Notice TP 52'ers 2018 Challenge. Discussion thread Week 52 see the spoiler #2351

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Yes, on the Saturday and maybe the Sunday as long as the snow that the evening (prophet of doom) standard stays away.

I didn't get there in the end the weather put me off. I'm tempted to go the the one in November may have to look into costumes! Got a few form doing the Mini runs but not sure they're right!
Apologies for not catching up on comments, had an unexpected date with an ambulance and a+e on Monday, only just managed to get up properly. Also reacted to pain killers they gave me to take home. Anyway hoping for a nice theme tomorrow, hoping to get out. I also need to give a new bag it's first journey since being brought at the photography show.
had an unexpected date with an ambulance and a+e on Monday, only just managed to get up properly.
Nothing too serious I hope Michael?
Nothing too serious I hope Michael?

They put it down to a migraine, a very bad one at that on top of my blackout issues, so after a huge head pain and then shaking and collapsing, i wasn't able to move my arms or legs. Sent me home with tramdol, even though I said I react badly to medication, a pain score of 10+ he suggested I try the tramadol, never again! 3 Hours of horrible side effects last night, migraine is still there, but at least I can move around now.
3 Hours of horrible side effects last night, migraine is still there, but at least I can move around now.
BUGGER! I hope it starts to ease off soon for you :)
They put it down to a migraine, a very bad one at that on top of my blackout issues, so after a huge head pain and then shaking and collapsing, i wasn't able to move my arms or legs. Sent me home with tramdol, even though I said I react badly to medication, a pain score of 10+ he suggested I try the tramadol, never again! 3 Hours of horrible side effects last night, migraine is still there, but at least I can move around now.
Sounds like you have had a rough time, hope you get well soon.
Is It Thursday, I have been far too busy at work and not finding the time to check TP.
Next week will be better.

So what will this weeks theme be.
Week 12, and as the regulars will know its time for a ( an optional) re-shoot..
That is you re-visit a previous theme ...

And this weeks theme ...
Well better get your thinking caps on People ... and just remember that not everything is black and white ;)


The juxtaposition of two contrasting objects, images, or ideas is the fact that they are placed together or described together, so that the differences between them are emphasized.

Lets see you squeeze that one on to the Spread Sheet Dean ( @Dark Knight ) :D

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Week 12, and as the regulars will know its time for a ( an optional) re-shoot..
That is you re-visit a previous theme ...

And this weeks theme ...
Well better get your thinking caps on People ... and just remember that not everything is black and white ;)


The juxtaposition of two contrasting objects, images, or ideas is the fact that they are placed together or described together, so that the differences between them are emphasized.

Lets see you squeeze that one on to the Spread Sheet Dean ( @Dark Knight ) :D

A nice B&W :)
Oh and in case anyone is interested, I don't have a bloody clue how to shoe horn this one :(
Oh and in case anyone is interested, I don't have a bloody clue how to shoe horn this one :(
Snakes and ladders?!
Well just got back from a nice day at mums, only to find a cracking gift from SWMBO sitting on the desk when I got back in so the right date and time is now set. Just have to hope I don`t get robbed of it now.

I'm trying to decipher your post, Dave, it either be very good or very bad news! :thinking:
Just a small update from me, I have had a busy week, but I have managed to 1 get out fishing for the first time this year didnt catch nothing though. Then on the on the 21/22nd of March I was on a 2 day conversion course, so I now have my reach truck licence to go along with my counterbalance forklift licence. So all of that has put me a little bit behind with my comments and my own images, but I have been out with the camera today and I have my image for " wet " all sorted. As for for Juxtaposition :banghead: I have no idea at all what to do, but for now I shall edit and post my image for wet and go and enjoy some food and a film and tonight I will catch up on comments and crit.
Then on the on the 21/22nd of March I was on a 2 day conversion course, so I now have my reach truck licence to go along with my counterbalance forklift licence.
Great news Mandy, Congrats (y)

I'm trying to decipher your post, Dave, it either be very good or very bad news! :thinking:
I'm glad I'm not the only one :D
Comments and stuff from me may be a bit scarce over the next week or so. Lost my Nan last night so gonna be busy with family stuff for a while, so dont worry guys and gals I'll catch up on the comments soon. Im not ignoring you.
Comments and stuff from me may be a bit scarce over the next week or so. Lost my Nan last night so gonna be busy with family stuff for a while, so dont worry guys and gals I'll catch up on the comments soon. Im not ignoring you.

Sorry to hear that, Ross. So sad but family first we aren't going anywhere and we'll still be here when you're ready.
Comments and stuff from me may be a bit scarce over the next week or so. Lost my Nan last night so gonna be busy with family stuff for a while, so dont worry guys and gals I'll catch up on the comments soon. Im not ignoring you.

Ross I am sorry to hear this, don`t worry at all about comments. As Chris said, family has to come first mate.
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