weekly Cobra's 52 surreptitious Shoe-horns for 2016 week 52 celebrate and done

#1 for me boss.
I prefer the vibrancy of the colours. Nothing wrong with #2, but the pinks and purples in #1 edge it for me.
Thanks Tim :)
♪♪♪ Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump

Typritch 1.jpg

See its easy when you know how :D
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OMG that takes the absolute biscuit.:D No one else would have thought of that one.
Excellent and bang on theme for me nice play on words or rather a song, no shoehorn required (y)
:wideyed:Bang on theme....in a different universe ;) .
Hmmm there's an idea for a theme "Parallel universe" :D

OMG that takes the absolute biscuit.:D No one else would have thought of that one.
I always keep my trump card till last :D

Excellent and bang on theme for me nice play on words or rather a song, no shoehorn required (y)
Nope - definitely far too topical for a shoehorn :D
You see the way I have been subliminally training you both? a few months ago you would have cried "Shoe horn"
Now you see it as bang on theme :D

Two very clever composites too - that poor little pony made me spit my tea out!
Still not found the pony, last seen scuttling under the sofa :D

Thanks for dropping by guys your comments are appreciated (y)
Very funny and clever,almost not a shoehorn.

You were lucky to get some pics of the Baby Ellie without a poxy building site in the background.....Grrr, wish theyd finish the new housing.
Ha ha ha - right on the button Mr.C. Cute little ellie - my hairstyle seems to be catching on.
The 3rd Elephant looks to be straining while trumping
Have you not seen the size of an Elephants turd?
You'd strain too :D

Cheers Tim :)
Your images for spooky are great Chris very frightening.

Pose yet another to great images and gob shots too! You are back!!!

News just brilliant
Your photo of the Trump news made me laugh, as sad as it is...
I finally got a shot of the young baby panda Scarlet. (B. 04/07/16) (y)
She's bigger than I'd hoped, as I managed the other ones while they were still being dragged about by Mum.
C'est la vie

by Chris, on Flickr

But I could have sworn someone said the theme was tongue?

by Chris, on Flickr
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Aw how cute is that - bright eyed and bushy tailed. Like me ... Not. (I like the gob shot too).
Thats a lovely cute red panda, lazing in a tree, they are energetic little things aren't they
Aw how cute is that - bright eyed and bushy tailed. Like me ... Not. (I like the gob shot too).
Thanks Carl :)
And I was stood there at least half an hour waiting for her to open her eyes :D

Thats a lovely cute red panda, lazing in a tree, they are energetic little things aren't they
They certianly are, it takes a lot of effort to lift your head and open your eyes :D
Thanks Allan,
I'll try and get it in the right this time, :D. Very nice deed, the baby panda.
Loving the cute little red panda Chris. The contrast of the red fur and the green of the tree is an excellent choice of background too.
Cheers Tim :) although I can't take credit for the background that's where she sat for about 3 hours :D

Very clean shot for iso640
2000 iso on the lioness, No noise reduction applied, to either image. I'm lovin' this 7DII (y)
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Great tones and detail in the first one. And bonus Gob Shot. (y)
Lovely little Red Panda Chris. She is a happy looking little Panda :)

I love the colours against the branch very Autumny
Oh...she is a beauty Chris. They do say green suits redheads :)
I wonder if that applies the other way around too? not that I know that many "green heads" of course :D
Thanks Emma :)

The panda is spot on, sharp and colourful, lovely photo
Cheers Chris (y)

Lovely little Red Panda Chris. She is a happy looking little Panda :)
I love the colours against the branch very Autumny
I'm surprised there were any leaves on the tree TBH it was bloody freezing up there plus a force 10 gale! (well ok it was a stiff breeze, but it felt like gale force :D )
Thanks for the kind comments, Mark :)

Hi Cobra, I'm disappointed no shoehorn from you this week.... :)
Great shot of the panda and nice little catch light in its eye (y)
Will I did manage to slide in a tounge shot, under the premise that I miss-heard the theme :D
Thanks for dropping by Nigel :)