The Idiot Behind the Lens Challenge is BACK! Better than last time!

Bogger 'eck! Better get a disposable soon! Got a few shots planned...

ETA a question...

Are entries going to be anonymous or will authorship be visible?
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I'm going to have a go at this :) The scouring of the £1 shops starts tomorrow and ends in Argos if all else fails!
I'm going to enter this, after a failed project 52 a few years ago my photography has taken a dive and this will hopefully give it the kick it/I need.

Quick question, as this is about what we can achieve with a single use camera, does that mean we can't use external equipment ie flash, filters etc? And no post software processing right?

Look forward to seeing peoples photos.
Many of these cameras have flash built-in, and beyond your control. I can't see a problem with holding a filter in front of the lens, apart from the juggling involved! But I understand post processing is out...

(...which to a certain extent is nonsense for film, if you think about it for a few seconds. The processes of getting from taken image to film to developed negative, and then to a digital version, are post-processing. Perhaps the rule means: use a commercial processor (Boots or better) to both develop and scan your shots outwith your control. But if you develop and/or scan the films yourself, you will necessarily be doing post-processing, and you will have the capability to drastically change your images, for the better or worse!)
It does mean no POST processing, as in, once in digital format [in whatever way you achieve that], we are trusting you to take this in the spirit in which is is meant and not fiddle around with them ;)

I dont see a reason not have a try sticking a filter in front of it if you want, you would struggle to use flash other then the built in one....
It does mean no POST processing, as in, once in digital format [in whatever way you achieve that], we are trusting you to take this in the spirit in which is is meant and not fiddle around with them ;)

I dont see a reason not have a try sticking a filter in front of it if you want, you would struggle to use flash other then the built in one....

Thanks for clearing that up, so NO to post processing (I did mean, once in digital format using PS etc)

But an OK for trying to use filters.

I am not able to participate in the contest, but is it possible to offer some prize ?

It could be one free hire /4 hours/ in my photo studio, or 30 pounds /send via paypal/ to the winner.

Surely though trying to use filters and the like is just starting to get just slightly away from what all this supposed to be about.

Getting back to the very basics of photography just you a box and a roll of film and using the light available to you to get the best out of it. Whilst having a laugh and hoping for the best ha ha. Or has the idea of a small prize taken away the fun element of what this started it out to be?

Just my 2cents
Surely though trying to use filters and the like is just starting to get just slightly away from what all this supposed to be about.

Getting back to the very basics of photography just you a box and a roll of film and using the light available to you to get the best out of it. Whilst having a laugh and hoping for the best ha ha. Or has the idea of a small prize taken away the fun element of what this started it out to be?

Just my 2cents

frankly Spike, if someone wants to try and stick a filter in front one of these things, then bloody good luck to them, with no way of adjusting anything to compensate for it, we can all have a giggle at the results... or be proved wrong and giggle at ourselves :D
I am not able to participate in the contest, but is it possible to offer some prize ?

It could be one free hire /4 hours/ in my photo studio, or 30 pounds /send via paypal/ to the winner.


thats a very kind offer, but we already have a small prize which for the purposes of this thread is more than enough. However, we are always looking for such contributions to other stuff, so perhaps use the contact us link at the bottom of the page to chat to admin (y)
frankly Spike, if someone wants to try and stick a filter in front one of these things, then bloody good luck to them, with no way of adjusting anything to compensate for it, we can all have a giggle at the results... or be proved wrong and giggle at ourselves :D

Would be interesting to watch someone stick a filter to the front (y) so if anyone does do this we want to see the blue peter sticky back plastic no holds barred pic of the set up :LOL:

Very sunny here in spain so might have too much light

Would be interesting to watch someone stick a filter to the front (y) so if anyone does do this we want to see the blue peter sticky back plastic no holds barred pic of the set up :LOL:

Very sunny here in spain so might have too much light


I am already imagining loveheart shapes cut out of milk bottle tops, or even better, sticky back plastic :LOL:
Still haven't bought my camera(s); best local bet seems like Argos for £2.99. But while researching, I came across the Rollei Crossbird, on Amaz*n for £8.99:

This is a Rollei Crossbird Single Use Disposable camera. It is filled with a 36 exposure Crossbird 200asa film. It will give best results in good outdoor conditions or with the built in flash for indoor shots as long as the subject is within 3m. The Rollei Crossbird film is a slide film (E6) that is designed to be processed in standard color (C41) chemistry. The effect of this is that you will get a very varied range of color in the results and they will NOT BE normal.

Sounds interesting; I'm tempted! (There are also Rollei single use cameras with 100, 400 and 800 ISO black and white film, and I discovered some with HP5 and XP2 as well!)
Just found one of the disposable cameras that the kids took away but never finished, so Ill have a crack at this :). It also helps as I’m in the Lakes all next week too :D. I’ll have a go at adding a ND grad, but not sure it’s going to be very affective, as it will be a best guess to line up the horizon without seeing it in the view finder. :LOL:
I'm in! :woot:

I blame chris for his influence in the '52 this year!

I've just ordered an "ILFORD XP2 400 35mm 27exp B&W DISPOSABLE SINGLE USE CAMERA" it should arrive early next week.

Gonna try and get my '52 shot with it either next week or the week after....:eek:

I think the last time a I shot a negative was in about 1985...

