weekly Helen C's 52 for 23. Week 52 - Favourite shot of 2023

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I wanted to be very local for this one so had a wander from home with just one lens intending to get a pretty shot like this... taken on the local estate.

PW6A2567 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr

However, when I reviewed the images I much preferred the tree into the sun shots I had played with.

PW6A2575 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
I'll agree, the high contrast of the tree with all its branches and trunk is more interesting.
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You made the right choice Helen. Has drama - looks foreboding.
Tree against the Sun for me too. I'd love to walk through the first scene but would stop and look at the tree for longer.
I can see why the tree shot takes your eye, but I'm a sucker for a landscape shot..... Both worthy of the theme!
Both nice shots - week 1 ticked :)
Both nice pics but I prefer the first one, you caught the ripples on the water nicely, I can imagine myself kayaking along there
I like them both Helen but the tree is rather special with the sun coming through like that. Nicely composed and processed. All the best for the rest of the 52.
I'll agree, the high contrast of the tree with all its branches and trunk is more interesting.
The tree for me it’s a good silhouette.
You made the right choice Helen. Has drama - looks foreboding.
Tree against the Sun for me too. I'd love to walk through the first scene but would stop and look at the tree for longer.
I can see why the tree shot takes your eye, but I'm a sucker for a landscape shot..... Both worthy of the theme!
Both nice shots - week 1 ticked :)
The first is a lovely open scene, Helen, but the tree is the right selection. B&W is the perfect choice too - it adds to the sense of this huge tree towering over you and blocking out the light. Good luck with the rest of your 52.
Both nice pics but I prefer the first one, you caught the ripples on the water nicely, I can imagine myself kayaking along there
I like them both Helen but the tree is rather special with the sun coming through like that. Nicely composed and processed. All the best for the rest of the 52.

Thanks for dropping by and for the feedback. It's much appreciated, especially at the start of the 52 as there are so many submissions to peruse.
A bit of a record shot this week, with a story. During lockdown Bansky visited Lowestoft and left quite a few artworks around the area, one of which involved a skip...


I noticed a recent report online that the skip had been removed.... which sort of ruins the point of the image - hence incomplete. So I went off to see if I could get an interesting shot of said seagull only to find the whole side of the building encased in plastic covered scaffolding!

Backup idea was progress on the Gull Wing Bridge just across the road... unfortunately it wasn't as interesting as I thought it might be but here goes anyway. The finished project should be more photogenic...

PW6A2592 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr

Artist impression of the finished bridge.

Just realised there is a definite seabird theme going on here :D
Really like the tree in your Area shot, very dark and moody.

Pity about the Banksy shot, that bridge is going to be something special by the looks of it, you have fitted the theme well and started a photo diary of its construction if you so wish.
Great shot with the dusky light. I love the seagull shot too!
Nice shot of the will be bridge. It'd be good to get a series as it progresses :)
Really like the tree in your Area shot, very dark and moody.

Pity about the Banksy shot, that bridge is going to be something special by the looks of it, you have fitted the theme well and started a photo diary of its construction if you so wish.
I hope they are not going to destroy the Bansky mural. An interesting design for the bridge and looks quite impressive in the design graphic.
@rpn With Suffolk Council you never know.. I don't think they would as it's become something of a local icon!

Great shot with the dusky light. I love the seagull shot too!
You have started something now.
Nice shot of the will be bridge. It'd be good to get a series as it progresses :)
well that bridge is far from complete. Good thinking Helen.

Thanks for dropping by and for the comments... looks like I have definitely started something so I will revisit later on. It is supposed to be opening this year...
Good ideas Helen which is the main thing, I quite like the shot with the two cranes in opposite directions, nicely timed for the sky.

I'd be cloning out all those seagulls though!
The Banksy image (and story) would definitely have been the better shot, too bad that it was covered up. Your bridge shot does fill the bill though.
Your area - I do prefer the landscape image but would prefer it with less sky
Incomplete - Before reading the comments/replies I did wonder if the skip had been fixed in position as it is central to the image. Finding out it has been removed would certainly make it less interesting. The finished bridge looks like it will be very photogenic.
Good ideas Helen which is the main thing, I quite like the shot with the two cranes in opposite directions, nicely timed for the sky.

I'd be cloning out all those seagulls though!
Thanks @overbez - I'm not a fan of processing so I don't do much unless I really think the image is worth it... and this one definitely wasn't!
The Banksy image (and story) would definitely have been the better shot, too bad that it was covered up. Your bridge shot does fill the bill though.
Thanks @Darkslinger - I agree, the banksy would have been much more fun!
Your area - I do prefer the landscape image but would prefer it with less sky
Incomplete - Before reading the comments/replies I did wonder if the skip had been fixed in position as it is central to the image. Finding out it has been removed would certainly make it less interesting. The finished bridge looks like it will be very photogenic.
Thanks for the kind comments @StuartPearson
Fantastic shot there Helen! Well done!
Very nice shot, the vertical reflections and colour in the water make it.
I really like this picture Helen, well done! I feel like I’m flying over the water towards it, do you have a drone?
Some lovely colours there. Perfectly exposed as well.
I like the symmetry. The whole image is very nicely done.
Great image Helen, really nice symmetry and the colours are great. Nailed the exposure and the composition works really well.
Fantastic shot there Helen! Well done!
Excellent picture
Lovely shot!
Very nice shot, the vertical reflections and colour in the water make it.
Thats a fabulous shot Helen. Very nice.
I really like this picture Helen, well done! I feel like I’m flying over the water towards it, do you have a drone?
@Disney93 Thank you. No drones involved... just taken from Languard Fort looking across the water. It's certainly an impressive sight.
Very very nice shot. Love the colours.
Great capture of the lights, really like this shot
Some lovely colours there. Perfectly exposed as well.
I like the symmetry. The whole image is very nicely done.
Great image Helen, really nice symmetry and the colours are great. Nailed the exposure and the composition works really well.
Another great shot.

Nothing else to add.
Hell's Teeth! Now that's a shot!!! Well played!!
That is a beautiful image Helen, really well done!
Thanks so much for all the lovely feedback. Have to say I was rather pleased with it too. Much appreciated.