weekly Bruja's 2016 52 - CELEBRATION

Now thats what I call a weekly theme submission :D

Very nice Jill, well thought out, colour version for me (y)

Quite masterful I would have said :ROFLMAO:

Ha Haaaaa you had a similar thought to me :D

I'm liking the colour version too, of the two I thinkk Its the red velvety sheets that add that touch more (y)

Cheers Dean, but Andy @posiview wanted even MORE :p
The feather tickler is a nice touch Jill. Good female craft to "relieve" him of his wallet I would imagine .... did it work? Colour.

Oooh yes :p

Out of the 2 I think the colour is better, not sure on the placement of the feather, Have you left him there :naughty:

No, he had to do the washing up!
Good on you Mr. B. :whistle: Nice and tidy submission :exit:

Oh he's very tidy ;)

not sure which one works best, great idea was going to say only you but I see someone else has been at it too, how many hours was it before you released him :wideyed:

Yeah, me and Dean are sharing the naughty step this week :sneaky:
Quite masterful I would have said :ROFLMAO:
Depends, on "who" is being Masterful, if Mr B said tie to the bed and beat me with a peacocks feather .... :D

Yeah, me and Dean are sharing the naughty step this week :sneaky:
Meh! CBA TBH, I'll think about it for next week though :D

Ha Ha as soon as I saw the theme I knew you would do something different Jill.:p

Great take on the theme not sure which version I prefer I keep changing my mind!

Ha Ha as soon as I saw the theme I knew you would do something different Jill.:p

Great take on the theme not sure which version I prefer I keep changing my mind!

I try my best Mark :p

Muted colour is aptly sordid ... poor bloke. o_O

Aptly sordid.......what a great description :D And what do you mean 'poor bloke'? He's married to me :naughty:

Heavens to Betsy!!
So that's what goes on over there in the sunshine!
It certainly fits the theme, Jill. :D

OMG ! What ever next ! Great idea Jill
Oooo its one of those ink blot test thingies ....

I can see
1) lots of little tiny smiling faces ( top left)
2) a pac-man ( perhaps not quite so serene) (Bottom left)
3) a Dinosaur laying down, that's Serene(asawus) (find your own dinosaur)

I think I've finally lost it :(

Great idea Jill nice and colourful (y)
Oooo its one of those ink blot test thingies ....

I can see
1) lots of little tiny smiling faces ( top left)
2) a pac-man ( perhaps not quite so serene) (Bottom left)
3) a Dinosaur laying down, that's Serene(asawus) (find your own dinosaur)

I think I've finally lost it :(

Great idea Jill nice and colourful (y)

Well find it again! You never know when you might need it :p

Great idea must mean pretty good :D
very tie dye indeed, do you have that 70's psychedelic poster of a naked lady smoking a joint on your wall too :cool:
Lemon, bubbles, first thing that came to mind for some strange reason was a gin and tonic but that probably says more about me than your photo. Intriguing image, I like the way you have famed it.
I find that photo more interesting than calming, but then, who am I to argue with flickr and all of you :D

Great shot of whatever that is!
Lemon, bubbles, first thing that came to mind for some strange reason was a gin and tonic but that probably says more about me than your photo. Intriguing image, I like the way you have famed it.

No, I'm a JD and coke kinda girl :D Explanation of pic below :)

I find that photo more interesting than calming, but then, who am I to argue with flickr and all of you :D

Great shot of whatever that is!

Hi, but if you look at it long enough you eventually feel calm :p Explanation below....

Nice colourful shot, intrigued to know what it is. Guessing that it's some sort of bowl/container but probably totally wrong.

Hi Steve, I downloaded a vector onto my iPad then filled a shallow dish with water and stirred some oil into to get the bubbles. I placed this on top of my iPad (gulp) and took some pictures. I then inverted the colours in pp. The light from the iPad made a better picture than just printing something out and putting the bowl on top of it :)
Hi Steve, I downloaded a vector onto my iPad then filled a shallow dish with water and stirred some oil into to get the bubbles. I placed this on top of my iPad (gulp) and took some pictures. I then inverted the colours in pp. The light from the iPad made a better picture than just printing something out and putting the bowl on top of it :)

Thanks for the explanation, I would never have thought of doing something like that but it works well....not sure how serene I would feel putting a dish of water on an ipad :eek:
Hi Jill
Game - The first of the colour shots is my favourite. The brighter one loses the 'shade'y impact.
Serene - Very clever way of getting the image, I like it. (y)

I know what you mean, it's my fave too :naughty:

Glad you like Serene (y)
creativity (y)

... the things you people get up to. :woot:

Thanks David :banana::banana::banana:

Hi Jill ....not sure if it screams Serene, but it's certainly an interesting innovative shot.

Game ....I prefer the version with the bright red satin, it gives it a boudoir feel, you have a very obliging husband :)

Well flickr says it is :ROFLMAO: :D :confused: :cool:

MrB is very obliging :naughty: but waits with trepidation for each week's theme :eek:
I really like it Jill.
I'm glad you explained it...I thought it was coloured glass with air bubbles!
Very arty Jill - love those bubbles and colours. Excellently thought out and executed. :clap:
Game - oh thank goodness you didn't let us down :LOL: The colour definitely wins for me and the peacock feather is pure brilliance! Your creativity for serene (and game) made me realise how lazy I'm getting on the 52...the draw of sunshine and nature is making me put a lot less thought into my submissions...must try to do better soon :D
I really like it Jill.
I'm glad you explained it...I thought it was coloured glass with air bubbles!

Thanks Ruth. It only got a little bit messy :eek:

Very arty Jill - love those bubbles and colours. Excellently thought out and executed. :clap:

Wow, thanks Carl. Now onto black and white :p
Game - oh thank goodness you didn't let us down :LOL: The colour definitely wins for me and the peacock feather is pure brilliance! Your creativity for serene (and game) made me realise how lazy I'm getting on the 52...the draw of sunshine and nature is making me put a lot less thought into my submissions...must try to do better soon :D

Thanks Emma, the feather was from the local park. There are about a dozen pairs there.

For me, the 52 is about thinking a bit outside the box and my first thought (when I have the energy :)) is how can I put a twist on this.