weekly Viv1969's Try at 52....The Sequel....2016 Week 50, 51 & 52.... And finished

These pencil zips are fun, but there's something I really like about the relative simplicity of #2
#1 for me, it's just more colourful :D
2 great images for Colourful Ruth

Really like No 1 very cleverly though out. The DOF on No 2 really makes the nibs of the pencils stand out
Proper catch up for me Ruth... sorry for the delay!

The jeans shot for rough is interesting and I like your take here and processing. It works and as "street" is quite intriguing. Definitely on theme with both your interpretation and that wall behind.
I like the paint shot though - great textures and an interesting capture, with full on colour (but not nastily so in any way!)
Bluebells is a lovely, traditional image. Maybe more golden lighting would help but it's nice as is, at least for about 90% of the image... but I really don't like the TS/blur effect at the top & bottom (it's a pet peeve of mine, sorry!)
Colourful are two genuinely brilliant images. The imagination of the first is exceptional - I love it :clap: The technical and "pretty" capture of the second is wonderful in a completely different way. Both fab, fab shots and bring completely different things to the fore. Well done!
The obvious thing about the zip is its not straight but you know that the other thing I would have done it in portrait rather than landscape, that's just my opinion so please feel free to ignore a nice colourful image either way
#1 is very colourful, but the symmetry is slightly off and I notice these things more these days :)

#2 for me, nice simple, yet effective idea.

I'm plumping for #2 Ruth - more unusual angle and all those hexagonal and circular shapes crammed together and vying for space. Very Colourful. :clap:

These pencil zips are fun, but there's something I really like about the relative simplicity of #2

#1 for me, it's just more colourful :D

2 great images for Colourful Ruth

Really like No 1 very cleverly though out. The DOF on No 2 really makes the nibs of the pencils stand out

Proper catch up for me Ruth... sorry for the delay!

The jeans shot for rough is interesting and I like your take here and processing. It works and as "street" is quite intriguing. Definitely on theme with both your interpretation and that wall behind.
I like the paint shot though - great textures and an interesting capture, with full on colour (but not nastily so in any way!)
Bluebells is a lovely, traditional image. Maybe more golden lighting would help but it's nice as is, at least for about 90% of the image... but I really don't like the TS/blur effect at the top & bottom (it's a pet peeve of mine, sorry!)
Colourful are two genuinely brilliant images. The imagination of the first is exceptional - I love it :clap: The technical and "pretty" capture of the second is wonderful in a completely different way. Both fab, fab shots and bring completely different things to the fore. Well done!

The obvious thing about the zip is its not straight but you know that the other thing I would have done it in portrait rather than landscape, that's just my opinion so please feel free to ignore a nice colourful image either way

#1 is very colourful, but the symmetry is slightly off and I notice these things more these days :)

#2 for me, nice simple, yet effective idea.


I can't choose between these two - the interlocking pencils is a really clever arrangement, but I do like the simplicity of the second.

Brilliant idea for Coloured Ruth, absolutely inspired (y)

#2 is good too but the first one does it for me.

Thank you all for your comments, and for looking.

I am struggling to keep my head above water for a few reasons....and trying to keep up with shooting within the allotted week.

I SWEAR I will get back on track with commenting on all of your threads really soon!!
Week 20 - Entrance....But which one to choose in this shot!!

Then there's what WAS going to be my main submission, before @wallyboy beat me to it!! grrrrrrrrrr :LOL:

And an Extra just because this place has SO MANY fab doors!

And a quick return to the property with the door I used for "Rough"

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Hi Ruth. Don't worry about the commenting just keep going with the TP52. Like all three and in order of submission really. Like #1 best because of the light and airy space, the multiple entranceways and beautiful arches. :clap:
Hi Ruth. Don't worry about the commenting just keep going with the TP52. Like all three and in order of submission really. Like #1 best because of the light and airy space, the multiple entranceways and beautiful arches. :clap:
Thanks Carl....Much appreciated.
Added another now.
I could get obsessed with doors.
The place in the first three pictures is beautiful....A pleasure just to walk around.
My personal favourite is the 'rough' re-shoot for Entrance, Ruth. Love the colour and simplicity of it and no idea what's on the other side of the door.
Hi Ruth some lovely images for Entrance

No 1 is brilliant so many entrances in there I also like No4 because the greeny blue gate really stands out
I love doors too Ruth ...I like them all but I think #1 is an absolute smasher ...I love it :clap:

Thanks Susie, that's my favourite one too.

