weekly Posiview's TP52 for 2014 Week 52 Support added and FINISHED :)

Liked your welcome advice for newbies, think I should try to re-read this when I am struggling!

Odd - I like your method of hair removal Andy!
Lines - definitely bang on theme, wondered about going to b&w but then changed my mind to not lose the red
odd - it was funny when the theme came up and both peter and I said "we bet Andy does a selfie!" It's not one I'll try to re create!
Line - bang on theme and one I keep going back to to look again. If I have to give crit it would be the background lines being not quite straight but that has already been pointed out!:)
odd - it was funny when the theme came up and both peter and I said "we bet Andy does a selfie!" It's not one I'll try to re create!
Line - bang on theme and one I keep going back to to look again. If I have to give crit it would be the background lines being not quite straight but that has already been pointed out!:)

I'm always up for a bit of self deprecation :)

Yup, the BG is annoying. I might edit at some point.

Appreciate the FB.

Well, I'm off to the pantomime Friday with Jackie and Isabelle. Every time I go to the pantomime....I'm the one person in the audience that gets chosen to ridicule :rage:

Anyways, I'll be taking my camera in the hope of getting my Play.

Well, I'm off to the pantomime Friday with Jackie and Isabelle. Every time I go to the pantomime....I'm the one person in the audience that gets chosen to ridicule :rage:

Anyways, I'll be taking my camera in the hope of getting my Play.


Good luck Andy :D
Which pantomime?
Well, on the plus side, the pantomime was brilliant....'Oh, no it wa......' :)

But, 'No Recording Equipment Of Any Kind!'

Got home around 10:15 and asked Jackie to pose for my original idea.

So, you've now seen me, Isabelle and Jackie in my first 3 weeks.

I give you, 'Getting played?!'.

Week 2 Play
by andysheader (Posiview), on Flickr
Nice low-key image Andy, good lighting on the face - maybe a bit more light on the cards would be nice or a bit of dodging in PP. But overall good work!
superb low key....dont know how you conrolled light spillage, but it looks bang on to me...I like the detail in the tips of the fringe / eyebrow. Really nice, and one you can be proud of (even if lastminute.com) (y)
LOvely use of lighting - how did you do it please? Is it "ghetto" lighting?

This is somehting I want to be thinking about using more in this project.

NOthing really to crit here for me - I do like a bit of negative space - guess I would've liked to have seen a catchight in the eye - they always look a bit dead to me without - but apart from that I really like it (y)
Nice low-key image Andy, good lighting on the face - maybe a bit more light on the cards would be nice or a bit of dodging in PP. But overall good work!

Thanks. I Have one with more light on the cards but it seemed to draw the eye away from the eyes.

Very low key and for a last minute.com image i think it works very well very well indeed.

Thanks for the FB (y)
superb low key....dont know how you conrolled light spillage, but it looks bang on to me...I like the detail in the tips of the fringe / eyebrow. Really nice, and one you can be proud of (even if lastminute.com) (y)

Thanks. Lighting...see below :)

LOvely use of lighting - how did you do it please? Is it "ghetto" lighting?

This is somehting I want to be thinking about using more in this project.

NOthing really to crit here for me - I do like a bit of negative space - guess I would've liked to have seen a catchight in the eye - they always look a bit dead to me without - but apart from that I really like it (y)

Yup, lighting was a homemade snoot with a Pringles carton and straws inside. I was extremely surprised by how much it focused the light.

Catchlights, yeah, I do see hat you mean, but I wanted dead eyes as I thought they fitted with the 'being played' nature of the photograph.

I might have an edit and post with catchlights.

Appreciate the FB all.

Another "like" for the lighting and the idea. It has also given me some ideas so thanks for that :)
Very sinister looking, perhaps a catch light in the eye would improve it, (my opinion only)
Tough choice between this one and your other with more light on the cards by the sounds of it.
I like this one though, very moody and well lit.
Another "like" for the lighting and the idea. It has also given me some ideas so thanks for that :)

That's what this project is about...sharing ideas (y)

now that's just plain creepy! :nailbiting:

Sweet, that's what is was after...kind off :)

Great lighting Andy, it ensures that the eye and direct, challenging gaze grabs your attention immediately and then you take in the cards. Very dark and thoughtful and suits the b&w processing, and I like your idea for the homemade snoot (y)

That's for the FB. I'll be using the snoot again....

Very sinister looking, perhaps a catch light in the eye would improve it, (my opinion only)

Catchlight was an idea but I wanted dead, sinister eyes (y)

Tough choice between this one and your other with more light on the cards by the sounds of it.I like this one though, very moody and well lit.

Yeah, tough choice but it is good to have a choice :banana:

Cheers all.
The dark eye works really well, I keep getting drawn back to it, trying to read whats there which I'm hoping was your intention.

Great use of a pringles tube, I'd never have thought of using straws :clap:
Just to echo what's been said Andy, great lighting (y)

I need to start to thinking more about lighting, you have some good ideas :)
Just playing catch up on my comments.
Odd ~ Yes it was
Lines ~ Nice origional idea
Repeating what has been said re the lighting on your play shot is really nice (y)
Just to echo what's been said Andy, great lighting (y)

I need to start to thinking more about lighting, you have some good ideas :)

Just playing catch up on my comments.
Odd ~ Yes it was
Lines ~ Nice origional idea
Repeating what has been said re the lighting on your play shot is really nice (y)

That works brilliantly Andy, the cards are lit plenty enough for me, a nice original take (y)

Thanks. Who needs to spend loads of money on lighting :)
The dark eye works really well, I keep getting drawn back to it, trying to read whats there which I'm hoping was your intention.

Great use of a pringles tube, I'd never have thought of using straws :clap:

Hi Andy, great low key shot with superb lighting :clap: I little catchlight in the eye would have been an icing on the cake.

Thanks. Just looked with catchlight and it doesn't work. My intention was for people to get drawn into the dead eyes.

Cheers all (y)
I like this one Andy. Some great lighting which you've handled well. I like that the eye is straight down the camera rather than looking at the cards. It makes you feel you are the opponent.
Must admit, I didnt think you;d get much of a shot from a pantomime... but I didn't like to say anything..

low key, minimal, negative space, super lighting... all the things you do so well, all rolled into one.
Hi ya

cracking image Andy , your handling of lighting is just getting better n better ( prepare yourself for a barage of questions at the meet :D )

No crit from me on this as I really like it , the lack of catch lights works for rather than against as it's quite a dark ( read sinister) image :clap:
Hi Andy very sinister and really well lit, it obviously pays to experiment with the groceries,
Have to go now as i am quite creeped out