Notice TP 52'ers class of 2017 discussion thread week 52 weather ( and done)

Well me ole Fruit(s) Time for a change of direction ...

I Orranged this one specially so I hope it a-peels to some of you, and just be grapeful that's the end of the puns ( for now at least) (y)
:banana: ?
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I'd like to say, I've got a Peach of a shot, but the squirrels stole them off of the tree. Pesky blighters.
Errr, remember be :oops: :$

Camera - cannot be repaired.

New camera ordered.

New camera arrives tomorrow.

Week 28, another iPhone submission..submitted.

Off to post a few comments.

Cheers all....
Yep agree, is it Thursday yet :D
Friday maybe the new Thursday, I'm oop Norff thursday, and may not have internet access
He may up north so it could take longer, Friday could be the new Thursday and Thursday could be too early.:tumbleweed: