weekly Richard, 52 week - Change added

Good lighting and detail. As others have said a bit more action would improve it a lot
Sence: Nicely done Richard. I would be happy with this!!! Not sure biting into the apple would be a great idea myself.....would possibly not portray the young lady in the most flattering way? Perhaps just looking down at the apple would be enough to enhance the connection between model and apple? (y)
Good portrait, nicely lit. I feel her gaze leaves it a bit lacking in something - somehow I don't feel engaged.
Hi Richard

Sense...works for me , like the lighting ( shadows are natural so don't bother me) , good skin tones & catch lights in her eye's (y)

Only slight niggle is her hand being slightly oof , possibly due to DOF , but the eye's are pin sharp (y)
Hi Richard :)

Another vote for the second shot here, at first I prefered the first, but the more I looked at the hands the more they distracted...

The first shot is a bit tight on the lappy, the second is much better around that, although the Fruit and Chair bug me slightly :D

Both are well lit shots with good colour (y)
I think they both work well but I have to agree that the movement in the fingers in number one are a little distracting so No2 gets my vote also.
I find #1 has got just a bit too much motion in the hands so another vote for #2. A few distractions in this image but it has been nicely lit and focus looks good as well.
Hi Richard,

Sense, I like the idea and the lighting is good, but she looks a little too distant! It's like she's thinking of anything but eating the apple!

Ending, I too vote for the second shot. I would have moved the chairs around though to avoid the shadow off the one on the left and the one with the radiator behind it. Maybe would have got her sitting there and hidden the fruit bowl! A good idea though :)
Great image Richard, focus on the thumb looks good, clean black bg, good sense of movement (y)
Hi Richard

Good idea for the theme, simple but effective , sharp as a tack on the thumb with just the right amount of movement ( was that added in pp ? ) & mono works well (y)
Thanks Lynne, no the movement was just a lot of experimenting to get the right look. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Positive - Nice and sharp image of the hand and the addition of the motion blur adds to the positive theme

Time - I like your connection with the theme. I know these are probably leaning so I'm wondering if a slight CW rotation would just even things up a bit. The greens are quite nice without going overboard with the saturation controls.
Like the way you have caught interesting light on these gravestones and te shadows falling across them. I must be missing something on the circle idea though as I don't quite get it.
hi, have to agree with most of the above, but I do feel its a little over saturated and the daffodils seem a little blown but the graves look spot on.