weekly Leebert's 52 in 2016. Week 15 Horizontal.

I bet someone got their arse well and truly kicked for that!

Great background story and a very interesting object Lee (y)

I assume that's not blood I can see??

Interesting back story and an interesting piece of documentary photography.

Not an easy one to crit, but I'd like to see a slight crop and maybe softer shadows. Nice clean BG.


A good record of a fantastic piece of aviation memorabilia.

Great backstory there Lee (though not the impact on the engines themselves - at least XH558 got to fly until the certifying authorities refused to certify anymore rather than running out of engines).
I like the shot and agree with Allan, the background is spot on.

Hi, I have no idea what it is or indeed what a Afro Vulcan is besides an aircraft of some sort, so I can only approach this from a photo point of view,

Needs a little more light maybe and perhaps if you propped it up to give a better angle

Some story line there Lee - that was one costly error to have taken out two engines. Definitely a keepsake 'cos I suspect that sort of incident, thankfully, doesn't often happen. Nicely themed.:clap:

A good record shot. Perhaps consider forming a triptych with a couple of macro pictures of the blade to add more visual interest?

Great subject matter and background, maybe a closer crop would be nice though! Good photo though :)

Ha Haaaaa :D

Much prefer the correct image Lee, quite a scary subject matter, like it (y)

Metal - Great background info to this Lee, but image wise a bit muh, sorry... possibly because it is straight on, closer in and at a n angle would be more pleasing... subject wise perfect for the theme, lit well too :)

Interesting story, @alsjazzera an Afro Vulcan is one with a mass of very curly hair :)

A really interesting story there Lee, but I have to agree the shot doesn't seem to have the impact. There's some really interesting detail if you zoom in and it's a shame not to see it. I think Jason's idea of the triptych would work really well.

I love the subject and story behind it. For me, the way it's shot doesn't work particularly well though and isn't nearly as interesting as the story behind it. A change of background / viewpoint would make a huge difference.

My guess was some kind of turbine blade when I first saw the shot and I wasn't too far off. Nice interesting story behind it.

Love the back story and adds some real interest to the shot - thanks for sharing

Any chance of seeing a tight crop version with some of the wear and tear on the blade ?

I was drawn in by the title ! Preciousness was not evident in the very simple framing and presentation of the image, it could be a catalogue image in its matter of fact simplicity. Then reading the background story the true cost becomes horrifyingly apparent! Like it!!

Liking the second Old shot much better in terms of the amount of light as it gives t more visual impact, and the quaint old church in the shade of that big old tree give it context too (y)

Blimey, that was some human error and I bet it knocked a few years off the pilot's life :eek:

I'd just crop a bit off the top to emphasise it a bit more.

Happy New 52 :)

Lee, I like the story behind the image, shame it caused the damage it did. I also think Dexter Morgon of TV fame would be interested as it looks like blood splatter on the metal. Where would that lead in his case, haha. Good luck completing you 52

Hi Lee, sounds like a very expensive mistake, but the writing coupled to the image really kind of adds to overall feel I think. Very nicely portrayed :)

Hello Lee, I would have liked to see the lighting a bit stronger on this. Some great detail on the blade if you could have got in a bit closer, I had to expand the image to see it properly. Wee bit OOF towards the back left of the blade, but that's probably understandable. Love the story behind it, I bet things like that happen much more than we realise.

Nice to see you here, good luck with your challenge.

Hi All,

I must apologise for not replying sooner. Work and other distractions have have left photography on the back seat for a bit :(

Thank you all for dropping by and taking the time to comment.
It isn't blood on the blade but some other contamination possibly caused by ferrous debris that has since rusted.
Whilst the story is good I do agree that the shot is somewhat lacking. Something I didn't really feel at the time I posted it but do now. @JasonGlyn: Good idea re the triptych. I might give that a go when I get some time.

I hope to get around to commenting on some of the other fantastic images I have seen in the photos thread.

