Nod's attempt at a 52 for '22. 52/52 - Showcase.

Dust.. you certainly went above and beyond to find some very dusty shots. I think I would lean towards to crystals or crop in a little on your chosen shot.
Food. Certainly a good selection, especially the fig shots.
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Nice fig shots! We’ve a huge fig tree overhanging our garden. Always has loads on there, but rarely seem ripe, and I’m always too scared to try one!
Google unripe fig jam - it's delicious!
Another theme that I could do better justice on holiday but I have 3 shots that I'm happy enough with (and it's too bleedinot to look for others!)

Firstly, the internals (well, some of them) of an automatic winding watch. Apparently it's a Citizen movement in a custom case.


And the other 2 are both figs, as fresh as you're likely to see! One had been started by a squirrel but the other was fully ripe - both were delicious!


My choice of the 3 is the single fig - I even like the imperfection of the stray seed at the top!
The watch is interesting, but I really like your chosen shot. The intricacies of it's insides make it look like it's come from the path lab :oops: :$:LOL: It actually looks yummy. Nicely shot.

We have a fig tree in the garden, but I don't think it is an edible variety, which is a shame as it produces loads of figs. Or maybe we've never managed to get them at just the right ripeness. Perhaps I will try again. There isn't a poisonous variety is there? :ROFLMAO:
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Not sure about poisonous varieties of fig but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some! I know (from experience...) that the white sap can make you extra sensitive to sunburn and that's the edible version. A bit of googling tells me that the edible species is all edible (but the sap can be a problem!) but as with anything you're not sure about, "if in doubt, leave it out".

Our home grown ones are from a 15+ year old (well, we planted it 15 years ago as a pot grown plant) tree planted against a South facing fence and produces a fair few fruits, although a fair number drop off before maturity and some get squirrelled or birded - any we get to eat are a nice bonus. Quite tasty but not as sweet as the ones we get in Crete. I should really tidy our tree up and train it better but never seem to get around to it.
Not sure about poisonous varieties of fig but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some! I know (from experience...) that the white sap can make you extra sensitive to sunburn and that's the edible version. A bit of googling tells me that the edible species is all edible (but the sap can be a problem!) but as with anything you're not sure about, "if in doubt, leave it out".

Our home grown ones are from a 15+ year old (well, we planted it 15 years ago as a pot grown plant) tree planted against a South facing fence and produces a fair few fruits, although a fair number drop off before maturity and some get squirrelled or birded - any we get to eat are a nice bonus. Quite tasty but not as sweet as the ones we get in Crete. I should really tidy our tree up and train it better but never seem to get around to it.
That's really interesting. I think ours must be a non edible variety. I really should google myself as I love figs, but the only time I tried ours they were very hard, and they never seem to drop from the tree like most ripe fruit. The tree was here when we moved in almost 30 years ago so it is huge now - OH reckons about 20 feet high. The red squirrels don't go for them, so perhaps that is a sign? Annoying that they didn't plant an edible variety!!
I like the watch but the fig is captivating. Certainly looks more animal than fruit! to me! Potentially the stuff of nightmares :LOL:
They usually get cut from pole to pole (as it were) so I thought I'd go round the equator for a change!

I reckon we'll have 3 or 4 more ready for breakfast tomorrow and a steady stream from then until we go away next week.
Just one shot from me this week.

Square format and the shot is of a square but...

Figs - Well set up and a great idea.

Square - so you got a fisheye then?
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:) Yup! Had one for the Nikons for years but only just got a Meike one for the Fuji. Shame it's OOF but had to be that close to get the curvature that exaggerated.
Internal. Interesting shot... I don't eat figs so have never looked closely at their interior.
Square. Great thinking outside the box (see where I'm going with this :D)
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I try to look at the themes as laterally as possible!
Another selection - this time, almost all literal interpretations rather than lateral ones.

I'll start with a very small sliver of the Sun setting behind the root of a peninsula a few miles along the coast. Shame it's not visible in a larger crop!

Next up is a school of small fish - not quite eating size, although the local equivalent of whitebait is quite popular...

Strange to think of a boat with 700 horsepower behind it as "small"

but compared to the one behind it, it is!!!

A small island in front of a bigger one, from an even bigger one! (Lazaretta in front of Theodorou from Crete.)
And finally, a pair of shots of one of the smallest churches we have found here. Nestled beside the entrance to the café where we had our after lunch coffee.


