Cloudforest's 52 for 2022, Week 37- Looking Up

New - A great ethereal quality to your image, my favourite of the ICM images so far

Old - Its amazing to think how well older buildings were constructed when they didn't have any of the technological benefits used nowadays.

Receptacle - The composition work well with the diagonal view, did you align the pencils for the text element before you took it or just lucky?
I too like the sharp focus of the text at the top in conjunction with the upper pencils.
I may have been tempted to play with focus stacking to bring the whole thing into sharp focus.
New - A great ethereal quality to your image, my favourite of the ICM images so far

Old - Its amazing to think how well older buildings were constructed when they didn't have any of the technological benefits used nowadays.

Receptacle - The composition work well with the diagonal view, did you align the pencils for the text element before you took it or just lucky?
Thanks for all your comments Stuart.
I did line up the pencils.

I too like the sharp focus of the text at the top in conjunction with the upper pencils.
I may have been tempted to play with focus stacking to bring the whole thing into sharp focus.
Thanks Tim. I went for the narrow depth of field as I was too lazy to get the tripod and try a stack :)
I like the sharp focus and contrast between the leaves, twigs and the bottle ... a nice image

Sadly it's an inditement of modern society ... a disposable plastic bottle & the remnants of the glass bottle next to it, add's further pathos
Bottle(s): Well spotted for the theme, but a sad sight. I like to think it was dropped from someone's backpack and they didn't notice, but you never know. We get whole bags of Kentucky Fried chicken near us. They drive 9 miles to dump it in the country :rolleyes:
One of my pet hates too - it is incredible how much gets dumped beside any road. There must be hundreds of thousands of ignorant fools just chucking stuff out as they drive along.

A good piece of pictorial reportage.
Nice really conveys how litter looks so wrong in the natural environment.
With you on the hate factor. How hard is it to take it home and put in a bin. I keep finding my head tilting.. perhaps it would be better the other way up :D
I like the sharp focus and contrast between the leaves, twigs and the bottle ... a nice image

Sadly it's an inditement of modern society ... a disposable plastic bottle & the remnants of the glass bottle next to it, add's further pathos
Thanks Duncan.


That's an excellent shot. Love the composition with the overhead viewpoint and the diagonal branch dividing the image in two.
Thanks Stan.

Bottle(s): Well spotted for the theme, but a sad sight. I like to think it was dropped from someone's backpack and they didn't notice, but you never know. We get whole bags of Kentucky Fried chicken near us. They drive 9 miles to dump it in the country :rolleyes:
Thanks Bebop. Sadly this bit of woodland seems to have more than it's fair share of litter.

One of my pet hates too - it is incredible how much gets dumped beside any road. There must be hundreds of thousands of ignorant fools just chucking stuff out as they drive along.

A good piece of pictorial reportage.
Cheers Paul.

Nice really conveys how litter looks so wrong in the natural environment.
Thanks Simon

With you on the hate factor. How hard is it to take it home and put in a bin. I keep finding my head tilting.. perhaps it would be better the other way up :D

Thanks Helen. I know what you mean about tilting your head. I caught myself doing it looking at the pic.
Funny you said that about your pets Pete, my two are the same but I stop so often that they've given up. Now they just sit there and give me the stink eye until I move on...
I remember a story on a local news program years ago about a small shop owner in a small village used to write the names of the kids on bottles and sweet wrappers and there was hardly any litter about the place. It's a shame something similar could not be worked out for the whole country,
But did you find two pots of gold? Inquiring minds want to know...
Nice clean looking alley way. Interest added by the time of day and the lights.
That's an alley I'd feel safe exploring. Nice shot Pete.
Nice image, I like the lighting and plenty of interest through the image. Well spotted
Nice one. Hope theire a nice bar at that far end :)
Bang on theme. Nice starburst from the light so it doesn't distract.
Has all the elements and you are taken through the image without any distractions, works well
Really nice shot, well done.
Thanks Keith

Nice clean looking alley way. Interest added by the time of day and the lights.
Cheers Pete

That's an alley I'd feel safe exploring. Nice shot Pete.
Thanks Bill. It is one of the "safer" alleys around here!

Nice image, I like the lighting and plenty of interest through the image. Well spotted
Thanks Jim.

Nice one. Hope theire a nice bar at that far end :)
Sadly a flower shop at the far end Dave!

Great picture! good lighting captured there
Thanks Simon

Bang on theme. Nice starburst from the light so it doesn't distract.
Cheers Helen. That Voigtlander lens does give nice starbursts

Has all the elements and you are taken through the image without any distractions, works well
Thanks Stuart
Looks like you need to start collecting pairs of animals Pete. Nice shot.
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Nice image and fits the theme Pete, I like the patterns the water makes on the waxed bonnet*

*hood for our American cousins