Greengo's TP52 2016 - Week 50 & 51 Added

That's a beautiful church Colin - I like the POV which gives added prominence for Big. Nice colours in the sunset scene - ever thought to give it a banner style crop?
Yes first of all I must appologise for being away lately and this is a massive catch up all be it that these were all caught on my phone so no editing and shot as seen...

Alien stumped me for ages until I seen the socks... bit mad but for me it fits the theme...

Liquid... I liked the reflection of this big boat in a harbour near me...

Cracked... Again this lighthouse gave me the opportunity to shoot it when the tide was out... I liked the cracked walls on its exterior...

Spooky... a drunken night led me to a pub that has a cathedral nearby... with mist and fog it looked spooky enough for me...

Pose - Caught these street performers drumming happily away... they would stop and POSE every so often for people to take pictures...

News - Caught this at the weekend last in a local paper and wanted to remind myself to watch it as well as enter it for the weeks theme...

Week 41 Alien

Week 42 - Liquid

Week 43 - Cracked
Nice catch up Colin, just picking one, I like subtle tones and reflection in "Liquid"
Good for you Colin - nice catch-up. I particularly like the reflections in Liquid and the comp and interest in the subject of Cracked.
Great catch up Colin!
Alien seems to be not quite sharp, or maybe there something wrong with my eyes... Cracked and pose stand out for me.
Hi Colin.
Alien - Nicely on theme, but is the focus slightly off? (Dunno, maybe a trick of the material).
Liquid - I see where you're coming from, I was drawn more to the sky than the reflection though, perhaps a tighter crop? I like the image regardless.
Cracked - A lighthouse? Blimey, wouldn't have guessed that. Fits the theme :)
Spooky - I see where you're coming from, but the uncorrected lens distortion needs addressing. In-fact, with correction, you may well have lost the pelican crossing. I may also have gone for a long exposure with a small aperture to give the flare shape (not being able to see the exif, my guess is this is a wide aperture, high iso, handheld shot).
Pose - Funky purples, needs a faster shutter if possible.
News - Love the primary reason for taking the shot, you might want to play with the WB a bit, it feels a bit on the grey side.

Good catchup :) I do appear to have come over a tad negative, but please don't take it that way, I'm trying to provide constructive suggestions where possible.
Trying to keep in touch with the weekly themes before I run out of time...

Week 47 - YOUNG
Well you cant get any younger than a child at a christening. This is Teddy in his Dad's arms. I was using aperture priority with my ISO set to auto... It might be a bit grainy but for me its on theme...

Week 48 - CULTURAL
Shot of a stature in a park near where I live... I thought it was quite Cultural... tried to catch it in best light I could as it was a night time shot...

Hi Colin,

Young - Agreed, spot on theme :) At the size you've posted, I don't see noise / grain, and regardless, in low light, it's only us who go looking for it, most people would just see a nice image. (y)

Cultural - Focus seems to be on his belly, not his eyes. Works for the theme though.

Arranged - Colourful, on theme, amusing, what's not to like :)
Aw! Welcome into the world little Teddy. Lovely shot Colin. Bit random having a statue like that in a park but what the heck, spot on for Cultural. Some super play on words in Arranged - very fun take. Well done Colin on completing your catch-up ... all nicely lined up to start off again in 2017.
Three great photos. My favourite is #1, but I also like the colourful insults of #3 :)
Week 50 Male/Female

I attended a charity quiz last week and caught these two taking the mik with some silly hats... Thought of the theme and caught this image late at night in the bar... a few drinks were taken before this I might add ;)

Week 51 - Out And About

No need to bring a camera when out for a stroll through a local park/woodland area... I love taking my camera along for walks when I'm "OUT AND ABOUT"... you never know what you'll find or see that can be captured...
I was surprised at how much colour there still was from the fallen leaves... probably due to the mild weather we've been having... this is a hdr image of a log laying in the leaves by a walkway...

Nice happy shot for Male/Female - lovely detail and expressions. Not a fan of HDR but I do like the composition with the fallen trees acting as lead-in to the shot.
Not a big fan of HDR either, but there are some nice vibrant colours in the foreground, pity about the sky. And I like the composition.
Some great images Colin

Love the images for Young and Male and Female

Some nice colours in out and about I like the point of view
Hi Colin.
Male / Female - On theme and well lit considering the lighting conditions evident in the background.
Out & About - The HDR has done well with the colours, but is missing a touch of contrast (often happens with hdr) in my opinion.
Maybe worth uping the contrast in LR/PS.
Week 52 - Celebrate/Celebration

Finally get to the end of the year and again I'm catching up... Anyway a cute wee image to round off 2016 for me... Hope you like it... A CELEBRATION of Christmas...

Very nice Colin - I like the lights in the bg, brings a bit more sparkle to the image. Now for 2017 !!!