Old: I prefer the lighter edit of the interior shot to be honest you can see more detail, I also like the exterior shot the lighting is very nice and well seen

Metal: A very interesting item with a great back story I wouldn't have like to of been the person responsible for that error! I think there is a lot of space around the item and would maybe benefit form being cropped
Interesting back story to the picture for metal


Old: I prefer the lighter edit of the interior shot to be honest you can see more detail, I also like the exterior shot the lighting is very nice and well seen

Metal: A very interesting item with a great back story I wouldn't have like to of been the person responsible for that error! I think there is a lot of space around the item and would maybe benefit form being cropped

Thank you both for taking the time to drop by and comment (y)
Not been around much so apologies and thank you to all those who have taken the time to comment on my images.

Time for a bit of a catch up before Mr Hissy and DK find out :eek: :runaway:

Week 2 - Captive.
A Spectacled Owl surveys the extents of it's captivity.

TP 52 2016. Week 2 - Captive. by Lee Francis, on Flickr
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That's very well done, really looks like he is on the edge of the hand looking over.
Beautiful shot of the Owl - love the feather detail by the beak in particular .. brilliant. As for Miniature, well got to hand it to you - must have been quite a precarious climb . Excellent pp work - looks absolutely spot on. :clap:
Hi, Captive, superb. The detail in the feathers is great as is filling the frame.

Miniature is well thought out. Looks a little flat, lighting wise.

I like that owl shot.. Is it you peeping through a gap I can see in the reflection in the eye?
Miniature - That's very well done, far more skilled in PP than me. really like the captive too.
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Captive - incredible love the reflections in the eye

Miniature - Brilliant take on the theme nicely done
Absolutely love everything about the owl shot! Fantastic detail in the feathers and the reflection in the eye shows just how captive he was :clap:

Nice pp work on Miniature. I often have problems getting clean edges against a "fake" bg, but you've done a really good job with that.
Hi Lee, your captive shot is an absolute corker for me! I'm not very up on animal shots, but it works really well to my eyes. The eye and beak being so sharply in focus is spot on and the exposure looks good as well. Great expression!
You can't beat a decent reflective eye shot Lee very sharp very clear
Miniature, a nice piece of P/S both great images (y)
Hi Lee,

Captive is fantastic. Super sharp focus point and the reflection in the eye is perfect link to the theme :)
What works for me is that you are looking down, well put together looks great.(y)
Hi Lee

Captive - love this shot, filling the frame so tightly really works well and the reflection in the eye is amazing.
Miniature - Good idea and you did well getting the angles right.
Hi Lee :)

Captive - A cracking macro shot, well presuming it is macro rather than big crop due to the shallow DoF, lovely feather detail near the beak and such a great sharp eye - likey (y)

Time for a bit of a catch up before Mr Hissy and DK find out :eek: :runaway:
The walls have ears here mate :geek: and you have to be a HELL of an early bird to get anything past slippery @Cobra the '52s PC plod :police:

Miniature - Nice PP work, nicely thought out too, looks realistic to me mate, good idea for the theme :)
Fabulous captive image. Others are cool too but that one stands out for me.

helluva Captive portrait. (y)

Miniature ... a tricky one but nicely done. The nothingness, colourless BG's a bit of a let down.
That's very well done, really looks like he is on the edge of the hand looking over.

Beautiful shot of the Owl - love the feather detail by the beak in particular .. brilliant. As for Miniature, well got to hand it to you - must have been quite a precarious climb . Excellent pp work - looks absolutely spot on. :clap:

Hi, Captive, superb. The detail in the feathers is great as is filling the frame.

Miniature is well thought out. Looks a little flat, lighting wise.


Nicely done

Hi Lee ...I love your Captive shot ....fabulous detail in it :clap:

Well done with your Miniature .....I really like that idea ....spot on for the theme.

Captive - perfect image for the theme.

Miniature - Wow thats a good image for the theme, very well executed.

Miniature - That's very well done, far more skilled in PP than me. really like the captive too.

Captive - incredible love the reflections in the eye

Miniature - Brilliant take on the theme nicely done

Absolutely love everything about the owl shot! Fantastic detail in the feathers and the reflection in the eye shows just how captive he was :clap:

Nice pp work on Miniature. I often have problems getting clean edges against a "fake" bg, but you've done a really good job with that.

