weekly rpn's 52 Photo Challenge 2022 - Week 52 SHOWCASE and COMPLETE

The low perspective makes both shots more interesting. I think that I prefer the one you've chosen.
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Those cobblestones suit the low angle in the second shot.
Both are very good.
2nd for me but they are very close.
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I like them both, however I think the first image is the stronger of the two due to the centre red flowers. Nice use of ICM technique

Love the low angle and B&W presentation!

The low perspective makes both shots more interesting. I think that I prefer the one you've chosen.

Those cobblestones suit the low angle in the second shot.
Both are very good.
2nd for me but they are very close.

Thanks, guys. One of the reasons I went out early is the quiet time I can set up a small tripod for the low angle shot without people walking by and looking at you wondering what's you are up to?
Yep that fits the bill nicely :)
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I really like the low angle. No. 2 for me. I like the cobbles and the landscape format.
The low level perspective & mono image work really well ... nice image Stan
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The mono processing suits the images, I would pick the 2nd as favourite but only just, both are worthy.
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Good take on the theme.
I had to look twice - a feather weighing half a kilo?
Well photoshopped.
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Someone's been fiddling with the zero setting, feathers weigh far more than that.
Great take on the theme.
That's one heavy feather, don't want to meet the bird:)
Clever - Great take on the theme.
Lovely creative image Stan, fits the bill
Lovely bit of lateral thinking for the theme. Nicely done with PS too..
Alleyway won't load on this page for me, but on the main thread I could see it. I l really like the viewpoint and the B&W processing.
Very effective! What's a light dome?