weekly d00d's 52 in 2016 ... week 52 celebration

Hi David,
Good shot for old. Pity the cropping has taken the edge off the quality.
Two good strong images for metal. I think I just prefer No 1. Nicely lit.
Captive is a very clever idea. Well thought out and hits the theme bang on (y)
Clever composition in Miniature too. Another winner :)
A nice simple uncluttered shot for happy. Nothing to add from me.
good interpretation of the theme simple and effective picture
A very eye-catching and effective shot. I'd maybe have had a slightly more gradual transition into black but the heart stands out so brightly that you barely notice that anyway.
Hi d00d, nice simple but effective shot for happy, its all been said above not sure on the amount of dead space but I am learning to live with it
Very nice I like how it flows into the darkness great shot.(y)
Thanks all for your feedback. (y)

Re the empty space on the right ... I originally went for OOF brickwork on RHS, but then didn't like it because it was too OOF and messy, lost it with off-centre vignette, and left it like that cos it's different. :D
Week 5 Abandoned .... I know I'm revealing my insecurities by posting more than one shot, but I can't help myself.

#1 my garden path this morning

#2 the british museum yesterday
Nice and simple and love the contrast between the BG and white chalk.

I do love a vignette too! :)
Thanks Ian, yes I was pleased with the contrast. :)

You posted re my Happy shot just as I was posting week 5
Abandoned - the clear simplicity and the questions unanswered of #1 for me
Hi David. Two very interesting and differing takes on the Abandoned theme. I like the contrast in texture and colours of #1 - nicely composed and lit but am leaning more towards #2 for it's multiple points of interest and movement without losing anything from the abandoned food tray. Both excellent. :clap:
#2 for me, its a much more interesting shot, my focus was on the girl rather than the abandoned drinks..

The wide panorama crop is great
#1 work for me, nice contrast between the black and white tiles and the yellow (brownish) of the banana skin. I assume you have put it there :whistle:

#2 is very interesting, lots to look at, it works very well in that panorama crop you've chosen. But I am a bit confused what I am supposed to look at. The food tray? Or the lady on the left who looks also a bit lost?
Loving Happy. Composition is spot on and I love the vignette.

Abandoned - I like both of theme but my fave is the Abandoned tray. So much going on but the focus is on the tray and the crop works really well (y)
Thanks Ian, yes I was pleased with the contrast. :)

You posted re my Happy shot just as I was posting week 5
I noticed! Just got around to adding to it now haha

My preference is #1 for week 5. Like the b&w background and colourful banana (vibrance / saturation is spot on).

Like the composition too :)

#2 may be because I'm viewing on a small screen and it's a panoramic. Hard to see what the focal point is though?
Happy - love the simplicity, contrast and the smashing woodgrain - great shot:clap:
Abandoned - the banana skin for me - are you sure your neighbour didn't leave it there for you after you drew on her gate? :D
Happy - liking the chalk on the woodgrain door. Good idea for the theme.

Abandoned - #1 for me, I like the vibrancy of the banana skin against the tiles. #2 is a bit to busy for me.
Hi d00d two for the price of one this week :) there's something appealing about that banana shot ...it has a nice abstract minimalist look to it.

I really like the panorama shot too, but I just wish that girl on the left wasn't in it, I really like the way the people all look very small in the distance apart from her. Some very original idea have come on for the theme and yours are two of them :)
Another tread I've missed I really am rubbish at this....

Anyway a catch up

Old - Fits the theme for me love the colours and detail

Metal - Love the detail in both images I think the cross just edges it for me but I do like the way the rail draws you into the image on the second

Captive - Brilliant and imaginative take on the theme

Miniature - Nice take on the theme very subtle

Happy - Lovely lighting very subdued but works really well and portrays a felling of happiness.

Abandoned - Love the simplicity of No1, I'm intrigued by the girl in No2 as she looks a little lost and abandoned (I assume the try left on the table is your main feature of the image) and think the Girl adds to it a little more
Love the simple graphic composition and the colour contrasts on the banana shot!
I really like the second Abandoned shot. Lots happening, but the abandoned tray stays very much the subject.
The banana skin for me Carl, plain and simple, but nice colours and textured (y)
I like the abandoned banana. :)
Thanks everyone for your input. (y) .. The banana skin was my fave, as posted on the main thread, my abandoned drinks and eats at the museum idea didn't really work out, most shots with an OOF BG, but this one with the high f. number I like a lot but it's not really one for the abandoned theme. :thinking:
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Week 6 - Camouflage
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Hi David :)

Abandoned - Hmmmmm a tough choice, the second shot I really like, not sure if it's because of:
  • The ubber wide crop
  • or the focus on the tray
  • The lady's inclusion and positioning
  • The big sweeping curve of the background soffit
Just something I really like about this one:)

But for me, although it's a more simple shot, I am picking the chequer floor/banana skin image, good composition and colours (y)


Camouflage - A bit dark for my liking, maybe the vignette is a tad too powerful... anyway, the main subject works well, I like how you have got the figure below the netting, nice idea and the square crop works well too :)
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Hi David :)

Abandoned - Hmmmmm a tough choice, the second shot I really like, not sure if it's because of:
  • The ubber wide crop
  • or the focus on the tray
  • The lady's inclusion and positioning
  • The big sweeping curve of the background soffit
Just something I really like about this one:)

But for me, although it's a more simple shot, I am picking the chequer floor/banana skin image, good composition and colours (y)


Camouflage - A bit dark for my liking, maybe the vignette is a tad too powerful... anyway, the main subject works well, I like how you have got the figure below the netting, nice idea and the square crop works well too :)

Hi DK ... (y)

Abandoned #2 ... The ubber wide crop ... makes it ... think I'll do some more of those.

Camouflage ... vignette twice in three weeks o_O ... just thought it was .. erm .. apt. :cautious:
Happy: Nice drawing of a heart! :D

Abandoned: I like both. Very different. First one is visually appealing because of the contrast i colours and patterns. Second one is interesting with a story in it. :)

Camouflage: He looks like he could be a captive, too. :p
Abandoned - Nice simple first shot for Abandoned, though it looks a bit like an arrow to me so I would have positioned it on the left 1/3rd of the image.
I like the second one too, it really draws you in. I love the way that the couple on the right hand 5th look like they are a couple of models on the table.

Camouflage - Nice simple uncluttered shot, well lit.
A nice fun character and nicely blended with the easy peelers for Camouflaged. I quite like the vignette - almost gives it a subtle spotlight effect. :clap:
Hi d00d, a bit dark indeed and I am not really sure I get it, that will be just me though
Camouflaged, not the easiest of themes is it?
I think you got away with it though David :D
Abandoned...two good uns :)

I prefer #2, cracking wide angle; low perspective and I really like the girl's look of desperation.

Camouflage, I'd remove the label, a little under exposed but humorous take.
