2013 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 Water

Yes I think that I tended to forget the spreadsheet after Mark introduced the 'single post thread' idea.

From my subscribed threads list I have the following finishers:
Blank Canvas
Delta Skies

and the following who have 1/2 to finish:

Dark Knight
chicken dipa

Oh CRAP... gonna take me all day to catch up on comments :bonk:
i'd like to give this a go as it is a good way of getting out with the camera's and giving me a reason to shoot rather than read :)

i'd like to give this a go as it is a good way of getting out with the camera's and giving me a reason to shoot rather than read :)

Hi Matt... welcome to the 2013 52's then (y)

(Will go add you to the spreadsheet now) - good luck for the up coming challenges :)
seems like everyone's suddenly woken up & realised the 52's is the place to be :D


& may the new year bring us all lots of happy photography times (y)

ps...just noticed I hadn't update my thread title...you'd think after 2 years I'd have sussed what to do :bonk:
Welcome aboard everyone !!!
Good to see numbers starting to go up.

Somebody mentioned having a signature logo / linky doo-dah earlier in the thread.
So I've been having a play around and came up with this.


Feel free to pinch the jpeg and add it to your signatures with a link to this thread (It's in my TP gallery or if you right click on it you should be able to save it to your desktop)
I've kept the height at 45px so plenty of room for you to keep your own lines of text with a link to your own 52 thread and/or Flickr etc.
Welcome aboard everyone !!!
Good to see numbers starting to go up.

Somebody mentioned having a signature logo / linky doo-dah earlier in the thread.
So I've been having a play around and came up with this.


Feel free to pinch the jpeg and add it to your signatures with a link to this thread (It's in my TP gallery or if you right click on it you should be able to save it to your desktop)
I've kept the height at 45px so plenty of room for you to keep your own lines of text with a link to your own 52 thread and/or Flickr etc.

Cheers Sarahlee....duly inserted to my sig...good bit of thinking there hun (y)

Happy New Year to you & may 2013 be the best for you :)
Ok fairly new to all this but it sounds intresting so Im in......... hopefully will help me progress
Nice one Craig - Welcome :)

It sure is interesting, but also frustrating, annoying but always fun in it's odd way :D

(now going to add you to the spreadsheet)

cheers :) anything to get me out with the camera looking forward to it
Good, it is a great challenge

Welcome aboard everyone !!!
Good to see numbers starting to go up.

Somebody mentioned having a signature logo / linky doo-dah earlier in the thread.
So I've been having a play around and came up with this.


Feel free to pinch the jpeg and add it to your signatures with a link to this thread (It's in my TP gallery or if you right click on it you should be able to save it to your desktop)
I've kept the height at 45px so plenty of room for you to keep your own lines of text with a link to your own 52 thread and/or Flickr etc.
Excellent... Thanks Sarah (y)
blondie606 said:
Flippin 'eck Dean...that spreadsheet's a work of Art....well done you & thanks for taking it on :clap:

It certainly is a work of art, well done!
Happy New Year all !!!
I'm staying in tonight, so I'm going to start as I mean to go on next year and have a look at all you sinners :D

Cheers Sarahlee....duly inserted to my sig...good bit of thinking there hun (y)

Happy New Year to you & may 2013 be the best for you :)

(y) Sadly I can't take credit for the idea . . . I'm sure it was mentioned somewhere earlier in the thread. I just can't find where it is at the moment :shrug:

It certainly is a work of art, well done!

It is indeed.
Very impressive and thank you from me too.
Hi everyone, would like to have a go at this, but seem to be going round in circles, how do I get on the spretsheet, get my photo uploaded, any help would be great
Go on, I can blooming remember how to get the clickable TP52 signature...to many sherberts :puke: I can get the image or the link, but not both. I've done ti before, but I was sober then...
I inserted the image first - then selected it ALL (incl the IMG tags) and then turned that into a link.
Hi everyone, would like to have a go at this, but seem to be going round in circles, how do I get on the spretsheet, get my photo uploaded, any help would be great

:wave: Welcome to the madhouse !!!

Dean (Dark Knight) is doing a fantastic job of adding everyone to the spreadsheet, so I'm sure he'll pick your post up next time he comes by the thread.

To get started, first off set up a new thread in the 52's section and type your introduction.


Then you're ready to load up your first photo.
You can either host it here on TP in your gallery or use an external site like Flickr or Photobucket to host it.

Give me a second and I'll find the links to the tutorials on both ways.

How to host photo in your TP gallery : http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=166131
How to load picture from Flickr : http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=411865
Hi everyone, would like to have a go at this, but seem to be going round in circles, how do I get on the spretsheet, get my photo uploaded, any help would be great
Annnnd here I am... Welcome Everton, good luck with your 52 (y)

Will go add you to the spreadsheet now :)
Hi folks,

Can I join in too please, I've made it part of my New Years resolution to take more photos or at least take part in my hobbies more rather than get snowed under with work. What better way to do that than to take part in the 52s challenge. I can't say I'm any good at taking pictures but I do like thinking outside the box. So be gentle with any critique. I shall go off and write my introduction now.

Thanks all and people's entries already look brilliant,

Hi folks,

Can I join in too please, I've made it part of my New Years resolution to take more photos or at least take part in my hobbies more rather than get snowed under with work. What better way to do that than to take part in the 52s challenge. I can't say I'm any good at taking pictures but I do like thinking outside the box. So be gentle with any critique. I shall go off and write my introduction now.

Thanks all and people's entries already look brilliant,

Hi Liz - It would be great to have another Loony member into the 52's... look forward to seeing your 'outside of the box' thoughts (y)

(now going to add you to the spreadsheet :))
Hi all im real interested in giving this ago how do i put my name down and where do i find the week by week topic. Sorry for the noob question im new here so dont know how it works.
Hi all im real interested in giving this ago how do i put my name down and where do i find the week by week topic. Sorry for the noob question im new here so dont know how it works.

Hi Nick,

Have a read through the first post in this thread - it's all explained there, but if anything doesn't make sense don't be afraid to shout :)

Welcome aboard BTW. Good to see so many new members joining in.
Hi all im real interested in giving this ago how do i put my name down and where do i find the week by week topic. Sorry for the noob question im new here so dont know how it works.
Welcome to the 2013 52's... I'll put your name on the spreadsheet (y)
I'll have a pop at this! I've just finished a 366, so I've got a bit of spare time :)

Nice One Andrew - Welcome (y)

I have never taken part in any of these so will have a go and see if I can keep going for the year :)
I hope you will find it an enjoyable challenge... Welcome :)

I would love to participate and try to improve my photography this year.
Welcome to the madhouse then Ben (y)

I'm going to need a bigger bit of paper soon :D I'll add you 3 to the spreadsheet now (y)

I'm in! :) I think this will a good challenge and I'm looking forward to getting involved. Thanks DK for adding me to the spreadsheet, and I've now set up my own 52 thread: http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=456907
Your welcome, I'll add you link to the sheet

Thanks dark knight
Welcome too (y)

Don't forget all, if you would like your row highlighted a specific colour to help find yourself quicker, just let me know...

Good Luck All !!!!