weekly Bruja's 2016 52 - CELEBRATION

Must not mention the size of that.........:wideyed:

2 Great Images Jill

Great colours in the first one wit the subject right in the centre of the image and that works for me. Love the leading line of the top of the fence and DoF.

Arrr ickle fluffy chicks
I like that Jill - all those shapes and angles, colours and shadows .. .excellent choice and composition. :clap:
Very nice Jill, bright colours complimented by the brickwork :)
As above really, Jill. Been AWOL for a bit and have some catching up to do, but really like that shot.

Nice colour of the bike, texture on the brickwork and those shadows. Well done :)
Really like this one Jill.
Colours, tilt, shadow....all spot on. :)
I like that Jill - all those shapes and angles, colours and shadows .. .excellent choice and composition. :clap:

Thanks Carl. It was in the Good Burger Company and I had to borrow MrB's iPhone because I'd left mine at home :banghead:

Static, Dutch tilt works well here. Quick off the mark.


Thanks Andy :)

Quick or what Jill ! like the shadows ;)

Thanks Chris. Right place at the right time :D
Very nice Jill, bright colours complimented by the brickwork :)

'Very nice' Must be good then. Thank MrP :p

As above really, Jill. Been AWOL for a bit and have some catching up to do, but really like that shot.

Nice colour of the bike, texture on the brickwork and those shadows. Well done :)

Thanks and thanks for taking the time to comment :)

Really like this one Jill.
Colours, tilt, shadow....all spot on. :)

Thanks Ruth. It was one of those 'right place, right time' pictures :)
Lone - Is it too late for me to comment on your terrible weather again? ;)
I presume the lone chap with his head in his hands is contemplating the loan he'll need after the sales!
Fauna - You're nearly as bad as the slithery one with your rudeness young lady!!!
The first shot gets it for me, though the second has added cuteness.
Static - Spot on.
That works a treat - lighting, shadows, tilt - very memorable :clap:

Thanks Emma. It's a keeper I think :D

Ok who are you and what have you done with the real @Bruja :)

Great image Jill lovely colours and details

er, she's still here.......:p It's just that MrB wouldn't let me tie him to the bed :dummy:

Lone - Is it too late for me to comment on your terrible weather again? ;)
I presume the lone chap with his head in his hands is contemplating the loan he'll need after the sales!
Fauna - You're nearly as bad as the slithery one with your rudeness young lady!!!
The first shot gets it for me, though the second has added cuteness.
Static - Spot on.

As it was MrB. yes he was! :D:D:D

Me, bad......:eek:

Static is one of my faves this year and was just a question of being in the right place at the right time. I had to borrow MrB's phone as I'd left mine at home and I hadn't brought my camera as we were just going shopping :banghead::banghead:
Static works for me, great colours and textures. And the odd angle :)
A strange place to keep your bike, have to agree with everyone else, excellent idea to tilt it and the shadow works well
I know what they mean about the whole shadow (now they've pointed it out). But I love this image Jill, one of the best I've seen in a while. The colour, the stark lighting, the tilt, the brickwork ... :clap:
Static works for me, great colours and textures. And the odd angle :)

Thanks brrnd, and thanks for commenting.

A strange place to keep your bike, have to agree with everyone else, excellent idea to tilt it and the shadow works well

Thanks Allan, it's actually in a burger bar :p so an even stranger place to keep it.
I'm with Carl here, although I would have loved to see the whole shadow, a cracking Bike too Jill (y)

Thanks Dean, you wouldn't believe it was in a burger bar would you :p

I thought the strong shadow really makes the shot and agree with Dean about the whole shadow.

Thanks Stan and see below....

I know what they mean about the whole shadow (now they've pointed it out). But I love this image Jill, one of the best I've seen in a while. The colour, the stark lighting, the tilt, the brickwork ... :clap:

Thanks David, wow....:)

Ok you fastidious lot, I'm attaching a pic with the whole shadow but I don't like it as the proportions are all wrong now, and no, I couldn't get more space at the top.

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Think I prefer the first one with less shadow Jill ...what a smashing find for the theme, very eye catching.

Me too, but a couple of people wanted to see the whole shadow but I felt that actually spoiled the photo.

It was just a case of being in the right place at the right time :)
Yikes, I'm glad I'm not at work today :eek:

Definitely the colour version!

Heavens to Betsy!!
So that's what goes on over there in the sunshine!
It certainly fits the theme, Jill. :D
Now thats what I call a weekly theme submission :D

Very nice Jill, well thought out, colour version for me (y)
The feather tickler is a nice touch Jill. Good female craft to "relieve" him of his wallet I would imagine .... did it work? Colour.
not sure which one works best, great idea was going to say only you but I see someone else has been at it too, how many hours was it before you released him :wideyed:
OOhhhh, ya devil ya :) I think it needs to be slightly brighter and richer colours. I know it would take something away...but...

Good show and I hope he's not still there :)
