Notice TP 52'ers challenge for 2019 Discussion thread Week 52 Out takes

Waiting - that shouldn't be a problem with a weekend of street toggery planned and there and back by train :D
Hmmmm seems this week was a tad easy ...
Brace yourselves for next week :D
Hopefully you wont all be waiting till the last day for mine again :O
would be a 1st lol.
Sorry for being Behind with the commenting this week just been really busy with work and Picking up a new to me caravan. :)
Hmmmm seems this week was a tad easy ...
Brace yourselves for next week :D

While waiting to take my shot I found it very hard to shoot the folk waiting for the bus :D

I`m going to wait till the weather warms up till I try the camera club, as it has gone freezing cold here now.
I've been waiting to get back to normality after a mad week in Scotland sorting out a family feud...

Still catching up on what people have been up to, some great images being posted.
Waiting... think I’m heading down a pet route too at this rate.
I'm running out of time again.
Hi Guys,

Sorry not been in to offer critique or post pictures, I’m out of work and have been trying to find a new position like crazy, my cousin died suddenly and now on top of that just about to loose accommodation...

Things can really test one’s resolve sometimes..... I’ll come and join you all again soon.

Things can really test one’s resolve sometimes..... I’ll come and join you all again soon.
Bloody hell Andy! I'm sorry to hear about all that, I hope the Job and Accommodation situation comes good very quickly. (y)
You waiting for the right shot?
Yes, tonight it will just be whatever i can get.
I took some good photos of my son last night just need to make the theme fit i suppose.
I really am terrible at this of late :(
I have massively fallen behind on commenting and have not even sorted a picture for this weeks theme.
Unfortunately I have been incredibly busy at work for the last 2 weeks and am just physically exhausted.
I work for a small roofing firm and we have been a man down so only 2 of us trying to do 3 peoples work so been some very long days.
Hopefully I will find a little bit of energy later this evening and try to sort something out.
I really am terrible at this of late :(
I have massively fallen behind on commenting and have not even sorted a picture for this weeks theme.
Unfortunately I have been incredibly busy at work for the last 2 weeks and am just physically exhausted.
I work for a small roofing firm and we have been a man down so only 2 of us trying to do 3 peoples work so been some very long days.
Hopefully I will find a little bit of energy later this evening and try to sort something out.
It happens, work gets in the way and life in general. It's your challenge, so if you get behind a bit, you can catch up when you have time.
I have a busy time around May, June and July where it is a struggle to get the themes in on time.
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I really am terrible at this of late :(
It's not as easy as it seems is it?

It happens, work gets in the way and life in general. It's your challenge,
As Dom said, don't sweat it crap happens, catch up if you can, if not, don't drop out, just pick it up again after a short sabbatical (y)
I'll echo what Dominic and @Cobra say too.
Don't worry Peter, I'm sure you'll catch up when you have the time to spare.
And personally, I don't mind some missed comments....we're all human....well, apart from @Cobra !!:LOL:
“I never did see the attraction of fishing as a hobby but it works well for the theme.
Pointlessly waiting around with a stick in your hand”

@LC2 that made me laugh, "..........takes a look at avatar :popcorn:
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Bit short on entries this week unless there is going to be a rush of them this afternoon. I thought waiting was not too hard. It has all been plain sailing so far - I may have been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe this week's one is going to be more difficult!
Bit short on entries this week unless there is going to be a rush of them this afternoon. I thought waiting was not too hard. It has all been plain sailing so far - I may have been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe this week's one is going to be more difficult!
You`ve done it now Joan, this weeks going to be impossible. :LOL:
Bit short on entries this week unless there is going to be a rush of them this afternoon. I thought waiting was not too hard. It has all been plain sailing so far - I may have been lulled into a false sense of security. Maybe this week's one is going to be more difficult!
Don't say things like that, it's gets the snake man all riled up.