overbez's 52 in 2023... Completed....

@Cloudforest , Thanks Pete - I took a tripod and a filter - I was going to use them!!

@HelenC , Thank-you Helen.

@Boots , If we've learned anything this week, it's that we all have different likes!
Great colour, what is it? Looks like the pins on the back of a processor chip

Thanks Gav, It's an Aluminium pin-sink. (Heatsink). Colour provided by flash inside an orange carrier bag, and some scrunched up tin foil gives the bokeh.
Nice shot Graham :)
The bag and tin foil certainly work, didn't realise a bag/gel was so effective.
Nice shot Graham :)
Thanks Dave.
The bag and tin foil certainly work, didn't realise a bag/gel was so effective.
Cheers Keith, one of the thicker carrier bags. Spent a bit of time moving the foil slightly to affect the shapes in the background bokeh.

I was quite amazed when I saw the effect of the orange flash.
Very nice shot for patterns Graham, nice one on the tin foil as have used that my self for bokeh.

That works really well Graham and I love the bokeh (y)

That looks great!

So is the subject silver/steel colour without the flash?

Thanks all. Yep, a bit of Alchemy, turning Aluminium into gold.

Thanks for the back story - I love the imagination and effort you put in to make a great semi-abstract image.
Thanks for the back story - I love the imagination and effort you put in to make a great semi-abstract image.

Thanks Helen. A bit of effort to get there. Especially when I thought I had it, but spotted a stray hair on one of the pins!

That's very clever stuff. Nice shot.

Cheers Simon :D
Catching up:
Full: love the dreamy, creamy look of the falls
Patterns: couldn't figure out what I was looking at Graham, I'm glad that you added the contextual shot. The gold processing has really made the shot outstanding and the bokeh is fabulous.
A very creative and well executed shot Graham. Good thinking on the colour and angle.
Many moons ago I worked for an aluminium extrusion company. We made a few heatsinks for semiconductors but they
were small volume compared to air frames and balustrade.
Very abstract, very pleasant appearance and good technique.
Catching up:
Full: love the dreamy, creamy look of the falls
Patterns: couldn't figure out what I was looking at Graham, I'm glad that you added the contextual shot. The gold processing has really made the shot outstanding and the bokeh is fabulous.

Thanks Bill. Didn't want to post the image of the object straight away. Very little 'processing' this week. Colour was from the flash.

A very creative and well executed shot Graham. Good thinking on the colour and angle.
Many moons ago I worked for an aluminium extrusion company. We made a few heatsinks for semiconductors but they
were small volume compared to air frames and balustrade.

Cheers Peter. This one is actually cold pressed. The pins are simply forced out by a high pressure press.

Very abstract, very pleasant appearance and good technique.

Thanks Martin
Week 12 - Tunnel

Took this on Saturday afternoon - it is pretty much the image I had in mind - but I'm still not over the moon with it! I think I expected more from the clouds, it was a nice windy afternoon, and I think the camera may have moved as it was balanced against the bridge wall a bit due to the height of the bridge sides. Which also limited the compositional possibilities.

Week 12 - Tunnel by Graham, on Flickr

Unedited (desaturated) shot >>> Week 12 SOOC <<<
Last edited:
Nice idea but too much sky for me. I'd square crop it so it's 1/3 sky 2/3 land. You have a dusy bunny in there too.

That said - it's a good shot and works well even without a tripod - which at 30 seconds is no mean feat!
Thanks Dave - appreciate the thoughts. Bunny in the sky to the left? Thought I had him gone! Here's a square crop... I think you're right.

It was the sky I wanted though, where I thought the movement would be as the long exposure has removed the traffic. Sorry, not handheld - two tripod legs on ground and then leaning it against the bridge wall.
I used to live in Whitehill and worked in Godalming so commuted through Hindhead for 12 yrs then moved to Wales within a year of the tunnel opening, great timing huh.
It's sure grown up a bit since I was last down that way. Where were you stood?

South end you say, the Hindhead/Grayshott end? I would have guessed it was the Thursley side.
20 odd years ago when it was proposed, I thought "they'll never do that"!! Can't imagine it not being there now, and the old road having gone has made the punchbowl much nicer.

Was taken from the footbridge on Miss James' walk.
Good thinking. I can see why you've included a lot of sky (cloud) but I would crop off some of the bottom to get a closer view of the tunnels.
The edit has lifted it, think the square crop is better. Did you try any shorter exposures, wonder if a bit of movement from cars would have worked,
I also prefer the square crop, nice use of ND as well and it suits the B&W PP. Nicely done.
Well done, especially under the circumstances you describe. The square works for me too.
Lots of votes for the square crop then. Thank-you all.

@nog this time I did go for a range of exposure times and found I needed to go less than a second to "see" any vehicles. Which killed the look I hoped to see in the sky.

@seaodyssey may look abandoned, but that's the long exposure. Constant stream of cars.
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Lovely colourful shot but I find the out of focus flowers in the front a big distraction.
Your shot for pattern is really excellent :)
good front and rear bokeh Graham.

Shooting down from a little higher might have made your chosen flower head stand out a bit more.
Can't beat bright yellow daffodils to herald spring and lift the gloom!
Have to agree with Roger and Peter that either a slightly higher perspective, or somehow losing the OOF heads in the from would make it an even better shot.
Getting time for some catch-up comments:

Letters - Didn't know what Danbo was, your copy looks a good likeness. Have you propped it up on something in front of the post box?

Kitchen - Looks tasty and for me personally the right amount of cooking for the egg.

Broken - until I read other comments I did think the mirror was real. I'm trying to work out how shift in the reflection there would be if it was created physically.

Full - Quite a difference in the SOOC image, it's interesting to see how you have processing the original. Looks the ideal shutter duration for the effect you wanted.

Patterns - I would never have worked out how you created it, very effective.

Tunnel - I do like the added square crop, I'm also guilty in leaving a lot of uninteresting areas in photos without considering how it could be cropped.

Spring - The out of focus flower in the foreground is a bit distracting, i quite liked the image just zooming in to the single flower on my iPad.