weekly Elaine's 52 for 2016 - Urban added

I know I've answered to this photo before but I've been thinking about it, a big photo of b/w buildings, a lot going on and then with the smallest of a red dot and first glance at the photo, the very first thing that draws the eye is the red dot, has anyone else noticed that or is it just me. I like this photo.:)
I don't mind a bit of selective colour and think #1 is nicely done and a good fit for the theme
You've done well with the symmetry in #2 .... near perfect ;) .... making a nice image.
I agree with David, you have nailed the symmetry in the bridge shot and I agree with you that the colour on the bronze glass building adds interest. I also like the fact that you included the person walking over as it helps with the scale of the bridge.

No #1 - I really like this as well but for me the spot colouring doesn't work here. I don't think that the bouys are an important enough part of the picture to be highlighted so feel it distracts rather than enhances in this case, all just a personal opinion of course.
Hey Elaine,

B&W - Both certainly fit the theme, but I'm going for the goose. The sharp focus on the eyes is really good and the way you've blurred the background really helps it stand out.
Ancient - #1 again. So many different interesting pieces to the shot.
Urban - The bridge for me too, but oh why couldn't that chap walking across have kept to the centre eh?
Urban #2 for me too, great sense of scale of the little people.