. (y)
I made this comment earlier in the "no comments" thread by mistake, so moving it to here!
(And no, it's not related to anything G&T ish - I'm T Total :D )

I did think of putting a bottle of Gin in the background but I decided it was a bit distracting :)

Edit- I had to Google marbling inks, looks interesting :D

They belonged to my youngest son when he was at school ....and that was a very long time ago...I just knew that if I kept them they would come in handy one day...you can actually get some good pics with them...if you like abstract :cool: but be prepared to make a mess:p

Thank you very much everyone ... I must admit I took loads ( probably hundreds :rolleyes:) of pics and in the end I felt totally confused at to which ones to pick, but it looks as if I made the right decision.

I am not quite sure how to reply to everyone...trying out a new method here :confused: oh that didn't quite work as I thought ... better luck next time ! but thank you to everyone...I tried to include all the names but it didn't quite work out.
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I do like the marbling shot, it looks like the surface of another planet, but the lemon shots are very good.
Hi Susie

I'm quite taken with your 1st Bubble shot using the marbling ink....very abstract but with lovely color's & a definite bubble that has a great catch light in it (y)
Hi, I keep going between the two lemon shots - i think the last lemon shot is the one for me but the top of the glass does take my eyes away from the bubbles!
Hi Susie

I'm quite taken with your 1st Bubble shot using the marbling ink....very abstract but with lovely color's & a definite bubble that has a great catch light in it (y)

:)You may well see them again Lynne before the the 52 weeks are up......one of my favorite's for experimenting.

Another vote for the first of the lemon shots. The angle and close crop work well.

Thanks Peter......I just couldn't make a choice between the two.

Hi, I keep going between the two lemon shots - i think the last lemon shot is the one for me but the top of the glass does take my eyes away from the bubbles!

Thanks Sarah , maybe a closer crop would be better.....I think they both have good and bad points :confused:
Fits the theme perfectly number 1 for me, but it looks like you have had some light spill on to the background like, what happened to me. It's a tricky thing to get right, so well done for having a good go at.
I seem to have missed your bubble pic - sorry :( Nut the lemon on the far right for me please.

I prefer the 2nd smoke picture, colours are a lot nicer (to me)
I seem to have missed your bubble pic - sorry :( Nut the lemon on the far right for me please.

I prefer the 2nd smoke picture, colours are a lot nicer (to me)

Thanks Sarah.....it seems like ages since I did the bubbles.....I did lots of different colours on the smoke pics but my OH liked the red and I liked the blue so I decided on those two in the end.

well done for giving it a go its not an easy theme


Thanks Craig :)
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#2 for me. Nice and abstract.


Thanks Andy :)

Yeah certainly a good try Susie... I too like the red shot the most, really pleased so many are having a go at this, a difficult effect indeed (y)

Thanks DK....I took over 400 shots so I did give it a good try. I find it fascinating, so I shall definitely be giving it another try in the near future. I think it's a bit out of my depth at the moment. At least the house smells nice :)
Susie, well done :clap: You've done a lot better than me, I didn't even know where to start with photographing smoke :thinking:
Susie, well done :clap: You've done a lot better than me, I didn't even know where to start with photographing smoke :thinking:

:) Thanks Phil....your PlayDoh pic is great ...it really made me smile.

well done Susie I didn't even try that like the red one even tho' you have a bit of light spill :clap::clap:

Thanks Judy, much appreciated.

No 2 for me Susie...Love the abstract feel and green and blue hue....did you rotate horizontal in PS?

Thanks Jason...yes I did rotate it ...not sure if it looked better vertical or not.....is PS Photoshop...I don't have that unfortunately. :(
Susie, I love the red smoke! Makes me feel guilty for copping out so easily :(
:) well I am really looking on each week as a challenge so I am trying to give things a go. I managed to burn my first idea down to a heap of ash before I got a decent pic...but it was a really good idea ...I may try it again if I get time later in the week.

You have had a lot of catching up to do so you are excused :)