Oh what have I done? :wacky:
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I am in, I'll also try and get my shots in on time this year :LOL:
I was in Maxx Spielmann this afternoon, and noticed they have single use cameras. She said they are £5.99 including processing, which is pretty good! For that price I suspect you'd get prints (didn't ask), but you can ask them to forget the prints, pay an extra £1 or so and get a low res scan (sufficient for TP display).
I'm in if I can find something in town tomorrow. Unless I use my bronny and chuck it in the bin after, that counts?
I was in Maxx Spielmann this afternoon, and noticed they have single use cameras. She said they are £5.99 including processing, which is pretty good! For that price I suspect you'd get prints (didn't ask), but you can ask them to forget the prints, pay an extra £1 or so and get a low res scan (sufficient for TP display).

I got mine in there last night. Although it's not up on display in most shops they're actually 2 for £10 which isn't bad and the woman I spoke to said that it wouldn't be problem to forget the prints and put them straight onto disc (for the inclusive price) so that might be useful info to anyone who hasn't bought one yet :)
Oh why not :)
This coincides with a few days away on me tod, so it could be a giggle.
I'm off out to get me camera :LOL:
Started taking my photos today, will hopfully take more this week and then get the developed next week.

Whilst in town, i checked with a few place on development price and wow do they differ. For processing, prints and CD it was between £4 - £10.50.

looking forward to seeing the results :)

AS the OP state are best ONE shot to start with does that mean into this thread? and can we start our own threads for all the shots?

Started taking my photos today, will hopfully take more this week and then get the developed next week.

Whilst in town, i checked with a few place on development price and wow do they differ. For processing, prints and CD it was between £4 - £10.50.

looking forward to seeing the results :)

AS the OP state are best ONE shot to start with does that mean into this thread? and can we start our own threads for all the shots?


No, I have changed it, there will be a thread for your one fav for entry into the vote, then another for the rest of your photos. You can of course start a separate thread too, but would like to see them in the shared thread (y)

so, come on, which places in town were charging what, might be useful to know :D
No, I have changed it, there will be a thread for your one fav for entry into the vote, then another for the rest of your photos. You can of course start a separate thread too, but would like to see them in the shared thread (y)

so, come on, which places in town were charging what, might be useful to know :D

OK so ASDA (where i bought my camera) £3 + £1 for CD (This might not include actual prints)

Snappy snaps - Develop 6x4 = £9.99 + £3 for CD or Develop to CD £7.49

Jessops - Develop 6x4 = £8 + £2.50 for CD or Develop to CD £7.00

I think thats right as i didn't have a pen and none of them had leaflets, :thinking:
Our ASDA were Fuji One Time Use (27 shot), £4. But bizarrely when I paid for it she said they were 2 for a fiver (so I did).

It's now occurring to me how many bells and whistles even MY old 40D has.
I can't even chimp!!! :runaway:
Took (wasted) some shots today...
I was disappointed that I couldn't get the built in flash to trigger a slave on optical mode. :(
this sounds like fun. where do you buy disposable cameras? lol

ohhhh where do you get them developed?

and and and I'd have to scan it in...

phew, challenge time :clap:
this sounds like fun. where do you buy disposable cameras? lol

Argos, Boots (BOGOF), Maxx Spielmann (£5.99 inc processing), Amazoobay, etc. Vary from around £3 to £16 or so. Most are C41 ("normal" colour negative film, also in black and white), it's also possible to get "proper" silver-based black and white, and even weirder choices.

sturisoma said:
ohhhh where do you get them developed?

and and and I'd have to scan it in...

phew, challenge time :clap:

Snappy Snaps, Boots, Maxx Spielmann etc will do processing including a low res scan at around 1200 dpi on the negative, enough for TP. If you want better processing, there's a sticky in the Film and Conventional forum... but I wouldn't bother spending too much on processing. Scanning colour negative film is a right pain because of the underlying orange mask on the film, leading to slightly odd colours if you don't have all the right settings. I generally prefer to get someone to do it for me!
Buy one get one free in Superdrug. £3.99 each. I got four!

As for developing. Max Whatshisface should do develop only for three quid if you have facilities for scanning negs at home it's ideal. Otherwise any of the other suggestions in the thread are good too.

I'm going to try and crack mine open without suffering a violent sparky death and develop it myself :)
Buy one get one free in Superdrug. £3.99 each. I got four!

As for developing. Max Whatshisface should do develop only for three quid if you have facilities for scanning negs at home it's ideal. Otherwise any of the other suggestions in the thread are good too.

I'm going to try and crack mine open without suffering a violent sparky death and develop it myself :)

Just dont touch the two legs of the capacitor at the same time. Sparky pain will happen if you do :D

...yes, ive done this :thumbsdown:

*What IS fun though (if you a a big child like me), is to put something like the blades of a pair of scissors over the two legs to make it go bang (y)

*Obviously not an advisable thing to do*

Im helping reduce my guilt by adding this little note to my post :D
Just dont touch the two legs of the capacitor at the same time. Sparky pain will happen if you do :D

...yes, ive done this :thumbsdown:

*What IS fun though (if you a a big child like me), is to put something like the blades of a pair of scissors over the two legs to make it go bang (y)

*Obviously not an advisable thing to do*

Im helping reduce my guilt by adding this little note to my post :D

I just sacrificed one because my curiosity got the better of me! It was dead easy to open without getting all sparked up :) I also wanted to see what film it was and its Superia Venus. Not one I've seen before. Probably one Fuji re packages just for disposables.
Just a quick update - i have created the two photosharing threads - links to them in the opening post of this thread - I know its early days yet, but other forum members might fall over them and join in too if they haven't seen this one.

So, a thread just for a single image for the vote and and another general sharing thread for all your photos. (y)
thanks to Kyle I got BOGOF in Superdrug

now then, can't focus, can't review image, tiny plastic viewfinder that distorts everything, omg HELP! ha ha