weekly Gav's TP 52 - 2023 - Week 16 - Connected

Terrarium's really nice, assume it's lit just by it's own light there. Giving a really interesting shadow and the concentric rings around it.
Thank you, yes, it has LED lights inside the cork lid and the ripples in the glass give off a nice pattern.
Hare's are great too - really low POV and I imagine they're not that easy to spot, and don;t hang around long. Don't think I've ever even seen one!
Thank you, not always easy to spot but you get to know what to look for, I spent half an hour crawling up to these 2, as long as you behave they'll stick around :LOL:
Here's one hiding
Hide n seek by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
And the knob is great too. Lovely reflection, I'd have had the clone tool out on a couple of the bigger dust specks.
Thank you, I'll be honest I'm kicking myself, I seem to have skipped a step on that one :(

Thank you for the feedback!
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A nice set of catch up shots. I particularly like the brass knob which has lovely lighting and a great reflection.
Good catch up there, as others have said your knob is excellent! I am so envious of your hare shot, I tried for ever last year to get a picture of some in a field across the road. Saw them there most mornings for about two weeks but was totally unable to get near enough for a shot. So much admire your fieldcraft.
Good catch up there, as others have said your knob is excellent! I am so envious of your hare shot, I tried for ever last year to get a picture of some in a field across the road. Saw them there most mornings for about two weeks but was totally unable to get near enough for a shot. So much admire your fieldcraft.
Thank you (y)

Hares are a bit of an obsession at the minute, I love them, but they are very tricky buggers, a lot of time face in the dirt crawling about :LOL:
Great set Gav, I particularly like the shot of the hares and the knob.
Nice and sharp on the focal point with blur front and back. Good use of shallow DOF to add interest
Nice shot Gav. Like the processing and composition.
Nice image - nicely taken - can;t see the crumpets - the shot works just with the lovely red glow of the elements.

Are they quartz or something? Fancy! :D
Nice toaster & back ground isolates it well, my better half insists on using the cooker grill rather than our toaster :headbang:
That's a good shot Gav. Fits the theme well. I didn't know that Bosch even made toasters...