Notice The TP 52 Challenge for 2021 chat / discussion thread Week 52 Showcase

Quite a few 'bug' shots for "Natural".
Please don't be offended if I don't comment on them. :)
I will still tick them off on the spreadsheet...
Tick - i see what you did there :geek:
Hopefully go out early morning and get a decent shot for this week's theme.
Gutted I was in work this morning the fog was epic in the valley.
Weeeeeell here we are again! Feme eve rarara! :banana::whistle::naughty::banana:
Week 38
As yesterday was the Autumn equinox in the Northern hemisphere,
what else were you expecting as a theme?

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Hmmmm - not much sign of Autumn here yet.
Week 38
As yesterday was the Autumn equinox in the Northern hemisphere,
what else were you expecting as a theme?

Gutted you beat me to it, was hoping i would be first for a change. Perfect theme for me at the minute, step outside the door and it screams Autumn here.
ooh doesn't feel very autumnal here. Will have to see what I can do and hopefully keep up now.
Its still very pleasant here too, high teens, but there are signs of the garden readying itself for Autumn, berries on the Fuchsia's berries on the Virginia creeper, But the stupid passion flower has decided its about time it flowered :D
Def autumn here in temp, and rain!
Its not rained down here for awhile It won't last. And when it starts, it'll forget to stop as always :(
Just tried to upload my Autumn photo to Flickr and it could not login, I now have another new Flickr Account the password is now 12 characters long, the last one was 9. I have also run out of emails accounts to use, so will have to get some more of those as well.
Just tried to upload my Autumn photo to Flickr and it could not login, I now have another new Flickr Account the password is now 12 characters long, the last one was 9. I have also run out of emails accounts to use, so will have to get some more of those as well.
What a pain. The last time I tried to login I couldn't, but I rarely go on there. I get emails to say who has posted, but when I click on them on my iPad, I get thrown out. Strange! One day I will look into it.
Here we are again...

Bring it on.
On to week 39,
This week its all about Jim Morrison,

Yes that's right the Door(s)

Oooooh I do like a door pic :banana:
Might have a couple of ideas for Doors already.
I like doors too!
Nice one Chris!
I think most people know "people are strange"
I didn't :D
TBH riders on the storm is about the only track I know
Spreadsheet caught up. Please check if I've missed shots (I think I got them all, but...)
I've tidied the spreadsheet up, moving anyone who hasn't posted since week 29 10 weeks ago) to the "Retired during Covid" section.
of course, anyone doing a catch-up from there will be re-instated :)

Well done to the 27 of us who have made it so far.
Especially well done to the 4 new entrants ( @Boots @catclick @ecniv @Simonbrown16 ) who have kept up during this trying year. I'm looking forward to moving you onto the old lags section for next year :ROFLMAO:

Next week puts us into the last 1/4 of the year !!!
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Spreadsheet caught up. Please check if I've missed shots (I think I got them all, but...)
I've tidied the spreadsheet up, moving anyone who hasn't posted since week 29 10 weeks ago) to the "Retired during Covid" section.
of course, anyone doing a catch-up from there will be re-instated :)
Cheers Tim (y)

Well done to the 27 of us who have made it so far.
Well done guys (y)
PS - As it's the first time I've looked at it, I've just noticed what you did with @Bebop's 'real' name on the spreadsheet too...

Ooh you had me worried for a minute :ROFLMAO: It's been like that since 2017 I think :)

I picked the name Bebop because my brothers used to call me Bebop-a lula sometimes when I was little, funnily enough.

Thanks @LC2 for all your hard work - I hope you are both recovered now, and thanks @Cobra for keeping us going.
Thanks Tim! And thanks for the little nudge that I need to keep going!