weekly Martin's 2018 52 Challenge

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Starting in 2018. Now I have to remember how to post things and link to them.
Have heard the Aussie Flu is doing the rounds so get well soon. Gate might be a quick shot, but you got one for the theme and like the dogs in view too, more so the Collie with the beautiful eyes looking up to the viewer. Good colours in the whole of the shot :)
PS: Welcome to the 52 as well :)
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Sometimes you've just got to shoot one for the team:D Hope you're feeling better and ready for Thursday:)
I like how the older dog is looking through the gate, the stance at the front end suggests a 'let them at them' while the rear suggests a rather more laid back approach, she knows when the time is right and is happy to wait. Then the younger dog staring at what you are doing with an intent interest.
Very nice image.
Good one. I like how everything is in sharp focus, not easy with two dogs running around. Great eyes on the bottom dog.
Welcome back Martin ... you'll be out & about before too long.
The dog at the bottom definitely makes the picture
Yep. Definitely agree it’s the dog eyeing up the camera that makes that shot. What mesmerising eyes :)
The uncropped picture has almost all of the blue-eyed dog in it (she's called Juno) including her nose but I thought it worked better with just the eyes.
Welcome back, Martin, and well done for getting out for an image while feeling under the weather. I've had a nasty bug since Christmas too and only really seeing it off now, so you have my sympathies.

I wish I could see the whole face of the dog at the bottom of the image, but the impact comes from those fantastic bright eyes really so it doesn't seem to matter too much. I love the excitement captured in a split second here; both dogs look eager to get through the gate but they know that they must wait for you to open it, so one is staring through the gate and looking ahead while the other is concentrating intently on you. It looks like teamwork by them :)
I think those eyes are saying what are you doing taking pictures open the gate.
I tried to get a current picture of people but the weather is so bad and no one is about that makes anything like an interesting picture so I submit this picture taken in October last year when the weather was almost as bad as it is now.

Surfers (1 of 1) by gorgon703, on Flickr
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Great action shot Martin and on theme.

For my 2p's worth for an excellent shot that surfer should be a tad more over to the left of the picture so he is moving into the frame rather than out, however the other surfers in the water make that very difficult.

BTW where did you take that picture from, in the water ?

Great action shot Martin and on theme.

For my 2p's worth for an excellent shot that surfer should be a tad more over to the left of the picture so he is moving into the frame rather than out, however the other surfers in the water make that very difficult.

BTW where did you take that picture from, in the water ?


The photo was taken at Looe in Cornwall. The waves the surfers are on are heading straight into the main beach and the tide was out and turning in at the time the picture was taken. The beach is in a small bay and the surrounding land (at a place called Hannifore Point) is slightly further out to sea and slightly higher. This means that even though the waves are high after a storm (which this was) the land at Hannifore is still out of the water and alongside the surf which also means that pictures can be taken along the waves without getting wet. Leave it an hour and the place I took the picture from is under water.
Nice shot for the theme and well taken
Personally, I think they are all completely hatstand for doing that in that weather.
Hi Andrew

Thanks for admitting it's from the archives .. a stunning action moment indeed.
It's a stark tree. It would have been so much better but a battery in my flashgun leaked and it is f........d so I've had to use the on-board flash.

Stark (1 of 1) by gorgon703, on Flickr
I'm not sure that off camera flash would have given you anything significantly different. I think the lighting looks good. You've certainly captured the detail while keeping the sky dark.
Right on theme, and it is a difficult one I think! Not sure it works for me though, have you tried to dim the flash down a bit?
The idea originally was to take in the whole tree at a distance, put the camera on bulb and go around with the flashgun and 'paint' the tree with focused flashes. That's two subjects ready for a reshoot, I hope there are a lot of them.
Right on theme, and it is a difficult one I think! Not sure it works for me though, have you tried to dim the flash down a bit?

Exactly what I was thinking Bernd....
I kind of like the idea, and a bit of flash comp would have dialled the harshness back...altho LR may have been able to similar if used ?
The idea originally was to take in the whole tree at a distance, put the camera on bulb and go around with the flashgun and 'paint' the tree with focused flashes. That's two subjects ready for a reshoot, I hope there are a lot of them.

I had the same idea, but it's been chucking it down this weekend, I found a lone tree in Daylight, but decided to do an indoor shot instead.
People - great shot, I like the spray, you have really captured the action.
Stark - Lots of detail I like that you have kept it colour.

That's a good fun shot. It's a shame you didn't get the "fell of shot" .
Over-enthusiastic, the failed years (1 of 1).JPG

That's a good fun shot. It's a shame you didn't get the "fell of shot" .

Actually, I did, but it was too dire to post as the sun was behind me and my shadow is all over it.
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I agree with @Nostromo, it is a really fun shot, nicely taken, well exposed, good expressions...
With the second shot, with it being a non repeatable moment, the shadow is fine really, but if you don't want it there, there is always the option to crop in to remove it. It would still give the impression of falling.