weekly 2014 52 week challenge Flickr group (UPDATED)

loving the way it asks "do you really want to join this group??", as if there's some reason why you might not want to :LOL:
Not being a flickr member I have to ask - why do you need somewhere else to post the pictures when there is a single thread here for them all and everyone's individual threads ?

I prefer flickr's gallery for viewing photos, and it's a great way to get more feedback and exposure of your work :).
Yeah I got distracted from my 52 so the group died... I'll change it for 2014 now. Hopefully I'll stick to it this year! aha
We'll I am finally out and about with my camera.. If I can post via an iPad I will take photos for lines play and close and be up to date for first time in about 6 months.. Better set camera to raw plus JPEG as they will be unedited photos as I only have an iPad and card reader
Hay thanks just joined.