weekly Posiview's TP52 for 2014 Week 52 Support added and FINISHED :)

I like this one. I like the pose you've given the mannequin. The lighting has been handled really well. The blacks are exactly that but with just the right amount of detail at the bottom to give it a grounding.
Nice image Andy :clap:

I like the lighting, I would have also said about the pebbles being lit a bit more - but with your explanation as to it losing depth I have to agree with you, I could imagine it looked a bit cut and pasted?

No other crit as it's a great image (y)
Andy nice sharp image and well lit. My only crit would be, that it might be more interesting if the pebbles were a more contrasting colour to the mannequin.

Nicely lit, great use of the mannequin.

Absolute class Andy......cracking use of Woody & pebbles....love it love it love it

No crit by the way .....as I love it :clap::clap:

As said, great image Andy (y)

Cheers, all, the mannequins are a godsend :)
this little mannequin is coming in quite useful, a great image works well

Nice image Andy :clap:

I like the lighting, I would have also said about the pebbles being lit a bit more - but with your explanation as to it losing depth I have to agree with you, I could imagine it looked a bit cut and pasted?

No other crit as it's a great image (y)

Cheers, yeah, it did look very flat without the side lighting.
Hi Andy, simple, effective and well lit, nice use of the mannequin it has come in very handy :clap:
Just looked at your last 2 weeks Andy, very impressed with the Smoke, its a good way to make it different, as said it must have taken a while to get it looking right, Great work though.

The mineral shot is a good take on it too, a nice pose on the mannequin, I agree with the comment about the rocks they could perhaps be a different colour to highlight them more. A well composed and lit shot all the same.
Hi Andy, Love smoke, very patriotic indeed. I personally can't see anything wrong with it, but I know what editing is like, you see every tiny flaw! Well step back and ignore, I think it's a great effort.

Mineral. Ooo the pebbles are becoming contagious! Like the pose of the mannequin and that the stones have the same colour tone. I think I'd like to see a teeny bit of definition down the right side of the mannequin and stones.
I like this one. I like the pose you've given the mannequin. The lighting has been handled really well. The blacks are exactly that but with just the right amount of detail at the bottom to give it a grounding.

Don;t normally do this... but...

What Peter said. (y)
The pose works really well as was said and the pebbles are a nice size for the mannequin. Good job. (y)
Nicely done Andy. The pose of the mannequin is spot on - The slight overall lean to the right adds to the implied weight of the stones. As always, your lighting is well thought out and very effective (y)
Good shot.


Just looked at your last 2 weeks Andy, very impressed with the Smoke, its a good way to make it different, as said it must have taken a while to get it looking right, Great work though.

The mineral shot is a good take on it too, a nice pose on the mannequin, I agree with the comment about the rocks they could perhaps be a different colour to highlight them more. A well composed and lit shot all the same.

Thanks. The rocks didn't look right when I changed the colour. Appreciate the suggestion, though.

Hi Andy, Love smoke, very patriotic indeed. I personally can't see anything wrong with it, but I know what editing is like, you see every tiny flaw! Well step back and ignore, I think it's a great effort.

Mineral. Ooo the pebbles are becoming contagious! Like the pose of the mannequin and that the stones have the same colour tone. I think I'd like to see a teeny bit of definition down the right side of the mannequin and stones.

Thanks. Pebbles....are the way forwards...as are mannequins :)

Adding ore light just didn't loo right to me.
Don;t normally do this... but...

What Peter said. (y)

No worries. There's a lot to comment on.

Nicely done Andy. The pose of the mannequin is spot on - The slight overall lean to the right adds to the implied weight of the stones. As always, your lighting is well thought out and very effective (y)

Cheers, too me a while to get it right.

The pose works really well as was said and the pebbles are a nice size for the mannequin. Good job. (y)

Cheers. Must not use the mannequin for a while :)

Hi Andy

Mineral - good pose , nice balance that the model has. Well lit, but poss a bit over bright for me, and good b/g.

Cheers. No blown bits but I'll have another edit.

Cheers everyone.
Most excellent house model you have there - really like this - very fluid looking for a static object.
"What's this?!", I hear you say, "You actually left the house?!".

Went for a walk to Bolton Abbey with Jackie and Isabelle. Took my Fuji X20 and managed to get two 'grab shots'.
I have to squeeze 5 days into 3 this week at work this week, so no chance of a reshoot.....but on the positive side I'm off to Norfolk on Thursday with some wonderful TP members :banana::banana::banana:

Week 7 Sense of Adventure
by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr

Week 7 Sense of Scale
by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
Hi Andy, they both work for the theme but I shall choose the second one with a little crop from the bottom
the two people certainly give it a sense of scale (y)
Sense of scale for me. A great sky, nice colours and a good DOF.
Big sky for me too (y) ......and what a novelty......... its blue! :D
Hi Andy, they both work for the theme but I shall choose the second one with a little crop from the bottom
the two people certainly give it a sense of scale (y)

Thanks, I'll have a go at a crop.

Sense of scale for me. A great sky, nice colours and a good DOF.

Cheers...it was a nice day.

Hey Andy... lets try putting this in the right place hey :)

Sense - Has to be the Sense of Adventure for me, nice action shot, well caught facial expression and movement in the paddle, liking the composition too (y)

Cheers. ;)

I might manage another one on Thursday/Friday :)
I like both the pictures but tend towards the Sense of Scale because of, er, the sense of scale.
#2 for me. It gives a great sense of space, though colours look a bit over-processed for my taste.
#2 gets my vote too Andy (y)
I like boosted colours, your shooting pov and it tells a little story.
I think having the people in the left hand side of the frame would have helped a little as they are a tad too central IMHO.
Action shot for me!
I thought about doing a sense of scale too, but decided against it.


#2 for me. It gives a great sense of space, though colours look a bit over-processed for my taste.

Cheers. Yup once I posed I thought the colours looked of, in fact I'm not overly keen on the processing of either....but I'm moving on ;)

Like the 2nd photo the best, but I think the figures are just to central

#2 gets my vote too Andy (y)
I like boosted colours, your shooting pov and it tells a little story.
I think having the people in the left hand side of the frame would have helped a little as they are a tad too central IMHO.

Cheers both. I rarely place subjects central but for this one I decided it worked and emphasised the theme.

All FB is, as always, appreciated (y)