weekly Stuart Pearson's 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase (completed )

Good take on the theme.
Lots of tech went into making the glass and then the exact measurement of sand for 247 seconds.
4 minute egg timer plus 7 seconds just in case?
Two good images. It does sound like someone liked four minute eggs and then a bit.
I like the symmetry of the crows on the feeder. I have two crows in my garden and I'm quite fond of them.

You've captured the timer really well. Good colours and the lighting is really nice. What shutter speed was it, to catch the sand?
I like the symmetry of the crows on the feeder. I have two crows in my garden and I'm quite fond of them.

You've captured the timer really well. Good colours and the lighting is really nice. What shutter speed was it, to catch the sand?
When the crows appear the fat pigeon arrives to pickup the crumbs that fall on the ground.

I was either very careful or lucky with my torch used for lightning to capture the timer the way I did, it will still be falling but masked by the light. Here's the image details:

Bunch of discarded stuff I see there Stuart. It's a shame the people feel they can mess up rivers and streams that way.
Well spotted but what a shame about the thoughtless people we share our world with.
Good spot and capture. There's an Instagram account called @LostFootballs - amazing how many there are!!!!
Week 13 - Flora

Spotted while out walking alongside the same burn that my discarded image was taken. They looked out of place as the only flowers within a section of a grass slope. I have tried to bring more interest to the image by adding an inset frame.

An Interesting Find
by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
Flora is a nice image, not keen on the frame though. Link is not working at all.
Framing is probably a marmite thing, be interested what others think.
I have sorted the link, normally I test it but didn't on this occasion!
lovely flora, but I think the frame does not help.
If you want to frame why not make it a contrast e.g. black?
There's a problem with the link on the main thread Stuart - it's sending me to a bookmark??

I quite like the frame, and I like the dewdrops on the leaves. The viewpoint makes you feel in the thick of it... or in the Land of the Giants (suspect you are not old enough to remember that programme)? The flowers looks a little pink to me - perhaps they were?

Edit: I wrote this yesterday and forgot to save it - so maybe you have fixed it already.
The viewpoint makes you feel in the thick of it... or in the Land of the Giants (suspect you are not old enough to remember that programme)? The flowers looks a little pink to me - perhaps they were?
I looked for info on "Land of the Giants", it's just before my time having recently reach half a century.
I don't fare well detecting colour casts unless they are obvious, I'm putting it down to a minimal assumed colour blindness issue, I tend to see a luminous green as yellow. I should make more use too of the histogram although I'm editing on my iPad so will look different on other displays.
I looked for info on "Land of the Giants", it's just before my time having recently reach half a century.
I don't fare well detecting colour casts unless they are obvious, I'm putting it down to a minimal assumed colour blindness issue, I tend to see a luminous green as yellow. I should make more use too of the histogram although I'm editing on my iPad so will look different on other displays.
I wasn't sure if it was my laptop actually, but I think it does have a slight magenta cast - I could be wrong. Mine is calibrated, but is due for checking. I have a colour blind friend who loves his photography and he often send me luminous green photos.

I'd forgotten about Land of the Giants until I saw your pic, so thanks for bringing back a happy memory :)
I agree with Bebop on the colour tinge. It has that on my monitor too. A nicely composed shot but another who is not a fan of the frame but that is a personal choice.
Week 14 - Unusual

I'm sure there was lots of unusual things I was around but never noticed, and did wonder if I would find anything. As someone who keeps a lot of useful items just in case they come in useful, (well that's my excuse) I found this braided wire amongst the collection. It is the braided wire around a cable which has been stretched flat and formed into a circle. It was a bonus getting the technique completed too, the braid is on a mirrored place mat.

Wired!! by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
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I keep "stuff" just in case it might come in useful. Don't look in the garage!

You have just proved the point. Well executed. Certainly fits the theme.
Well captured. The reflective surface makes for a nice composition. I thought it was an unusual bracelet.

My 'study' is full of useful little bits of bric-a-brac. I've had some of them for years.... you never know when you'll need them :ROFLMAO:
Ver nicely composed. I thought it was a bracelet at first.
Great reflection and unusual enough to need an explanation.
Nicely composed too.
Week 15 - Snappers Choice

The camera club chose "Minimalist" for this week, so here's my interpretation.
I was channeling L.S Lowry with this long exposure shot at Edinburgh Waverley train station, just trying to leave a minimum of detail without it being completely "blown out"

Barely There
by Stuart Pearson, on Flickr
I like that, would an overexposed shot give similar results?
Wasn't Lowery the matchstick men and matchstick women guy, certainly works for "just trying to leave a minimum of detail" just a bit too much leaving bits out, turn it down a tad and I think it would work IMHO.

I think that is in an interesting technique Stuart. It's probably worth exploring some more to see where it takes you.
I think that is in an interesting technique Stuart. It's probably worth exploring some more to see where it takes you.
I agree, depending on the subject the overall appearance is going to change. As a bonus I don’t need to worry about getting it in focus :)