weekly Minx 52 for 2016 -Finished

Hi Minx I really like your image of the web I just find the bright areas at the top of the image I assume it was from the flash?
Cool shot of the Kingston Telephone boxes, and well done getting a passer by free shot on the first Saturday in December !!!
It could do with a little bit of lens correction at the far end, to get the verticals correct.
Culture. This Stained lass window was originally in the Library in Hounslow when the High Street was redeveloped The old Library was knocked down and a New one put into the Shopping Centre. The Stained glass windows were preseved and are now in the Shopping Center Near the New Library.

by Alison White, on Flickr
Not my best Picture but with Limited space and my mobile phone as the camera not too bad.
Arranged is a good subject for the theme and looks like an interesting installation, I guess it's difficult to know where to crop it on the LHS.

Cultural is interesting, must be a bit strange seeing that in a shopping centre.
Love the old kiosks for Arranged and you couldn't get more Cultural than old Willie Shakespeare. Spot on.
Great shot of the phone boxes, well spotted.
Cultural works well too, until my OCD notices that there's more of the window to the right than to the left...
Cultural is interesting, must be a bit strange seeing that in a shopping centre.

Cultural works too, good to see someone's hard work preserved

To be honest a lot of people don't even know they are there as they are on the 3rd floor away from shops but it is good that they have been saved
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Cultural works well too, until my OCD notices that there's more of the window to the right than to the left...

ah yes so there is I did think of cropping to the central panal but wanted to leave the flowers in should have evened it up a bit
:agree: with @posiview .... a bit closer on the phone boxes, perhaps a slightly different POV, so they fade into the distance, but perhaps that's not possible. Good choice all the same.

The four shots of the egg in sequence is nicely done. (y)
Like the thinking behind the Cracked sequence Alison - shot #3 with all that albumen oozing out of the shell is best for me.
Great idea for cracked, the vertical series works very well, as does the plain purple background!
Brilliant idea for your NESW photo, who cares about the order of the letters! I wonder if there's an angle from which you can see the letters in the right order...
Third one is my fave of the three Alison. What an excellent idea ... the anagram never occurred to me. Lovely bit of architecture too.
The weather vane wins it for me Alison, love the detail in the shot, capturing the date and even the wire mesh protecting the bell from flying rodents.
It's a shame that fortress sky isn't more photogenic.
The symmetry of the building and identical cars does make it surreal. I too, like Dean, like the wide crop.
Yep, that is one male elf and one female elf. Fits the brief.
I really like your out and about photo. The rails lead the eye to the bridge and train, and the steam under the bridge gives an interesting effect. Very well composed. Maybe it could do with some more contrast.
Couldn't resist a picture of some elves I made for our Scout Christmas Fayre
Very nice, and very clever Minx, fits the theme perfectly
Out and about with Mr Minx again at the weekend and saw this.
Your'll have Tim after you, nicking his shoe horns :D
Hey Ali,
After (noon) - I'm going to disagree with DK. I actually think the spire needs to be darker, more contrasty.
Not an easy shot with the sun behind the church, but you've controlled the lighting pretty well.
Alien - Like Carl says, how odd that the cars are all the same, but I suppose if they are pool cars...
Male / Female - Very Festive. More blur in the background would have been preferable in my eyes.
Out and About - It was a foggy morning, but adding a touch of contrast would, I think, have given it more impact. Nice sharp capture though, plenty of exhaust going everywhere :)
Very artistic elves - bet the scouts couldn't resist scoffing those - look fabulous. Nice composition for Out & About - I like the way the smoke billows out under the bridge and merges into the sky.