My personal favourite is the 'rough' re-shoot for Entrance, Ruth. Love the colour and simplicity of it and no idea what's on the other side of the door.

Thanks Ian.
There's a very nice 17th century grade 2 listed cottage within...though calling it a cottage is doing it a disservice!


For me the green door is great, mind you it is my favourite colour. Fantastic place.


Cheers Chris....It's a colour I like too :)

Hi Ruth some lovely images for Entrance

No 1 is brilliant so many entrances in there I also like No4 because the greeny blue gate really stands out

Thank you Mark. The Priory is just awash with fantastic door, gates, and cloisters.
Lovely turquoise door in the last one but #1 has an Alice in Wonderland feel to it. Lovely light streaming in and detail.

Feels a little on the squiff but I know it isn't.


2 dead simple ones.....Mojo is a little lacking :(

The measuring cups just wouldn't sit straight.

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Hello Ruth

I like all your entrances! My fave being the most simple even if it is a little tight in the frame, nicely off centre tho.

Size ... Two nicely done very different ideas ... mojo's still working. :D
The text for me too, Ruth. I like the cups too, but I'm a sucker for effective use of DoF :)
Hi Ruth :)

Colourful - Just love both of them images, although the crayon/zip image has instant appeal for me, the crayon tip image grows on me more and more the longer I look at it, not sure what it is, maybe the square crop and the unusual view, but for me it takes the prize - good couple :clap:

Entrance - Another good group of image, loving the look and age of all of them, but the one for me is the bright green gate, really like the wall running up to it from the LH side :)

Size - Colourful spoons are cool, but the simpler shot of the text is a winner for me, again two cracking entries (y)
Hi Ruth

As others have said, don't worry if you can't keep up with commenting - just drop in on a thread if you really want to say something! You've been very diligent on comments when you had time, which is appreciated :)
Entrance is a good collection - I personally prefer the first as the shadow and light is interesting.
Size - probably the first for me as it's so simply effective. Also, the colour reflection on the white paper takes away some of the impact for me on the cup shot... but that's probably just me!

Keep at it... we're nearly half way through :)
The text for me too Ruth - nicely sharp where it matters and the fall-off either side is excellent.
Just had a catchup on some of your Images, yours is always the first I go to when looking :)

Rough, prefer the second image, love the colour and textures in this
Covered, this is what I had thought of and have a shot but have not posted yet, I like the way the trees are leading you in and the colours are so vivid
Colourful, I prefer the second, there just something about pencils that I like!
Entrance, I think I like the last, its the turquoise again :)
Size, I think I prefer the first, depth of field is good and its a nice and simple black and white!
Hi Ruth

I like both of your images for size both really work for me really like the DOF in the first one and the colours in the second
Another vote for the text from me Ruth. And don't worry about commenting as these are my first comments in a month :( We can when we can and don't when we can't. After all, it's the personal challenge that's the focus of this challenge not how much feedbck we give/get.
After the weather today, there are a few of these lying seemingly forgotten in my garden.

That's a beautiful shot Ruth. Like the composition and both the colour & texture contrasts between the rose & bg. (y)
Entrance - a great selection I like the 1st one best but they are all good and I love the colour of the gate in the the 4th one.
Size - both simple but effective.
forgotten - a very forlorn looking flower just right for the theme.
That's a beautiful shot Ruth. Like the composition and both the colour & texture contrasts between the rose & bg. (y)

Thank you Carl.
The climbing rose is intertwined through the huge Cherry tree at the bottom of the garden.
After the weather over the last 24 hours, there are many flowers on the ground and (in this case) stone table.
Every one of them looks utterly forgotten and forlorn.