ETA... I've chosen the sunset one because I'm a sucker for them! Had I managed to get the church interior square, I think that would be the one but I didn't! (It was shot slightly surreptitiously since some of the churches have signs asking for no photographs. This church has no such signs but there was no-one to ask for permission [almost always given] so I sneaked a shot from outside..) No editing software on this machine so can't tweak it straight in PP!
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A good selection there.
My choice is the church but they are all good for the theme.
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Really good set Nod. I like your chosen one and the shot of the interior of the small church.
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I like the outside shot of the church best. I think it is more illustrative of 'small' than the sunset one.
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No proper Internet access here so will be catching up soon.
Playing catch-up so here are my Snappers' Choice choices from that week's challenge.

This is one of my favourite views and is what I can see when I'm sitting on the side on my bed when we stay in Agia Gallini in South Crete. Since it was taken in the early evening, the shadow can be seen creeping across the beach in the lower left corner so the shot could cover the tech bit too...


A bit later in the evening, the shadow has shifted a bit.


I'm a bit of a sucker for Moon shots too and given the phase it was, any of these could also cover the shadows brief! I may have had a drink or 2 before shooting these so they might be a fraction too soft.


And who can resist a kitten "plugged in"?


Based purely on the memories it evokes, it's the plugged in kitten that gets the spot, although the view from the bed runs it a close second. Plenty of time to get the shadows!
Just getting this week's in before the change!

Both of these were shot on the way back along the North coast of Crete.

This one is the island of Thea, snapped from Kokkini Hani.

And this is looking East(ish!) from the end of Bali's harbour wall.


Since the lunch in Bali was better than the coffee in Kokkini Hani, it's that one I have chosen.
Nice shots Nod. Looks like a cracking spot for a holiday!
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Sad old us - we go twice a year (plagues permitting!) in June and late August. June is all North West based (a few km West of Chania) but for the late Summer one, we get down to Agia Gallini for a week as well. More sad is that we have the same rooms every visit! Mrs Nod did tell me how many days until next time but I've forgotten already!!!
We have managed to get to north Crete recently and would have seen that Island driving back to the airport. A nice spot, no wonder you keep going back.

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Love the "plugged in kitty" shot Nod and the 'scape shots are making me jealous and looking forward to Mexico.
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Expecting to be busy later in the week so getting them in early!

Didn't quite get the framing perfect - I'd have liked the plane to be heading straight for the top corner.


Happier with this one.


I'm a sucker for many things, exaggerated perspective being one of them!!! This is Southernhay United Reform Church in Exeter.


And this is was Debenhams in Princesshay.


Looking up at a fine looking conker.


Not sure which is my favourite this week - might even find a moment or 2 for some more!
The 2 'scape locations I posted aren't where we usually stay and TBH, aren't where we'd want to! Bali is usually full of Russians but has a decent taverna that we stop at for lunch on the way along the North coast while Kokkini Hani is directly under the landing flight-path for Heraklion airport... Interesting to watch for a couple of hours while waiting until it's airport time but a bit noisy to stay/sleep under.
For this week, I'm going for the Debenhams shot - things aren't looking up for them after all! It also covers the Shadows tech, although I'm hoping for a better one later this session!
I thought I recognised Debenhams in Exeter :). Nice use of exaggerated perspective too, and shadows.
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All good shots Nod. A small crop might have got your plane heading in the right direction.
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All fit the bill. I think the church shot is my favourite.

Had I spotted the light and reframed to avoid it, I would possibly agree but I didn't!!! Cropping wouldn't work on the shot as posted, it would need a reshoot (IMO!)

All good shots Nod. A small crop might have got your plane heading in the right direction.

It was a choice (at the in camera cropping stage) between the plane leaving through the top right corner or the con-trail starting at the bottom left. The in camera cropping keeps the 2:3 aspect ratio so I can't get too clever. (My personal challenge for this 52 is to do everything in camera rather than polish turds in PP.)
I have a feeling that I was overthinking this one a bit and I was aiming for something electrical rather than electronic. A roll of electricians' tape and a pair of wire cutters just didn't look right so I collected a load of charger wall plug adaptors. Not very inspiring but I'm not feeling very inspired this week!


Not ideal with the white and black subjects but the baby X-30 seems to have coped well (with -2/3 stop of EC thrown in to stop the whites blowing completely!)

ETA... I was hoping that the blue background would be a more electric blue!
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