weekly Fooly's 52 for 2022 - Week 38 : Look Up

I was wondering how you got the image without movement in the stars. Techniques to investigate here.
Two great images. I struggle with astro photography which probably means I need to practice more :)
Lovely pictures and thanks for explaining how you did it. It’s something I’ve always fancied having a go at.
Alley - your home made works well, I definitely wouldn't want to meet the figure at the end.

Heavy - Nice DOF on the dumbbells, a slightly wider image would be interesting to see

Light - it's amazing what you see in the sky away from light pollution
Both good images. Certainly meet the theme.
Cheers :)
Nice imaging. I do like Astro shots
Thank you :)
Great images Simon.
Thanks :)
I like this shot. Not much light but enough.
It was certainly dark in the car park!
I was wondering how you got the image without movement in the stars. Techniques to investigate here.
I use a Move Shoot Move - which is a star tracker, it rotates at the same speed as the earth in relation to the stars to keep it stable, but is a PITA to align to polar north
Two great images. I struggle with astro photography which probably means I need to practice more :)
I've just started out - its been on my list of things to learn for a long time
Lovely pictures and thanks for explaining how you did it. It’s something I’ve always fancied having a go at.
Welcome, and thanks :) - get out and give it a go!
Lights from millions of light-years away.
it was the first think that popped into my head when the topic came up
Alley - your home made works well, I definitely wouldn't want to meet the figure at the end.

Heavy - Nice DOF on the dumbbells, a slightly wider image would be interesting to see

Light - it's amazing what you see in the sky away from light pollution
Thank you :)
That is a lot of shoehorns in one shot ha ha! What a shot though - all very clever and perfect for the theme.
wait till we get to 52 - thats the end game, see how many can be shoe-horned in then....
wait till we get to 52 - thats the end game, see how many can be shoe-horned in then....

You're not planning on fitting the next 46 themes in one are you? :oops: :$:ROFLMAO:

Edit: Actually I can't count can I? :rolleyes::rolleyes: we must have 44 including this week's. I'll go back under my rock now.
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He looks damp and tired! A tired dog is a good dog.

Great shot.
Fab pooch pic :)
Soggy dog ... a nice shot Simon made me smile. The only down side of a soggy dog is the aroma of a drying dog :p
Damp dog, he is enjoying himself.
Fortunately Dudley <<<<----- does not like water after falling into a canal twice in one day when he was a pup.
Looks like they don't have a care in the world, very contented and chilling (literally??)
Lovely shot. I remember the smell of damp dog well :)

The foam leads you to him nicely. You've got down low too - did you end up a bit damp as well?
Week 10 - Through the Window

Having to play catchup - had a low few weeks and not had the motivation to get out - but with the clear skies the last few nights, and my new obsession with Astro, I got out for a session - I've put another thread up with the main shot, but this one was taken inside the church looking out - managed to get it in one single shot, the lighting is a bit off as I only had my headtorch on me, so was covering it with one hand to create a manual flash while doing a 9 second exposure of the stars through the window - bit hit and miss, but I've managed to get one that I'm happy with :)

IMG_1605-Edit.jpg by Simon Stocks, on Flickr
Nice... and well done for capturing some nebulosity in the Orion Nebula.
I think your efforts with the head torch have worked wonders, I think it's just right.
I like this a lot Simon. Was the purple hue an artifact from the long exposure or the actual colour of the stone?
Works ok for me, clearly fits the theme and it's something different.

Thank you
Nice... and well done for capturing some nebulosity in the Orion Nebula.
Thanks, I've been focussing a lot on Orion recently
Nice shot.
thanks :)
I think your efforts with the head torch have worked wonders, I think it's just right.
Thank you very much
I like this a lot Simon. Was the purple hue an artifact from the long exposure or the actual colour of the stone?
Thank you - the Purple is an artifact from the headtorch, I had my red light on at the same time, so its blended it a little when I processed it
Golf is a good worm's eye view!
Good set of catch-up shots Simon, I particularly like the technology and flora shots.

What am I looking at with you "discarded" shot? Looks like a pickled egg?