Posiview's TP52 2016. Week 52 Celebrate added. FINISHED :)

Good job with happy, especially for a morning after. Hope you got some good shots of the train, I was half tempted to nip over myself for a look but domestic duties got in the way.

<Edit> Posts crossed, just seen the train, bet that made you happy.
Wow, I'm not a train fan but that's a cracker with all the smoke and steam trailing. (y)
You certainly do look happy Andy (y)
Hi Andy, simple as you say but works well glad you got your train shot too

Andy, just a quick one from me after being absent for so long. Picked out your first shot of all because I love the lighting on Isabelle. Her hair, arm and face are perfectly lit for me. The background definitely needs work if you do want it even - alternatively, go for the shaded grey look and lose the background light (or tone it down a lot) - it doesn't have to be flat white if you don't want it to be :)

But a brilliant shot and, again, cracking lighting on your daughter.
Happy - perfect photo, great colours
Happy - Good shot. Cold, wet, tired, hungry...all to get a shot the next day. I'm impressed at the commitment, I'm a much more fair weathered photographer. Looks like it was worth it for the train shot though.
Captive - A great image very thought provoking image I really like it.

Miniature - Fantastic nice and sharp well thought out

Happy - Great image
Hi Andy :)

Miniature - Well, I like the scale of the first, but my brain isn't convinced with the alignment, looking very hard I think it is actually fine, just that nice shine/reflection fckus my brain up :geek: - anyway, I for that reason prefer the second one, cracking idea mate especially with limited time (y)

Happy - Now that is a happy chappie for certain, I can see and know you are in your element there, a great backdrop with the viaduct and road converging behind you, but I am a bit surprised though no camera or photography gear in your hand too, nice SP (y)
Good job with happy, especially for a morning after. Hope you got some good shots of the train, I was half tempted to nip over myself for a look but domestic duties got in the way.

<Edit> Posts crossed, just seen the train, bet that made you happy.

Wow, I'm not a train fan but that's a cracker with all the smoke and steam trailing. (y)

Well thought out, close up i like , clean BG

You certainly do look happy Andy (y)

Thanks all, being out there makes work tolerable :)

You have every right to be happy! Love the B&W shot - !

One Happy guy!!! Beautiful scenery, great colours and excellent composition. Very nice pic

Hi Andy, simple as you say but works well glad you got your train shot too

I like the shot you've got there for Happy Andy, I think it works well especially against the threatening skies.
I hope you were happy with your shot of the 2 Ian Riley Black 5s too.

Thanks all, it's a great place, and I can see me photographing more trains :geek:
Andy, just a quick one from me after being absent for so long. Picked out your first shot of all because I love the lighting on Isabelle. Her hair, arm and face are perfectly lit for me. The background definitely needs work if you do want it even - alternatively, go for the shaded grey look and lose the background light (or tone it down a lot) - it doesn't have to be flat white if you don't want it to be :)

But a brilliant shot and, again, cracking lighting on your daughter.

Happy - perfect photo, great colours

Happy - Good shot. Cold, wet, tired, hungry...all to get a shot the next day. I'm impressed at the commitment, I'm a much more fair weathered photographer. Looks like it was worth it for the train shot though.

Captive - A great image very thought provoking image I really like it.

Miniature - Fantastic nice and sharp well thought out

Happy - Great image

Cheers all, @pjm1 it was my new white BG and going to take a little getting used to :) I do tend to push for a uber white BG. Crit taken on board (y)
Hi Andy :)

Miniature - Well, I like the scale of the first, but my brain isn't convinced with the alignment, looking very hard I think it is actually fine, just that nice shine/reflection fckus my brain up :geek: - anyway, I for that reason prefer the second one, cracking idea mate especially with limited time (y)

Happy - Now that is a happy chappie for certain, I can see and know you are in your element there, a great backdrop with the viaduct and road converging behind you, but I am a bit surprised though no camera or photography gear in your hand too, nice SP (y)

Hi Andy .....I seem to have missed you out .....so many to keep up with.

Love the aspect for Happy, I would be tempted to nip a bit off the left so the bridge has no beginning and no end. Steam looks amazing on that steam train.

Viaduct, steam train, photography time..."reasons to be cheerful 1, 2, 3 ... " :) Great shot!

Hi Andy, nothing says Happy like a good ol' thumbs up :) NIcely processed

Cheers all. @Dark Knight totally agree with the alignment. I had to make the bottle a much smaller and the needle a lot bigger and where they joined was off.

Happy...I'll be as happy when we get on the Lakes meet...and Iceland :)
Hi Andy .....I seem to have missed you out .....so many to keep up with.

Love the aspect for Happy, I would be tempted to nip a bit off the left so the bridge has no beginning and no end. Steam looks amazing on that steam train.

Viaduct, steam train, photography time..."reasons to be cheerful 1, 2, 3 ... " :) Great shot!

Hi Andy, nothing says Happy like a good ol' thumbs up :) NIcely processed

Cheers, all, @susiejb never thought of cropping the LHS, I'll 'ave a go (y)

Nice composition for Happy, Andy - despite your protestations, I rather like it. Quite a bit of clarity going on there - which makes you look a bit 3d and jumpy-outy.

But good.

A technical question: does your hat turn round when you face the other way?
Nice composition for Happy, Andy - despite your protestations, I rather like it. Quite a bit of clarity going on there - which makes you look a bit 3d and jumpy-outy.

But good.

A technical question: does your hat turn round when you face the other way?

Cheers, Paul, your last sentence took me while to work out :p
Lots of ideas for this one.

One being me putting Isabelle at a bus stop at night, with a suitcase and photographing her from across the road. Decided I'd submitted enough people so went to the local cemetery instead :help:

Main issue I had was trying to isolate what I was photographing and, of course, trying to show respect for those that have passed.

Two submissions.

Cheers all.

(Not) Abandoned b by aNdy sHeader, on Flickr

(Not) Abandoned by aNdy sHeader, on Flickr
Colour for me, the green seems to contribute to the image, nicely done
Colour for me too, the difference between wall and pavement is clearer and it's easier to read the inscriptions.
Hi Andy either one works for me, processing on both spot on, nice different take on the theme too
Colour for me, the green seems to contribute to the image, nicely done

Colour for me too, the difference between wall and pavement is clearer and it's easier to read the inscriptions.

I prefer the colour image too. Great image

Nice one Andy - cleverly on theme. I too like the colour one and as an image it works well. Great job for a week which is turning out not to be as easy as we may have thought!

Hi Andy either one works for me, processing on both spot on, nice different take on the theme too

Thanks all. Not too happy on reflection. Not sure if it's the perspective but i feel it's lacking something.