Miniature is clever and the pp looks nicely done.
Your owl shot is absolutely wonderful - the composition, detail and the reflection in his eye which tells the whole story. Amazing.

Hi Lee, your captive shot is an absolute corker for me! I'm not very up on animal shots, but it works really well to my eyes. The eye and beak being so sharply in focus is spot on and the exposure looks good as well. Great expression!

You can't beat a decent reflective eye shot Lee very sharp very clear
Miniature, a nice piece of P/S both great images (y)

Hi Lee,

Captive is fantastic. Super sharp focus point and the reflection in the eye is perfect link to the theme :)

What works for me is that you are looking down, well put together looks great.(y)

Hi Lee

Captive - love this shot, filling the frame so tightly really works well and the reflection in the eye is amazing.
Miniature - Good idea and you did well getting the angles right.

Fabulous captive image. Others are cool too but that one stands out for me.


Thanks all - much appreciated. :) (y)

Hi Lee :)

Captive - A cracking macro shot, well presuming it is macro rather than big crop due to the shallow DoF, lovely feather detail near the beak and such a great sharp eye - likey (y)

The walls have ears here mate :geek: and you have to be a HELL of an early bird to get anything past slippery @Cobra the '52s PC plod :police:

Miniature - Nice PP work, nicely thought out too, looks realistic to me mate, good idea for the theme :)

Hi Dean,
Thank you (y)
It was taken with a 300mm lens at f4 quite close. It's almost SOOC with just a bit of a crop from the right hand side to leave it as the square format that I posted.

helluva Captive portrait. (y)

Miniature ... a tricky one but nicely done. The nothingness, colourless BG's a bit of a let down.

Thanks. I understand re the BG. I struggled to think of anything to do for it really. I suppose I could have added some mountain peaks now I think of it.

I like that owl shot.. Is it you peeping through a gap I can see in the reflection in the eye?
Thank you. Well spotted (y)
Week 4 - Happy:

An archive shot for this one. Waking up early resulted in a walk around Sunrise in the Snowdonia National Park. A very happy holiday in the most amazing of surroundings.
Happy by Lee Francis, on Flickr

Week 5 - Abandoned:

A few for this week from a visit to the Secret Nuclear Bunker near Kelvedon Hatch in Essex. A cracking place to visit if you're in the area.
[url=https://flic.kr/p/DD4K9s]Abandoned post by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Abandoned car by Lee Francis, on Flickr
Abandoned by Lee Francis, on Flickr
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Hi Lee.
What can I say, you're got some great shots so far.
The back story to the Vulcan blade is fascinating, so thanks for filling it in.
Love the miniature shot the most though. Very very well executed.
There's a secret bunker in Scotland and we always chuckle when we drive past the signs :)

Nice, subtle lighting and well exposed.

Happy - ticks all the boxes, well done

Abandoned - computer for me, like the cold-war spy thriller lighting
I like the car interior best for 'abandoned' - there's a nice similarity between the braches outside the car and the springs in the back of the seats which gives the impression the car is becoming pat of its surroundings.
Hi, nice Happy shot, as for abandoned I like the computer shot its a little different from the normal this week and the lighting works really well
Hi Lee :)

Happy - Nice image, good to see composition with you guys not obscuring the cracking view :D - nice photo that :)

Abandoned - Hmmmm a few to choose from :thinking:

Okay... love the old electronics in the first shot, really liking the low light in it too picking up the map in the background also adds real good interest for me, so my pick of the bunch (y)
Hi Lee,

really like your Happy picture, super poses and a nice background, i prefer the 3rd Abandoned image,
Hi Lee

Happy - Lovely shot a very happy scene

Abandoned - Both great subjects but I prefer the truck due to how dilapidated it looks
Nice catch up Lee
a visit to the Secret Nuclear Bunker
Is that what is called an oxymoron? :D
Nice image well taken, but the burnt out car interior is my favourite, nicely processed (y)