weekly Judi's 52 in 2014 week 33 and 34 added

Hi Judi. Welcome to this years 52 :wave:

Line, very simple with the nice strong diagonal. I would be ultra critical and crop it so the contrail's come straight out of the corner, not slightly to the right, but it's only a minor thing. As it is I'm well impressed that you guys have had any blue skies over there, all I hear about is rain on the news!
Thank you Marsha, I am very new to all this, so i am afraid i am getting a few things wrong, but 'nothing ventured nothing gained'.

Sun ha ha, we had about 1 hr around between about 8.30am and 9.30 yesterday
HI Judy :wave:

Loving your Lines shot....blue sky, white contrails & a smidge of cloud as well....the larger version without the compression lines is wayyyy better.....:clap:
Are you signed in to flickr when trying to get the code??

love to see dogs playing.. although in the one you've chosen which may well show your little one playing, the lab looks rather scared, I think any of the others in your set on flickr are more appealing, although they do show the bigger dog as the primary subject a bit more. The "play-bow" of the big one is great in these, and your little one seems to be giving as good as she gets!

All nice and sharp, nice exposure for the blacks of the dogs against the green grass. (y)
Are you signed in to flickr when trying to get the code??

love to see dogs playing.. although in the one you've chosen which may well show your little one playing, the lab looks rather scared, I think any of the others in your set on flickr are more appealing, although they do show the bigger dog as the primary subject a bit more. The "play-bow" of the big one is great in these, and your little one seems to be giving as good as she gets!

All nice and sharp, nice exposure for the blacks of the dogs against the green grass. (y)

Thank you for your kind words, I have been trying to up load for the last hour so need a kind word or two.

Yes Graham all signed in the code seems to come up ok , I have tried the play bow one in the main thread and left it as it came up :(
Hi Judi, they are 4 nice captures of the dogs playing, the attached file at the bottom is my favourite
they look like they are having fun
All nice shots I think I prefer the top 1. Not completely sure why, I think its more colour in the grass and that you can see the dogs eye possibly :thinking:
I used to be indecisive now I'm just not sure :)
Don't care here about any of the photography, I just love dogs and yours are sweeties! :)
Hi Judi,

line - You were lucky to get a blue sky and to catch a plane at the same time. Having the plane on the diagonal works well!
Play - Like most on here I would go for #1, it's lovely to see dogs playing!
Great shots Judi looks like they were having fun the last one made me grin you can almost read the large one's mind as your little Schnauzer is hurtling towards it.
Hi Judi. I like number one. Seeing the dogs face on the left really helps.

As for the Flickr what exactly are you doing? Maybe we can help if we know what you're up to!
I go open flickr click on the photo that i want ,.../ go to the sq box with arrow... click on grab html/bb code...click on the code and the size button.... copy and paste into the forum pop up that asks for it

Thanks for your help
Hi Judi, welcome aboard, and you're off to a strong start with your image for 'Line'. What luck to get a lovely blue sky like that! It's a great interpretation of the theme and a really strong diagonal, and I like the little wisp of cloud.

Your idea for 'Play' is one I was considering too as we have two dogs who love to play like this, but one of them has been a bit poorly so I may have to do something else. It's a really fun series of images and they capture the moment well, especially those pauses between the chases. I would plump for image 1 as the strongest for this theme, and look forward to seeing more of your pictures.
Agreed. Good thinking and nicely done. Might have cropped it a bit to lose the cloud bottom left and make it a bit stronger if I was being picky but it's a great image anyway.

Thank-you Gav, I wondered for a long time about the cloud ( i have one with out cloud, but decided on that one)

Hi Judi, welcome aboard, and you're off to a strong start with your image for 'Line'. What luck to get a lovely blue sky like that! It's a great interpretation of the theme and a really strong diagonal, and I like the little wisp of cloud.

Your idea for 'Play' is one I was considering too as we have two dogs who love to play like this, but one of them has been a bit poorly so I may have to do something else. It's a really fun series of images and they capture the moment well, especially those pauses between the chases. I would plump for image 1 as the strongest for this theme, and look forward to seeing more of your pictures.

Thank-you Andrea, I think that I was just lucky with both shots, the plane being there just when i needed some lines and getting the ones of the dogs too, as it was the first time with a camera and Gem since I got my new one at Christmas, she found a friend and and i took a few shot which luckily all came out ok :)
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Hi Judi

another vote for #1 from me.....seeing the lab's face is what clinches it....c'mon , let's go play !
The 3rd would have nee superb with slightly faster shutter speed...it takes a while getting to grips with a camera.....I suffer everytime I go to a bike meet , takes me an age to get the shutter speed right .Sometimes I go and stand road side & shoot cars just for practice :D
Thanks craig and Chris for you comments :)

Hi Judi

another vote for #1 from me.....seeing the lab's face is what clinches it....c'mon , let's go play !
The 3rd would have nee superb with slightly faster shutter speed...it takes a while getting to grips with a camera.....I suffer everytime I go to a bike meet , takes me an age to get the shutter speed right .Sometimes I go and stand road side & shoot cars just for practice :D

Thanks Lynne,
They had fun, both a bit scared at times.
Still getting to grips with the settings need lots more practice and a bit of nice weather :)
hi Judi - i rather like this one, really nice and simple, but I can imagine not that simple to get perfect focus, at the perfect time.

Even like the tiniest little sunburst you have on the right side of the drop
Yes, great timing Judi. As mentioned by Graham, I'd also spotted the tiny starbursts and what I can only guess is the reflection of the line in the droplet, very good (y)