Hadrons 23 52 Attempt (Constructive crit appreciated). Week 8......In the Kitchen

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Week 1. This seems to fit as my area, a view of our kitchen reflected in one of our (remarkably scratched) stainless pans. Constructive criticism is always appreciated but I may struggle to reciprocate for a few weeks as my father in law died very suddenly and unexpectedly on New Years Day so things are a little strained here at the moment.

Week 1 Your area by Jcw Photographic, on Flickr
I like your take on the theme, and done from a different perspective, very creative.

Sorry for your loss.
Condolences to you and your family.

Some things are far more important than photo challenges.....but, having as you've posted this, I'd say it's a great shot.
Thanks guys, I think the 52’s going to be a welcome distraction albeit challenging to fit in for the next few weeks
Sorry to hear about your F-I-L.

You've done an excellent job capturing that shot with all the shiny surfaces. Were you using a tripod there?
Thanks, yes if you look you can see it’s also a selfie
That's good. Plenty of interest in the reflection, and it being inverted as well.
I really like how you've captured the reflections. Very abstract. The colours and processing also suit it very well.

I'm sorry to here about the passing of your father-in-law I hope that things get better for you and your family.
An interesting take on the theme with lots of interest. Don't worry about being absent, take care, we will be here when you are ready.
Sorry to hear of your loss. That's a great idea for the theme... spot the photographer!
That's a good interpretation of the theme, an alternative way of showing 'your area'.
First off - very sorry for your loss.

Good on you for posting anyway - sometimes it helps take your mind off stuff to keep busy.

The reflected colours on the handle and left of the pan help make it for me.

If I was being hyper-critical, I'd say I might have tried throwing a black jacket or something over the camera & tripod to disguise the shape a little.

I always used to wear a bright red coat before taking up photography again - and the amount of times I had to deal with red reflections...
Very innovative interpretation of the theme. Fits very well both in the reflected image in the saucepan and the saucepan being in the kitchen area.:clap:
Nice and different Image Hadron, Sorry about your families Loss.

Nice image I like the processing.

Sorry for your loss.
Different approach which I like.

Great picture and concept, really like it

That's good. Plenty of interest in the reflection, and it being inverted as well.

Love this, reflections make it.

I really like how you've captured the reflections. Very abstract. The colours and processing also suit it very well.

I'm sorry to here about the passing of your father-in-law I hope that things get better for you and your family.

An interesting take on the theme with lots of interest. Don't worry about being absent, take care, we will be here when you are ready.

Super image! I love the tones and the reflection showing you and "your area" - what a great idea.

Sorry for the loss of your father-in-law.

Sorry to hear of your loss. That's a great idea for the theme... spot the photographer!

That's a good interpretation of the theme, an alternative way of showing 'your area'.

First off - very sorry for your loss.

Good on you for posting anyway - sometimes it helps take your mind off stuff to keep busy.

The reflected colours on the handle and left of the pan help make it for me.

If I was being hyper-critical, I'd say I might have tried throwing a black jacket or something over the camera & tripod to disguise the shape a little.

I always used to wear a bright red coat before taking up photography again - and the amount of times I had to deal with red reflections...

My condolences to you.

I very good take on the image theme and well captured. Lovely colours.

Colours and composition are amazing.

My condolences for your loss also.

Very innovative interpretation of the theme. Fits very well both in the reflected image in the saucepan and the saucepan being in the kitchen area.:clap:
Thanks all. Apologies for the bulk reply bit of a manic week but appreciate the comments :ty:
Love the colour and lines on this one :)
I agree with Dave about the colours and the lines but I was hoping that you were going to say that it was part of a large killer robot...
Nice colours, imagine there were a few choice words when it started self destructing
Lovely strong reds in there, you can almost feel the sticky grease. Nice inclusion of diagonals means you could almost have a Penrose Triangle depending how you lined yourslef up
Fab shot. Reminds me of the days long, long ago when I worked on a nursery in Lincolnshire after leaving school.
Week 3.......... Artificial
Last minute rushed jobbie I'm afraid with whatever was close to hand this week. Hope it meets the brief, it sure as hell isn't natural :rolleyes:

Artificial by Jcw Photographic, on Flickr
A strikinjg object.. not sure what it is but I'm with you that it isn't natural!
Great lighting.
Fits the bill as definitely not natural, as above I like the lighting.

Was wondering how you did the lighting?
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Ticks the box. Light makes the reds pop - but also puts some highlights over his eyes.