weekly Posiview's TP52 2015. Week 52 Christmas added and FINISHED :)

Prefer the colour version. Your daughter stands out more.
Shame you hadn't got a threepenny bit would certainly have been a brilliant interpretation of the theme.
Oh that's spooky!
I much prefer the colour image Andy.
There seems to be something "odd" going on with the BG in the BW version. :thinking:
I agree the colour version for me too, a good interpretation on the theme,
and indeed its a "bold ghost" that stands behind a child :D
Hi Andy, I like the B+W but with the ghost from the colour one, hows that for awkward,
compositionally it seems a little unbalanced :thinking: can't explain why though maybe the placing of Isabelle to the left slightly would help

very good idea and very different to anything else we will see this week I am sure (y)
Prefer the colour version. Your daughter stands out more.
Shame you hadn't got a threepenny bit would certainly have been a brilliant interpretation of the theme.

Threepenny bit, indeed, not seen one of them form while.

Oh that's spooky!
I much prefer the colour image Andy.
There seems to be something "odd" going on with the BG in the BW version. :thinking:

Cheers, @viv1969 can you clarify the odd thing (y)

I agree the colour version for me too, a good interpretation on the theme,
and indeed its a "bold ghost" that stands behind a child :D

Cheers, I scared the bejesus out of Isabelle after I processed it. The she caught on I'd PPd the ghost in :)

Hi Andy, I like the B+W but with the ghost from the colour one, hows that for awkward,
compositionally it seems a little unbalanced :thinking: can't explain why though maybe the placing of Isabelle to the left slightly would help

very good idea and very different to anything else we will see this week I am sure (y)

@alsjazzera, nice one. I wa a little tired when I processed it and something didn't feel right when I was masking he ghost in. Yeah, moving isabelle over would balance it better. I'll have an edit tonight.

Andy, colour image for me. Good idea as well.

Cheers, colours seems the preferred one.
In the bw one, there seem to be areas which are likely lighter and darker...uneven.
I've looked one two monitors, one calibrated, one not, they're there on both.
Not nearly so apparent on the second image.
In the bw one, there seem to be areas which are likely lighter and darker...uneven.
I've looked one two monitors, one calibrated, one not, they're there on both.
Not nearly so apparent on the second image.

Cheers. Sometimes I have a tendency to rush and I did on this occasion. Just doing what I should have and in PS I can see the lighter areas :oops: :$

I'll post an edit shortly (y)
Bold 3 (y)

This is similar to an idea I had - crossed arms 'n all - but haven't got around to doing. But don't you look up at bold people rather than down like that?
Hi Andy,

great idea. I prefer the edited colour version - it's really quite spooky.

I like the edited colour version too. The lighting works well and the processing on the 'ghost' is spot on.

Hi Andy the edited version is much better ....the extra dark area makes Isabelle look much more vulnerable, it is a very spooky image....excellent take on the theme.

Cheers, it really freaked Isabelle out when showed her the photograph :)
Edit is great, very surreal.
Hey Andy

Watery: wow, nice shot! The detail of the eye is fab!

Bold: that's spooky! The colour edit works best for me
I've just seen that I haven't posted on any of your images Andy :hangs head in shame: I'm really sorry.
Watery. I love this image its so vibrant. It works really well for the theme too. Very well done!!
Bold. Ahhh spooky. Great idea for the theme. Who played the ghost? I like the edit. Don't show your daughter and I hope you gave her some sweets for going out into the rain for you. Good stuff!
I've just seen that I haven't posted on any of your images Andy :hangs head in shame: I'm really sorry.
Watery. I love this image its so vibrant. It works really well for the theme too. Very well done!!
Bold. Ahhh spooky. Great idea for the theme. Who played the ghost? I like the edit. Don't show your daughter and I hope you gave her some sweets for going out into the rain for you. Good stuff!

No worries, Mike, it's hard trying to keep up with the comments.

I showed Isabelle, and it really freaked her out :)

Who played the ghost? (Photoshop :oops: :$)

Bloomin' Wacom tablet is on the fritz :(

Works intermittently so I'll have to order another one as I don't have a mouse.

I took inspiration from a few videos I've seen on You've Been Framed where kids fall asleep in the most uncomfortable positions.

Only real problem was my little finger sticking out, which I could have edited with the tablet. Oh, and my very red head :)

Anyways, enough of the excuses.

Here's relaxed.

Cheers all.

Week 8 Relax by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
Last edited:
Nice image Andy, but I'm not sure that "face planting" is my idea of relaxing :D
putting your feet up eh? I like it. Great fit for the theme, no crit from me

I've had my feet up most of the day :)

Nice image Andy, but I'm not sure that "face planting" is my idea of relaxing :D

I took inspiration from a few videos I've seen on You've Been Framed where kids fall asleep in the most uncomfortable positions. I have a few with me facing to the right, but preferred this one.

