Peter123's 52 for 2023

Lighting is always a challenge with window behind the subject.
I discovered an excellent emoji for man flu and then discovered that the chat doesn’t take emojis!
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Week 4 Transparent.

A glasshouse is transparent so I visited a large one.

1. Dancing bunnies sculpture from inside the glasshouse. I chose this one because it's a bit different. I waited for some people to appear to give scale.

Week 4 Transparent 2A-1 by Peter Stephens, on Flickr

2. Wishing well in the tropical section.

Week 4 Transparent 4-1 by Peter Stephens, on Flickr

3. The full glasshouse - all transparent. I took a shot with people in to give the scale.

Week 4 Transparent 3-1 by Peter Stephens, on Flickr
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Liking the bunnies. Nicely framing the couple in the background and the oof flowers in the foreground add to the depth.
Two very good images.

I must beg to differ though - you don't have too many ballheads, indeed you may find you need one more (that often happens). Coincidentally, you have exactly the same number of ballheads as I do.
Two very good images.

I must beg to differ though - you don't have too many ballheads, indeed you may find you need one more (that often happens). Coincidentally, you have exactly the same number of ballheads

Well the knobs shot was taken on a tripod so I have at least one more.
Thanks for looking by.
Nice night shot and nice knobs :)
1) Lovely image of Rome; travel brochure stuff!

2) That's a lot of knobs! Oh, and you have too many tripod heads! :)
Lovely light in the snappers choice... I feel it needs a little straighten but that could just be my eyesight!
Obvious, but not, subject for the theme for all of us. I have to say you obviously take better care of your equipment than I manage to do.
Lovely light in the snappers choice... I feel it needs a little straighten but that could just be my eyesight!
Obvious, but not, subject for the theme for all of us. I have to say you obviously take better care of your equipment than I manage to do.
I agree about the straighten but Lightroom says it’s level!
Lovely sunset and think Lightroom is wrong on the straightening :)

Play letters fit the theme, thought we would see some of them and I think ours must be in the attic or gone to the charity shop cos I can’t find them.
Shot of Rome is beautiful, colours in the sky is great, and I love the lights being on.

All the verticals are vertical too - as long as they are so, the horizontals don't have to be horizontal.
Colourful and nice use of the different sides with contrasting textures. Fits the bill nicely.
Week 8 In the Kitchen.

I wanted some kitchen action but this is all I managed to capture. Full frame would have yielded less noise. (Ran it through DXO Photolab 5).

Spicy Lentil and Tomato Soup.

Week 8 In the Kitchen 1 by Peter Stephens, on Flickr
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Lovely colour there, nice catch of the soup dripping from the blitzer. Yum.
I don't think the noise is an issue, the red really stands out and makes the picture.
Mmmm I like a spicy soup. Nice one :)
That works, nice and simple, as you say, you could have made a different image with more biccies, and a mug of something.

Nicely arranged crumbs. ;)
Nice biccie.

Dagnabbit - want biccie now!!!!
LOL, I think that they're both kitchen shots Peter! Both are good and both meet the theme.