weekly Crotal Bell 52 for 2023 Wk 52 Favourite from 2023.

Ironically I saw loads of these on a recent walk, then I saw the Cinnabar Moth in my garden, before a lone Ragwort in the middle of the garden became covered in the caterpillars.
All wildlife is pretty, but I think these deserve my week 29 pic.

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I like the shot Keith but not sure that I understand how it relates to the theme?
Running a couple of weeks late so decided to run a theme of my hobbies (including photography by default)

Possessions - all my metal detecting finds are special and even a humble military service button makes me very happy and this one's a cracker.
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Machine - My reel for lure fishing, I love fishing a number of different ways and lure fishing is something I enjoy.

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Circles - I love these little round target stickers for air rifle shooting, thick them on any cardboard and hey presto you have a target.

Good catch up set, and I like the linked theme for them all. The button is very nice indeed, lovely find.
Good stuff :)
Nice set of catchup shots.

Must be quite exciting to find something with a metal detector even with a humble button.

I'm into fishing too, mainly sea fishing off a boat or fly fishing.
When you pick up something and you know you're the first person to touch it in over a thousand years....very special. But yes, even more recent tings like military buttons are cool to find, it's all history. On a bad day out (and there's many of those) a George V coin can be a very welcome sight.
I fished off Torquay harbour wall many years ago and had a few Mackerel using slider float and Ragworm. All the locals around me blanked !
Would love to try fly fishing but I'm a multi species course fishing river man, just getting back into it (that's my lure reel)
Nice set to catch up with and a varied group of interests. I bet you rarely get bored!
Well the metal detecting is long overdue a return visit, and mental + physical health issues often keep me indoors when I wish I was out, at least I have several interests I can indulge on You Tube when I'm stuck in the house. :)
Fab shot Keith :)
Just haven't been able to indulge photography quite as much lately, so didn't have the time to play with the tech for the first week of motion blur.
Week 36 Urban
Forum Urban.jpg
Yep that works. I think one of those bunnies has clocked you :D