:ROFLMAO: Brilliant Andy, just brilliant.
As Chris said, face planting a cushion isn't my idea of relaxing but with your reference to kids falling asleep in uncomfortable positions gives it context.

I've said it before Andy but "Oh for a day inside your head" it must be a fantastic place to be, full of magic!

Crit on the image? You mentioned about your finger, I don't think that distracts in any way, I might like to see a tighter crop. Even to the point of a vertical letterbox crop.
:ROFLMAO: Brilliant Andy, just brilliant.
As Chris said, face planting a cushion isn't my idea of relaxing but with your reference to kids falling asleep in uncomfortable positions gives it context.

I've said it before Andy but "Oh for a day inside your head" it must be a fantastic place to be, full of magic!

Crit on the image? You mentioned about your finger, I don't think that distracts in any way, I might like to see a tighter crop. Even to the point of a vertical letterbox crop.

Cheers, Iain, it is nice I there sometimes :)

I like the crop idea and did it, liked it, not one that I would have consider (y)

I think I'm going to spend a bit more time processing this one.

Hi Ya

Bold.....spooky ! I can image it did freak Isabelle a touch.......as Iain has already mentioned.....I'd love to spend the day inside your head :D The edited color veriosn works much better...maybe needs a slight crop off the rhs :thinking:

Relax......words fail me....only you could come up with this:LOL: Well focused as usual , can't really add any more...except......wash ya feet next time :exit:
Hi Ya

Bold.....spooky ! I can image it did freak Isabelle a touch.......as Iain has already mentioned.....I'd love to spend the day inside your head :D The edited color veriosn works much better...maybe needs a slight crop off the rhs :thinking:

Relax......words fail me....only you could come up with this:LOL: Well focused as usual , can't really add any more...except......wash ya feet next time :exit:

Cheers, Lynne, composing Bold was not easy. Slight crop, you say, I'll have a go.

Relax, I knew someone would notice my feet. I'm tempted to but some slippers.......aarggghhhhhh, old guy alert :)
golly how have I managed to neglect your page Andy?

will start with the first scenic one, I absolutely love it, and I think the colour of the snow works fine as I'd expect that colour at sunset :)
companions, doesn't really fit the theme for me but I do like it. The colour one on Flickr does fit the theme and I actually prefer it by lots
elegant is really good; light, perspective, theme - all spot on. My 2nd thought when I saw 'elegant' as the theme was 'elegant solution' which is a real mathematical term :p
watery again bang on theme, although I have to say eyes are 'supposed' to have reflections, they are after all floating in watery stuff :)
bold - the 2nd colour one I love, even her smile shows how brave and bold she is :clap:
relax - I can see what you are trying to do with this but it just doesn't work for me. The angle makes it hard to see what you're doing and it just doesn't make a 'good photo' aesthetically, which is the point of photography (in my eyes anyway :p)

I will try to keep up in future :D
golly how have I managed to neglect your page Andy?

will start with the first scenic one, I absolutely love it, and I think the colour of the snow works fine as I'd expect that colour at sunset :)
companions, doesn't really fit the theme for me but I do like it. The colour one on Flickr does fit the theme and I actually prefer it by lots
elegant is really good; light, perspective, theme - all spot on. My 2nd thought when I saw 'elegant' as the theme was 'elegant solution' which is a real mathematical term :p
watery again bang on theme, although I have to say eyes are 'supposed' to have reflections, they are after all floating in watery stuff :)
bold - the 2nd colour one I love, even her smile shows how brave and bold she is :clap:
relax - I can see what you are trying to do with this but it just doesn't work for me. The angle makes it hard to see what you're doing and it just doesn't make a 'good photo' aesthetically, which is the point of photography (in my eyes anyway :p)

I will try to keep up in future :D

@sturisoma I know exactly what you are saying about Relaxed. I tried loads of different heights but all look, as you allude to, flat. Perhaps I should have come from more of an angle.

Elegant solution, the mathematical term popped to mind straight away. Not that I knew what it meant :) But this quote stood out or me "maximum desired effect is achieved with the smallest, or simplest effort."

Isabelle really is a wonderful (if not cheap model :))

Hi Andy, again great bit of thought behind this, no idea why you think your little finger is a problem didn't notice anything till you mentioned it and even then........

I am glad you mentioned the very red head :p

as to whats alluded to above re the position I think its understandable from first look what position you are in
Hmmm ... I don't know what to say .... not erm, a pretty sight.