Notice TP 52'ers class of 2017 discussion thread week 52 weather ( and done)


... thinking hard about this weeks >>>Smooth<<<< shot ... I have something striking in mind but won't get it before tomorrow lunchtime so therefore ... b*****ks ...

It will be relegated to archive position but never-the-less you won't be disappointed . :p
If its to be an archive will it be in sepia.
... good thinking Shirley ... and sound observation Susie ... It's almost Thursday.
Photo done, just got to do my commenting round this afters. Stitches out this morning so a lazy day lounging on the sofa afterwards :rolleyes:
Are you ready for the next one?
1st out the hat is a Rabbit! .... err nope sorry folks that's my dinner. :oops: :$

Still I can always wash it down with some Mineral water and try not to get stoned doing it ( sorry :coat: )
Are you ready for the next one?
1st out the hat is a Rabbit! .... err nope sorry folks that's my dinner. :oops: :$

Still I can always wash it down with some Mineral water and try not to get stoned doing it ( sorry :coat: )

I say Borax :D:D Looking forward to this Mineral one :)
... thinking hard about this weeks >>>Smooth<<<< shot ... I have something striking in mind but won't get it before tomorrow lunchtime so therefore ... b*****ks ...

It will be relegated to archive position but never-the-less you won't be disappointed . :p

.... was feeling a bit fed up with drizzle whenever I reached for my camera, had a brill idea for Smooth-Talk, which will be done come Reshoot week. Thought I was going to post an archive shot today for Smooth but got something this AM in Hyde Park for Smooth-Ride. :thinking:
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But don't u eat it raw and whole????
Yeah that was for the benefit of those that don't like the tickling feeling as it slides down.
( your throat hole, That's one for you you old film buff you ;) )
That's done, can we have another Thursday please?
That's done, can we have another Thursday please?
You can go sit in a corner and read a book until the rest of the class catch up :p
I guess steel and copper are made from minerals, and coal is a mineral, hell, I could even shoe horn in water as mineral.
I guess I'd better get down to Clapham Junction for the 12:28 Victoria - Shalford - Victoria ;)
Well... for me I managed to take Wk 4's photo before week five was announced, so nearly getting up to date, still doing one image a week but they are always a day late :D

Just got to edit it and post it now... as for mineral, previous years I haven't got the best of images, so got to put some effort in this week :thinking:
There's a list somewhere. :D
I know, but 2 years past is enough especially with all the new recruits :p
Seriously though can you imagine how restrictive it would be and or more and more complicated with no repeats?
Its a first for me and having googled I've learnt all sorts. Water is not a mineral like I thought it was. Read, learn and post, not ready yet:)
I'm been :thinking: about that. The dead sea has salt in it and the sea has salt in it so why isn't the sea a mineral. Mineral water eg. Certain types of screws maybe mineral:giggle::eggface:is an egg mineral.:spam::chicken: has minerals in it. On and on and on the ideas flow, like water.:cautious:
The dead sea has salt in it and the sea has salt in it so why isn't the sea a mineral. Mineral water eg.
Water is mineral Shirley. I have it on no less an authority than Ask Andy that it is. " A mineral is a chemical or a compound of chemicals. So, of course, are plants and animals. The difference is this. A mineral was made without the help of plants and animals. Bone and wood are not minerals, all the water in the world is created by nature. It is, then, a mineral". Phew! Relief as I've used water for my submission this week ha ha.