Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Tarlair outdoor swimming pool. They have put together a funding package to restore this art-deco pool. The water in the boating pond was quite green today, which is why the reflections in the second picture have that look. The first picture is the swimming pool which is filled from the sea and doesn't get the opportunity to go green....

Tarlair 7578 by James West, on Flickr

Tarlair 7581 by James West, on Flickr
Our first home grown peas in decades.



They're lovely and the pods are crunchy and lovely.

Mrs WW is abroad and wont be back for some time so she's very jealous that we here have home grown strawberries, potatoes and now peas. I will freeze some of all for her :D and today we will have potatoes and peas to eat :D The strawberries seem to be coming to an end but there are potatoes and peas to harvest later :D
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There was a beautiful dawn this morning. Looking at his made me wish I had time to get up and get dressed and get to the top of the hill to capture this :D But of course all I could do was grab a camera and shoot through the bedroom window.

The lady in the middle ( with the big headdress) made all of these outfits ( all family members) and was extremely interesting and knowledgeable about the period I spoke to her for some time.


I had to have a play with the in camera photo options !


This man said up yours to electric cars and has decided to go fully green ! I later found out he is a Druid and a friend of the lady next door to me, They do a Druid blessing on the Bloody field before the festival begins

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This one was a cock up ( I'd left the camera in HDR +- 6 stops) hence the double image but I quite like the affect

I took another version of this photo using the back screen but although the Raven looked better ( he had his mouth open and was side on showing him better) but not being able to see the screen I cut the mans head clean in half.She thanked me for asking if I could take her photo rather than just doing so !

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Not a good photo , I keep getting what I can only think is a reflection of the light internally in the camera but it does have a good story ! Read the text under the photo to find out what !

Mrs Badger wanted a hippy hat ! As there was no mirror I was taking photos and letting her look at them through the view finder she selected one put it on paid for it and then we walked off. 10 mintutes later she said give me my glasses back ( prescription sun glasses) I replied I haven't had them she then spent the next 20 minutes calling me everything under the sun saying it was going to cost her another £150 to replace them ( she seem to forget I'm the only one working) We went back to the shop no one had handed them in and we couldn't see them , At this point I was still arguing the fact I'd never had them. Then she went into a sulk. 5 minutes after this we went to another stall that were doing headdresses and as she wanted one for our Whitby Goth outings she took the hat off then I said are you some sort of idiot ( I know I'm very brave !) having not forgiven me for losing the glasses that I never had she bit ! I them told her to feel her head ! You guessed it she had put the hat over the glasses on her head !
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I spotted this lovely little weed flower this morning.


Here's a crop for a closer look.


Mrs WW is away so I'm letting the wild flowers grow and enjoy their lives. When she comes back she'll clear all these out, but I like them :D
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I agree with you, wild flower, not weeds ;)

Sadly that little grouping was gone an hour later, just one petal remained. I don't know what got to them and destroyed them. I suppose it must have been a bird.

I really loved this room , plain and simple very little that doesn't have a purpose with a valve radio running. I could imagine just sitting there with the fire going on a winters night. I have my rear room something like this but Mrs Badger keeps filling it with cushions and ornaments !!!!


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Hazel Nuts ( at least I think they are) Forming in my garden . The tree is not mine but it over hangs quite a lot. Nikon point and shoot.


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Hi, mended a trouser pocket. Before :


After :


The culprits :


(People might think I 'm stingy ... ---)