weekly WMD's 52 for 2016 - Weeks 43, 44, 45 & 46 all added!

Thanks everyone! Was quite pleased with this, to say it was getting dark (hence high ISO) and the Heron was quite a distance away - the final result was quite sharp and in focus, handheld too.

Hi Matt, surely more Lone Fisherman than Lonely Fisherman, still it's spot on theme. I like the use of a longish shutter speed to blur the fast moving water.

Yeah, maybe you're right! Naming has never been my strong point - ha. Glad you like it anyway Tim.

Finally catching myself up, so here's Fauna:

31/52 - Fauna by Matt, on Flickr

Have to be honest, I was a bit stumped as to what 'Fauna' actually meant when the theme was announced. A quick Google search and I had it sussed. Was quite pleased with the sharpness of this - shot on my Nikon 18-300mm, not exactly renowned for its Macro capabilities.

On to Static...
A lovely macro Matt. The angle adds real interest and makes it a more striking image. Lovely detail and colour.
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who needs another macro insect shot when we have such artiness?
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Hahaaaa now I like that to be honest, he stands out nicely, I think it's the nice colour rather than the DoF, but the quirky angle adds to it nicely too :)

Thanks DK! As mentioned, didn't have the ideal lens with me - so could only work with what I had. I am tempted by a dedicated macro lens though!

who needs another macro insect shot when we have such artiness?
Thanks! I think? :thinking:
I'm still here! :p

OK, so getting quite far behind here (again) - so I'm thinking now's not the time to get too precious about my 52 and get the photos up there.
With this in mind, here's static - bit weak on theme I agree, but this little fella was not for moving - which counts as static in my eyes!

32/52 - Static by Matt, on Flickr

Taken on my S7 (the idea being that the best camera is the one you have with you!) - quite impressed at the bokeh / quality / sharpness achievable from a phone camera!

I've been out and taken Game too - which should be up shortly! Cheers everybody.
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Beautiful colours Matt and a nice sharp focus on spidey and web.
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Very nicely done, it's great that you retained the detail in the web against the sky and background.
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Very nicely done with good details in the web against the background
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If he's not moving he's static, sounds fair enough to me you have isolated him well against the sky and framed him with the plants, you are right nows not the time to get too precious just get them out
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Sorry catching up with comments

Life - Great shot I like the shadow
Hidden - very hidden indeed I like the glow on the leaves.
Lone - wow thats a great shot I love it.
Fauna - Good sharp detail on the fly and I like the angle
Static - I like the web detail against the sky.
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Great composition for the spider photo, and great colours, although in my opinion the spider itself is ever so slightly lacking contrast.
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Pretty incredible for a phone shot ... I guess it has spot metering of sorts to prevent silhouetting. (y)
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Update: here's Game!

33/52 - Super Touring Car, Oulton Park Gold Cup (Game) by Matt, on Flickr

So why is motorsport game I hear you ask?
Because this is the Audi A4 Super Touring Car from the 90s - and the TOCA games, which I played wayyyy too much as a kid! This was part of the Gold Cup at Oulton Park and it was great to see all the oldschool cars from my gaming days flying around the track!

Bit disappointed in my panning results - very much out of practice. Not as sharp as I'd like that's for sure.
Catch up continues!...
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Good to see your hanging on in there Matt ...lots of lovely detail and colour in Static, lovely light captured there too ...phones can produce some good photos can't they.

Thanks Susie! Yeah, I'll catch up shortly and be back on track! :)

Thanks for the feedback everybody!
Nice composition with the placement and certainly captured movement in the tarmac and wheels. Nothing much wrong with that Matt as far as I can see. (Like the second shot with those six cars all over the place with the smoke and the square crop).
Very nice, good sense of speed with space for the car to drive into, good light and background
Nice composition with the placement and certainly captured movement in the tarmac and wheels. Nothing much wrong with that Matt as far as I can see. (Like the second shot with those six cars all over the place with the smoke and the square crop).

Thanks Carl - glad you like it. I have more from the day, but this seemed most relevant to the game theme. Have to mention though - that second image is a screen grab from the TOCA game, not one of my photos - can't tell if you're joking or not! Haha! :LOL:

Very nice, good sense of speed with space for the car to drive into, good light and background

Thanks! I do enjoy motorsport photography, but can't help but get lens envy seeing the pros walking around trackside, with lenses as long as my arm! :wideyed:
Hoping for a massive catch up over the next few days, starting with Serene:
34/52 - Serene by Matt, on Flickr

Dug out my filters and headed down to the river. Great sunset sky in the evening - didn't hang about long, but I did catch this. The purple glow was around for about 2 mins and vanished!

Cheers everybody!
A lovely Serene scene Matt - beautiful colour to the sky and nice composition with that bank clipping the lh corner.
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Nicely done, interesting sky and silky water with some good reflections.
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Nice Serene shot, nice time of day for it, one blue boat, one red (y)
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Hi Matt,

Static works for me, great clarity of the web.

Game - it is a fair old game getting panning right isn't it. You seem to be twisting the camera, hence the rear is blurred worse than the front, not helped by the hill.
Oulton Park... Is that the run down to the hairpin? (It's been years since I've been there).

Serene - Cool purple sky and I like the composition, maybe needs a bit more contrast? (But maybe not due to the image you're trying to portray).
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Game - it is a fair old game getting panning right isn't it. You seem to be twisting the camera, hence the rear is blurred worse than the front, not helped by the hill.
Oulton Park... Is that the run down to the hairpin? (It's been years since I've been there).

Thanks Tim! I think most of the twist was done in PP (cropped) - but you might well be right. It's actually taken at the crest by Deer Leap just after Lodge. :)
Massive update from me!
Weeks 35, 36, 37 & 38 all up, starting with 35 - Black & White
35/52 - Black & White by Matt, on Flickr
Going for an abstract look here - I quite liked the contrast of the shadow on the cobbles...seems to work well in black & white with a spot of tidying up!

36 - Ancient
36/52 - Ancient by Matt, on Flickr
Perhaps a bit of a reach here - but I made the sacrifice on theme, for a stronger photograph overall - at least that was the aim! The photo is of the Chester Roman Gardens, as viewed through one of the arches on the Walls. I guess a close up shot of the garden ruins might've been stronger theme wise, but after wandering around there I couldn't get a shot I liked. So I took a step back and this is what I came up with!
Week 37 - Urban
Again, I've been wandering around Chester (home city) slowly ticking themes off. I decided to tick the urban box by having a stroll around the city one night and see what I could come up with. This was the result - the Eastgate clock, right in the centre of the city:
37/52 - Urban (Chester Eastgate Clock) by Matt, on Flickr
I guess when you think of urban, you think of a modern cityscape - but not a great deal of modern-ness in historic Chester! ;)

Week 38 - Pair
Unbelievably, I'm up to date with this shot:
38/52 - Pair by Matt, on Flickr
Kept it simple with this one - saw 2 (a pair of!) pigeons sat on a rooftop, grabbed camera and I was done! Managed to line them up within a gap in some foliage for a bit of additional interest. I seem to remember doing something similar to this in a previous 52 when the pair theme came up!

So that's me up to date...not been in this position for a long time - so am hoping to catch up with everyone else now too!
Cheers guys :)
Nice catch up and a couple of place very familiar to me, I do like the bollard pic too :clap:, I think ancient works well, nice PP makes it look almost like a painting and a picture of what must be one of the most photographed clocks in the world, can't go wrong with that
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