weekly Susiejb 52 in 2016 Celebrate

I think the sunglasses are a bit more obvious in the second but I think I prefer the first. I nearly shot a pair of forgotten sunglasses myself this week.
... hope you're having a grand time there susie.

1 or 2? .... #1 I like for its simplicity and that naughty little sunflare.
Hi Susie... number one for me on Forgotten. Think it's a cracker as the simplicity of the shot without the sunglasses really draws you in and then I spotted the glasses and the link to the theme became clear!

Well done, well shot and well thought out. Size looked like a fun snap and glad you're enjoying your holiday!

Edit: I wrote this before reading @posiview 's comments, but basically exactly what he said!!
Ooh...hard choice - I like the framing of the sunshade with the greenery in the second and the detail underneath. I though the glasses were harder to spot in this one, too (must be my eyesight!) But I think I'm going with the first too - the sunburst really hints at the brightness and heat of that hidden sun.
Great image for 'size' and lots of fun:)
Forgotten - the second one for me, I Iike the angle of the shade and the palm trees gives it a little more interest for me.
Hi Susie, the first one for me as has been said the simplicity just works and the fact that the glasses are not obvious at first
Hi Susie. Hmmm - that's a difficult choice. I do like the lighter/brighter underside of the shade in #2 and all those lovely palms against that blue sky but #1 I think edges it for it's simple composition and that lovely small starburst. (y)

Hi Susie 2 very nice and clean images I prefer the second as there is a bit more going on and the broght yellow string really adds a dash of colour

Hi Suzie, nice images. Was struggling at first then I noticed the forgotten sunglasses. No 2 for me

I think the sunglasses are a bit more obvious in the second but I think I prefer the first. I nearly shot a pair of forgotten sunglasses myself this week.

... hope you're having a grand time there susie.

1 or 2? .... #1 I like for its simplicity and that naughty little sunflare.


I like them both, but alas I prefer the simplicity of the first out of the two, though it took me a while to see the glasses, having them in the sight of the sun would be great, still a lovely couple of summer images :)

Almost missed the sunglasses and I was thinking, "I don't get it!" :)

Well spotted and it's #1 for me for it's simplicity.


Hi Susie... number one for me on Forgotten. Think it's a cracker as the simplicity of the shot without the sunglasses really draws you in and then I spotted the glasses and the link to the theme became clear!

Well done, well shot and well thought out. Size looked like a fun snap and glad you're enjoying your holiday!

Edit: I wrote this before reading @posiview 's comments, but basically exactly what he said!!

Ooh...hard choice - I like the framing of the sunshade with the greenery in the second and the detail underneath. I though the glasses were harder to spot in this one, too (must be my eyesight!) But I think I'm going with the first too - the sunburst really hints at the brightness and heat of that hidden sun.

Difficult choice there Susie.
I think I prefer the composition of #2, but the blues are deeper in #1.
On balance #1 (just).

Great image for 'size' and lots of fun:)
Forgotten - the second one for me, I Iike the angle of the shade and the palm trees gives it a little more interest for me.

Hi Susie, the first one for me as has been said the simplicity just works and the fact that the glasses are not obvious at first

Thank you all for looking in and commenting ...very much appreciated. It's time for me to get stuck in again and get some comments done myself !
I wonder if it would work better with just the natural stone?
nonetheless, nicely captured Susie.
I've been having this internal debate about rock and stone, maybe a bit hair splitting but for me a stone is a smallish loose piece of rock or a piece of rock that has been worked in some way. All of which is a round-about way of saying I like the inclusion of the gabions an I might of made more of them if that was possible with the angles. I like the contrast between the man-made and the natural rock behind
I wonder if it would work better with just the natural stone?
nonetheless, nicely captured Susie.

Thanks Cobra .....it reverts to what Chris is saying really, is the beach ....just rock :thinking:

I've been having this internal debate about rock and stone, maybe a bit hair splitting but for me a stone is a smallish loose piece of rock or a piece of rock that has been worked in some way. All of which is a round-about way of saying I like the inclusion of the gabions an I might of made more of them if that was possible with the angles. I like the contrast between the man-made and the natural rock behind

I agree Chris and I've wondered about it too ....so I tried to include a bit of both.
I did do this one too which on thinking about it is probably more suited to the theme .....I can never decide which ones to post :runaway:

Thanks Cobra .....it reverts to what Chris is saying really, is the beach ....just rock :thinking:
If I can post a Red Panda in "Stone" and get away with it, I'm sure no one will mind if its rock or stone :D

A rose by any other name and all that :D
Hi Susie. Hmmm! interesting debate but your first image covers the fullest range from rock to boulders, stones to pebbles and ultimately sand so no doubts on being themed. A good image whatever but I do like the second posted with the lovely use of DOF creating a 3d-like image. :clap:
The stack is nicely done, good light and shade and textures in the stones, I always find it hard to choose too.
I think its a good mix of man made and natural as stated above, I think the stack is a little lost in the BG
I'll agree with Allan that the first is definitely more interesting, but I reckon the stack either needs a plainer background (or even shallower DOF) or perhaps more negative space??

Good spots though and hard to argue against them both being on theme!
Hi Susie

I have to say I like both equally the first for the interest with the different types of stone and the peaceful view out to sea.

The second one is lovely too I love the light and shadows on the pile of stones theres some lovely detail in there too.
I like your stack of five, slightly strange looking, stones against more of the same OOF'd BG.
Hi Susie. Hmmm! interesting debate but your first image covers the fullest range from rock to boulders, stones to pebbles and ultimately sand so no doubts on being themed. A good image whatever but I do like the second posted with the lovely use of DOF creating a 3d-like image. :clap:

Thanks Carl ....I did get it all in there didn't I :)

I like your stone, a good mixture of natural and man made, nice mixture of colours and a stunning view.

Thanks Clive :)

Suzie, much prefer the stack of stones. shadow, texture just nice

Thanks Chris (y)

The stack is nicely done, good light and shade and textures in the stones, I always find it hard to choose too.

Thanks Chris ....glad its not just me.
I think its a good mix of man made and natural as stated above, I think the stack is a little lost in the BG

Thanks for looking in Allan :)

I'll agree with Allan that the first is definitely more interesting, but I reckon the stack either needs a plainer background (or even shallower DOF) or perhaps more negative space??

Good spots though and hard to argue against them both being on theme!

Thanks Paul ....Maybe I should have brought the stones home .... I quite fancy the idea of a plain background.

Hi Susie

I have to say I like both equally the first for the interest with the different types of stone and the peaceful view out to sea.

The second one is lovely too I love the light and shadows on the pile of stones theres some lovely detail in there too.

Thanks Mark ...the sea was like a millpond that day.
Yes, that works nicely for Simple Susie ... um .... that doesn't sound right ... I meant, Susie that works nicely for Simple. Like the angle and the graduated depth of the tidal waves. :clap:
Entrance - I like the different take on the theme
Size - a fun shot I hope you got Ice cream too
Forgotten - two great shots I like the simplicity of the 1st one best
Stone - I prefer your stack of stones picture
Simple - simple but effective I like the diagonal waves
I think your horizon's off there a tad Susie ? :D

Very clever nicely executed too :)
Took me forever to work this out and only clicked when I read the other comments.

Lovely colours and definitely nice and simple. Just enough to let you know what it is too as with a slight crop from the lower left corner, I doubt I'd ever have guessed! :)