TP 52'ers Class of 2016 Discussion thread Week 52 we made it! time to celebrate /( celebrations)

The living world, its in the thread title
Would you like me to take your image for you as well? :D
Haha I didn't even see that (my notification through Tapatalk cuts the title ending off).

That said, a hand would be appreciated now I'm two behind again [emoji23]
You like picking easy ones, don't you @Cobra Sheesh!
Oh come on, there is a whole world of subjects out there, not everything revolves around rails you know :p
I assume "The Living World" will cover any living thing in the world, so effectively a very wide ranging theme.
Absolutely, that's why I said, probably the easiest one so far (y)
On a separate note is anyone who's doing this going to the photography show in a couple of weeks?

I'm going on the Saturday if anyone is maybe we could arrange a TP52 2016 1/4 Term meet up
(I didn't expect to find such a perfect smiley for that...wonder who put it there?!)
Marcel in one of his p*** taking moments :D

f you could just arrange some sunshine for this very cloudy looking weekend too, please...:D
I'll round up a few virgins for sacrifice, just for you (y)
the living world .... I thought this was supposed to be a challenge.

Hmmm ... mouldy cheese or rush hour chaos at Oxford Circus :thinking:
the living world .... I thought this was supposed to be a challenge.
Too hard = people moan
Too easy = people moan

And this one seems to fall into both categories
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Couldn't the theme have been something like 'urban life' whilst the famous 5 are up in the Lake District?!
'Living world' much too easy for them :)

It should be rain, that would really be annoying as this weekend looks set to be the first that it hasn't rained up here since about October
I thought that was probably one of the easiest ones so far this year?
Obviously not...

It's easy if you photograph animals ;)

In reality, none of the themes have annoyed/frustrated me. It is a challenge and every theme has plenty of scope for a great submission.

Anyway, we've had a great TP meet today and back to the beer :)

Cheers all and good luck everyone.
It's easy if you photograph animals ;)
By and large I have been trying to avoid it.
But there are loads of things "living world" could cover. :)

It is a challenge and every theme has plenty of scope for a great submission.
TBH that's my thinking too, as I said elsewhere, sometimes you have to think laterally, not literally.

Enjoy the :beer:
Was this one of those "extra" themes on the different-coloured paper, by any chance? You know, this and the "animal in captivity shot featuring any animal anywhere as long as it's at that zoo just down the road from me" theme that's coming along in a few weeks :p

(actually I think living world is a great idea for a theme and absolutely doesn't have to be about just plants or animals)...
I think living world is a great idea for a theme and absolutely doesn't have to be about just plants or animals.

No, it can also be about birds. Or fish.
Just like to say to my fellow 52ers I have not quit I have been very busy and will catch up by Thursday if not sooner, I look forward now to looking at your pictures and what I have missed.:)
Just a quick update from me.......

Still having major problems with a relapse and even reading is difficult (although I did learn how to at school :p) as not only do I (still) have double vision my eyes hurt when I move them. I'm also knackered all the time :sleep::sleep::sleep:

I'm still keeping up with the themes but I apologise to those whose pictures I haven't commented on - that's all of you last week :eek:

This is not a pity post however and would prefer smart arsed comments over Get Well Soons although the odd :hug: wouldn't go amiss :D